By Braxton Wilmoth on Monday, 17 February 2025
Category: Candidate Journals

Journal #36--2/17/25 NO SCHOOL!!

Today we didn't have school!!! So we didn't have to get up as early! When mom woke up she got me and Anthony off electronics and we had breakfast.  Then we packed our lunches.  Then mom dropped us at King Tiger a little early.  I traded pokemon with Nixion.  Then we did roll call and split into to groups big kids and little kids, the big kids played big matt games first.  Brien came and picked me and Anthony up at 11, earlier than we thought he was coming.  So we took our lunches with us.  We hung out a Brien's for the day and had a Mario Kart tournament.  Later on he had to bring us back a little earlier than planned because he had something come up for work.  When I got back to KT I ran a mile and then played some video games.  Then I did a mentor session before class.  Then we came home and had dinner.  Then got ready for bed.  Who else hopes in snows this week??

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