By Braxton Wilmoth on Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Category: Candidate Journals

Journal #44-2/25/25

When mom woke me up this morning for school, I wanted to stay in bed.  But I finally got up and mom peeled an orange for me to eat on the way to school incase I couldn't eat anything they had.  I didn't eat it on the way but I did eat it with some milk and other mandarin oranges that they had at school.  I was so tempted to eat the honey bun but I was able to resist temptation!! We had blocks like normal, I may have a test on Thursday if my teacher is there, her kids are sick so she may be out.  At recess I missed 2 goal opportunities, we did tie the game though! Then I rode the bus to KT, then I ran with Nixon and Carter.  I did some Poomsae, kicks and self defense.  I also did my LAST mentor session today.  I also helped with Little Tigers today.  Then we had McDonalds for dinner before Scouts.  I had my first Troop 10 meeting tonight.  I got home and took a LONG shower.  My legs are really sore.  Now I am heading to bed.

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