By Braxton Wilmoth on Monday, 24 February 2025
Category: Candidate Journals

Journal #43--2/24/25

When I woke up I got ready for school.  I wished I would have had something to eat at home because all they had for breakfast at school was sugary things so I couldn't have any of them because I am still on my nutrition challenge : (  I was pretty hungry till lunch.  We did blocks, recess and lunch like normal.  Then after school I rode the bus to KT and did some requirements and ran with Carter.  I also took class today.  I also was finally able to get with my mentee and make a schedule of when we will work together til the end of the cycle, he has been hard to get time with.  He either leaves early, has alot of homework or lately because of the snow didn't come in to KT.   We finally went home and had dinner then I got ready for bed!

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