By Pam Russ on Sunday, 08 February 2015
Category: Candidate Journals

Thank You!

Thank You Master Evins for the meal replacement package today. I am trying to get and keep food in me.. Calories and nutrients to allow my body to keep going. This has been a really tough week for me. I am actually considering baby food at this point. Good enough for the young ones, might be good enough for this 'older' one.
Yesterday I tried to do more and be more active. I even did a shoot late in the day.. By evening I felt like I had been run over and headed into a relapse with the cold mess. This morning I was exhausted. It was like starting over.
Today I made a choice to not go to BB and sparring class. Afraid that if I push too much, I may not be able to pull it together and finish. I read the post Master Shin posted from Grand Master Lee and thought long and hard about it... I came to the conclusion, if I don't respect myself enough to let my body heal, then I won't be able to go forward. If I can't go forward, I can't help others. It was really hard to watch TJ leave for class without me today. I did however work on my empathy and essays today so it was not a wasted day. Again, tomorrow, I am hoping for better.

Hope everyone else is doing good !
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