Spring 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Superbowl Sunday - Lessons Learned.

Well... I just watched the Eagles win. It was great to watch the "underdog" win. I do not want to use this journal to talk about football teams and players. However, I look at this particular Superbowl as a life experience. If you work hard, stay calm, and stay focused... you can do anything. This is the same in Tae Kwon Do. I believe I have said this before, but Tae Kwon Do has absolutely changed my life over the years. I know I have come a long away from my days as a white belt, and I am truly blessed to be part of the King Tiger family. I am doing things now that I could have only imaged many years ago. Tae Kwon Do has given me the focus and strength I need to be successful in everything I do... home, work, and just plain daily events. I think the other lesson learned from today... is don't ever underestimate your competition. I take this to heart. I work in a competitive market as a software vendor, and we have competition all around us. I also take that to the mat when I am sparring. I never underestimate the opponent. I always assume they are quicker and more experienced that I, and I just stay calm and focused, and figure out the right tactic to be aggressive and get the points. Another part of Tae Kwon Do that I really like is the sparring. Looking forward to the next competition. Have a great night.

15th posting Spring 2018