Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Journal 28

saturday was a good day. 

so i woke up around 7:30, went back to sleep for 20 minutes because i was too lazy to get up, and then dragged myself out of bed. after that i got ready for sparring and bbc that day, and just then as me and my mom were about to leave for sparring, i was like: "wait... where's my book?". so cue a five frantic minutes of looking for it. after i found it (it was in plain sight, i felt so bad) i somehow got to sparring on time despite the heavy rain that day. sparring was tiring. bbc was also tiring. iT dIdN'T hAvE tO bE TiRinG, BuT sOmE pEoPLE DeCidEd tO mAkE iT ThAT wAY. but i got most of my requirements done during and between those classes so thank you. after that i got home at around 12:40 and then i got ready because my family had an important event to go to. the event took up most of the afternoon/evening. we got home after that around 1:00 am. i went to sleep, tired and ready to flop. and that brings us up to today, my sunday post, which will be coming shortly after i post this. 

February 18
Journal 42