By Shayne Robinson on Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Category: Candidate Journals


I usualy wake up feeling a certain way, either tired or relaxed, today I just felt fine, no special anything, so I just ate breakfast then did my online work for school since school is canceled today. I waited for it to snow at about 12 pm then it snowed a bit, but it wasn't a lot then I went outside and worked out and then did my black belt things until like 2 pm were it started snow a bunch. So I don't like running in snow or rain or extreme cold or heat like most people do but I didn't care and I went outside for a run went it was snowing the most. The fiirst few miles were fine then like at mile 2.25 it started like heavily snowing so it smacked me so much and I couldn't see anything and it was very very cold so I keeped running till I got home and I eventualy got home and I was soaking wet with snow covering me and I ran 4.58 miles which wasn't too bad. I then took the trash out and then chilled some till dinner and then continued working on my essays. So good day and I hope you had a good day to!

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