By Praneel Kamaiah on Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Category: Candidate Journals

October 13, 2015

     Today we had my ELA class had its first warm-up on Passage Correction. In International Studies we had a 3 people group, in which 2 people had to find 20 facts on Immigration in Manhattan during the 1800s and 1 had to read a short passage on it, write facts on it and answer questions on it. Well while I was reading the passage for 10 min, my 2 other partners were playing games instead of working. When I come back they haven't answered nothing, so I did there work. Luckily, my teacher said I would get credit and they wouldn't. During Social Studies a person in my class was taken out of class for playing games on their computer. In our school if you use the school's network they can track what you are searching. I am going to the Renaissance Festival tomorrow. Yeah!

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