Spring 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Last Day of 2017

I decided to take some time this morning and reflect back on my year. It has been pretty interesting year for me. I started a new job in April of 2017. It has been a challenge but something I wanted to do. It is really the dream job for me and I continue to be excited. I get to do something I love doing, even if it means I am away more than before. But my children are older, so I think the impact is less than when they were younger. I also make sure that when I am home, I dedicate time and attention to them. The same really applies to my wife and home life as well. When I am home, I work hard to pick up the slack and even do extra knowing that I will be away again soon and will not be there to help. My wife and I are actually spending more time together now than ever, because we are making that time. All great things. The other big event was my oldest daughter started college this year. Big change for us at home and big adjustment not having her around all the time. She is going to University of South Carolina (USC), and also made the junior varsity cheerleading squad. I am so very proud. We got season tickets to the football games and went to most of them. It is pretty cool to see her out there performing, and even caught her on TV a couple of times. Pretty neat. I think the last item is my son and how much he is growing up. Nate is only 9, but it just feels like yesterday when he started King Tiger, and now we are Bo Cho Dans together. Pretty awesome journey. We are both very excited about the BBC training and journey as well. Looking forward to see how 2018 goes. Happy New Year.

Journal Day 1
Journal - Day 8