By Aeraly Wiest on Sunday, 09 March 2025
Category: Candidate Journals

My dad almost broke his back!

So today I woke up around 7:30(cause of the spring forward) And I did some chores with my dad while my mom went to the store. When she got back we ate lunch and then got ready to cut down a tree 🌳 At first it was going well but it got stuck on some other trees. So we got a rope to rap it around it. That failed SO FOR SOME REASON MY DAD DECIDED TO CLIMB ON THE LADDER AND LIKE JUMP DOWN ON THE TREE!!! IT WORKED BUT HE LANDED VERY HARDLY ON HIS BACK WITH A LOUD PLOP!!!! MY MOM SCREAMED AND WE RUSHED OVER LUCKILY HE WAS LAUGHING. BUT NOW HE WAS COMPLANING OF BACK PAIN!😯😟 By the way he has fallen off of ladders before and sliced the back of his ear of and we had to rush to the emergency room! But anyway this time we didn't have to go anywhere. Thank goodness!! He is such a risk taker. Could never be me! ( totally) totally could never be me.

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