By Aeraly Wiest on Sunday, 09 February 2025
Category: Candidate Journals


I just got back from an amazing sleepover. It was really fun I went to my friend Maddies house and we had a blast! First she opened the present I got her for Valentines day and then we had a spa day with liquid scrubs and face masks. It was so fun then we watched the lost city It was so funny. I've that movie. After that we stayed up really late talking but at the same time not to late cause we went to bed around 10:30 😴 When we woke up we talked a bit before going downstairs for donuts. We rode are scooters down to the Access lot and played in the sand but did not get to close to the water because we couldn't get wet. After that we went to her house and rinsed off our feet before playing mancala (a really fun game) After I had a snack. And got ready to go home.🏡

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