Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Meek, Leak, Week

This has been a terrible week for getting Cycle stuff done.  It's also been a terrible week for getting work stuff done.  Everyone's been putting out fires at work with server issues and whatnot so there's been a lot of context switching and blocked work.  It's also been rainy all week which means almost every time I think I'm going to get some mileage in, it's raining too hard to go outside over lunch.  I think we need to get a treadmill because I don't want to have to do a full week's mileage in a single outing to the gym.

On the other hand, we went to Bradford's Open House today and learned about the new app/system they're using for parent communication.  I think they went a bit long in the presentation given that they linked us to the powerpoint but at least the presenter didn't just read every slide word for word.  Unfortunately, we didn't really have enough time afterwards to meet the teachers because the open house closed out a few minutes after it was done - but I think Samuel got to meet all of them when he went out on his own during the presentation.

I don't think I have all my requirements done for the week but I'm close.  I'll just have to make some up next week.  Ironically, I think I'm a bit ahead on some stuff and a bit behind on others.  Hopefully Debbie's gone and rain will stop and I can catch up my mileage before the next storm rolls in.

No protest?
Face off lesson