Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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March 15th

Welp, all things considered I still had a great day. I woke up heading towards Charlotte for the day normal drive abnormal but ordinary carpool karaoke ensues. I make it right up to my exit to 5 mins from the Dojang and wouldn't you know it's the used car sputter, stall, all of the lights on the dashboard emote and then the wheel locks up (yippee). Thankfully I am a okay and that's all that matters I was able to get myself to shoulder of the exit safely and start looking for a tow home. Everything else was actually very smooth the tow ride home was more pleasant than expected and the tow was relatively inexpensive tbh on the lemon. Hope that class went well I certainly missed everyone and all the fun. Once I got home I Uber'd to the store so I could make dinner and then walked back because Gaffeny SC isn't really a place to Uber (oh well extra 2 miles with weights yay for me). Going to rest a little bit now and work some of my things for class later this evening. 

community service project