Spring 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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It is Monday!!!

Hello everyone. My wife and I took our daughter back to school today. She starts class back up tomorrow. This trip really reminded me that although she is legally an adult (18)... she is still very much a child/teenager. She still very much still needs us for financial and moral support. My daughter is very book smart, but her "life-skills" are sometimes lacking. I just find it fascinating how she view things in life, and how little she really knows about what is ahead of her in the coming years. But, I am positive I was no different. I am still learning as time passes. I am extremely excited for her and her future. I cannot wait to see the directions she takes. But, we will always be here to support her... but hopefully we can lose the financial support some day. :-)

Nate spend most of the day at King Tiger's MLK Day Camp. He had a blast. Thank you Master Chelley, Master Natasha, and Master Marcus for your time.

Things are still very interesting at work, so I officially applied today for the new role at work, which was the role my boss had. I am interested to see what happens. Personally, I think they already have someone in mind for the role, but you cannot be in the game if you do not play, so I am throwing my hat in. I am definitely qualified and can do the job. So we shall see.

Now, I need to finish a few more exercises and see my wife off to work... I believe I mentioned before that she is a nurse, so off to one of her night jobs saving lives. Good night.

Journal - Day 24
Enjoying the day off