By Srilekha Krishnan on Tuesday, 16 July 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Journal - Day 4

Good morning, everyone! Yesterday was a great day. I got my requirements done before heading to Tae Kwon Do. I helped out with summer camp for a bit, then classes started. I always love helping out in classes because it's always cool to see the uniqueness of each individual. After helping out, I got both my mentor and mentee sessions in. Master Natasya told me to focus more on my preps since I have the forms down. After that, I took a second and higher class, which I really enjoyed. We did a few old hapkido moves, and then we moved on our belt self-defense. Today, I have a few more assignments to do for my civics class, and later I will head to TKD. Have a wonderful day!

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