By Jack Trogdon on Tuesday, 23 July 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Very long day

Hello everyone, I am writing this journal 8:40 PM so I bet some of you are asleep. But today I woke up the and had breakfast and went to the gym, same as yesterday. But when I am running my miles I can see improvement so that is good. I was able  to finish my exercises and get better, then when we got home I rested played a little bit of video games watched Batman V.S. Superman, good movie in my opinion. (Batman is my favorite.) then I had lunch was able to hang out in my house and play games. After that we went to TKD and assisted the first class and took the next one. I got stuff crossed off there and had fun. Then once we got home I went to a Church activity and was able to talk to missionaries that I had not seen in years and they had cool stories. Once we got home my Mom told me to write my journal and here we are now. I hope everybody had a great day and I wish you all, Good Night.

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