Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Journal 6 - Super Saturday

I hope everyone had a Super Saturday!!! Today I woke up and got dressed so i could get to the track as soon as possible. I drink some water and I was off. Running down the track at a nice jog. When I finished my mom gave me some muffins to eat. They were yummy! I sat on the ground for a few minutes talking with my mom. After the bochos finished I got onto the bus and headed on up. When I got there we did the rest of our pre test! Everyone did so awesome!!! After we finished up, I got one to the bus and headed back down to the Lake Norman school. When I got there I set my stuff down and started to help out with the upcoming class. I then got home and ate lunch and played with Fred my puppy! I had a little bit before I had to go to my hair appointment so I played with my brother until I had to go. I decided to cut my hair 6 to 7 inches shorter than it was at the time!!! My friends came over later today to meet my puppy because they had been at camp. I ate dinner and played with Fred more. Now I’m running the show so everybody I hope you had a super Saturday and you can’t wait for everyone to have a special Sunday!!! Good night, everyone!

P.S. Today is National Moon day and lollipop day!!!


Pre-Test and Demo Practice