Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Fun on the weekend

Hi fellow people of the black belt cycle. This weekend was really exciting. On Saturday I woke up and did black belt class like all of you and then I helped out with multiple classes and got a few miles in. Later I ate lunch with my family and watched School of Rock at night. The movie was really awesome - going into it I thought it was going to be a geeky rock movie (yuck), but I was genuinely surprised how much I liked the movie. It was funny how the kids transformed from a boring classical school to a fun, cool rock band. Jack Black is now my favorite actor. Ok, enough about the movie, change of scenery time, now we're talking about Sunday. "Let's go everyone, places! And.... action!" Today was also another fun day as I took my first poomsae class. I love how you can just keep learning things. The information just keeps flowing like a river. We went over Il Chang step by step and analyzed each step. It's kinda crazy how you know this poomsae for years and then you see it from a whole new point of view. The rest of the day flew by and then I worked on my new skill, which if you want, you can read about in a future journal which may or may not be titled "skill reveal." After that I did my preparations for school and then hopped into bed and started writing this journal. Sleep, school, TKD... it's like a cycle. Hey, wait a minute! Is that why they call it the black belt CYCLE? Ohhh shower thoughts. Bye. ice cream cone. 

1/28/24 Journal #23
Jan 28