Spring 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Story Time

Test, test. Um, is this thing on? Oh right, I'm typing this... ok, we're not going to talk about that one. Anyway, today something unique happened, which is why I titled this journal "Story Time". Our story begins at school. During our lunch time, the fire alarm goes off and this time it's the real fire alarm. Nope, it wasn't a drill. All of the classes head outside and I'm one of the many kids there thinking, "oh my, is the school burning down?" When the teacher came out and gave us the signal to go back inside, I admit that I was a little disappointed. If it wasn't a fire, you're probably wondering why the alarm was going off. If you want to guess, stop reading for a moment but I'm going to keep typing. Nope, nobody pulled the fire alarm. (good guess though!) Instead, it was a pipe in the roof that froze over and then the melting ice triggered the fire alarm. So, yeah. All of the firemen came in their cool fire trucks, and they took a look at the pipes and made some adjustments. Now we don't have a leaking pipe anymore. The funny part of all this is that when we went back inside, the teachers acted like absolutely nothing had happed during the past two hours. The eerie part is that the lights in the bathroom never came back on. So yea, that was my school day today. Aaaaaand... cut. 
