Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Molly McGinn 3/24/24

Hello! I know I haven’t done an entry in a few days since i’ve hit my 50 journals but i thought it would be good to do one. Today I got picked up early by a really good friend of mine and we went to church together. We also went to lunch at culver’s which if you haven’t gone to you should give it a try. At lunch I came up with the brilliant idea to give him a haircut. His parents said that would be okay and we went to his house and I indeed cut his hair. It looks great by the way and I’m very surprised with myself for doing so because i’ve never once cut anyone’s hair.  I did get some help from his mom but I did some too. When I got home It was weird not having to do any requirements or any class even though it is Sunday. I also wanted to say great job to everyone at testing yesterday! I can definitely say I was very nervous the whole time and could tell lots of other people were to! I just really wanted to say how great I thought everyone has done throughout the whole cycle and at testing aswell. I saw a lot of people with tears and blood (I included) just like Grand Master Evins said. I am very proud of us all for this achievement and they said not everyone will pass and that’s okay the journey was amazing and I look forward to being able to do it again. Great job everyone. 
