By Donna Harris on Sunday, 29 September 2013
Category: Candidate Journals

Sad Sunday

I do not know if I have just hit the wall with exhaustion or if I am coming down with something.  Slept in a bit this morning, which is not normal, then hit Costco & HT.  When I got home I curled up on the sofa and lights out.  It was a long nap and I did not feel revived afterwards.  Decided that maybe I need to take a small break so spent some time in the kitchen getting meals ready for the week and such.  After I tried to work on pushups & situps and did ok.  Jumped on the treadmill and was pretty happy there.  The TV was on so I said put the DVR Chicago Fire on which kept me going.  I know I am a very slow runner and my pace is not improving much but at least I have the endurance so that is good.  I am done for the day.  Going to shower then focus on ironing and studying after dinner.  I just do not have anything left in me today.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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