By Kimberly Clincy on Friday, 16 August 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Pulled Pec

When I woke up this morning, I felt pretty good overall. Later on, I noticed pain in my right pectoral muscle and I tried to stretch it out which did not help....probably made it worse. I think it must be the burpees I did in Muay Thai last night (the last straw) on top of my other requirements. When I sneezed, I realized it was worse than I thought....intense shooting pain through the right chest muscles. It took my breath away. I will not be doing any pushups or burpees today. You do not know what muscles you use until it is time....I needed help opening the ibuprofen bottle! I still feel a twinge, but I am much better. I gotta to work tonight and black belt class in the morning. Have a good one! 

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