By Braxton Wilmoth on Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Category: Candidate Journals

Journal #31--2/12/25--SICK

Well today wasn't such a good day.  I was supposed to have a field trip today but as we were riding on the bus I threw up on the bus :(  so my mom had to come and pick me up.  I didn't throw up anymore today but I have a headache and my legs hurt and I am REALLY tired.  I slept some when I got home and watched some soccer on TV.  I ate a little dinner and I am gonna go back to sleep.  Mom said she is gonna try and get me a doctors appointment for tomorrow morning.  I am glad I am ahead on all over my requirements except running so I wont get to far behind.  Today is also my LaLa's (grandpas) birthday.  Hopefully I'll feel better by this weekend so we can celebrate.

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