By Emily Anderson on Saturday, 17 February 2018
Category: Candidate Journals

Journal 14

   Today in American History wasn't very productive but it was a really good class. We first had a test that I didn't study for but got a 86 on. Thats the best test grade I've gotten in that class. Then she talked to us about the recent school shooting. We had a real lockdown on Monday and she actually was making plans for if something happened in the school that she would have the English teacher take the kids in that building out and she would stay back and fight off the attacker. She wasn't joking. She told us that she also had lighters in the room and she can make a flame thrower if needed. She really cares for us and wants us to be safe. She even calls us her children. I have never once had a teacher in my life tell me that they would protect us if something bad happened. This is one of the many reasons why she's my favorite teacher. She also got a second cat. Now theres two cats in the classroom!

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