By Graceyn Pignatiello on Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Category: Candidate Journals

National Chocolate Mint Day!!! 02/18/25

OH YEAH! CHOCOLATE MINT?? COULD I ASK FOR A BETTER COMBINATION??? (And for those who say "It taste like toothpaste" Hush up because I really couldn't care less.) I'M BACK AT IT AGAIN WHOOOHOOOOOOOO! I started my very non-productive day with me waking up at 6 A.M. and grabbing my phone and going downstairs to have eggs with a bagel for the 25th time since my diet thing started. I cut out thing with a lot of sugar like candy and sweets this includes muffins and cereal so I'm really out of options. I absolutely positively can not go another day like this!!! MY LIFE IS GONE! I NEED SUGAR!!!!!!! only 11 more days to go but I remember what felt like 5 million weeks ago it only said 15 more days... CAN IT GO ANY SLOWWER? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!


It was about 8:30 A.M. when I fell asleep and woke up at 11:30... I guess I was really tired. I started and finished school work pretty quickly and got some requirements out the way then went to the park with my sister where it was snowing. We practically slipped and fell every 2 seconds on the platforms. When we got home I really just loused around for the rest of the day so I guess that was it, until about 15 minutes before I wrote this (It's 10:17 P.M.) me and my sister were doing handstands and I fell on my very painful lamp. nothing broke but I think my foot and knee did. It really hurt. There's a two hour delay tomorrow so I will get some amazing rest and snore my heart out. GOOD NIGHT!!!!!

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