By Pam Russ on Thursday, 10 September 2015
Category: Candidate Journals

in a straight line

So, I've set an alarm for after lunchtime to make journal entries... trying to do better in this area.
I finally made it to class last night. I took two classes, 5:30p & 6:30p and did not require an ambulance for either.. yeah ! Still dealing with the dizzies.. but I am on the mend. I made it through both classes without falling, and I only almost ran one person over on the road yesterday. (that is an improvement. lol ) I'm sore today but that is all good. Sore is different than pain, I can handle that. I've managed to get my sit ups, push ups, and kicks done already today. The poomsaes are still messing with my balance... it is a work in progress.
As long as my body will continue to work with me throughout today I have full intentions of making it to Black Belt and PMAA classes tonight. One day, one hour at a time. Progressing forward is my goal, without stumbling back too far at any given time.
I hope all are well today !
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