By Janet Barrett on Friday, 21 March 2014
Category: Candidate Journals

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, was restless last night. Watched the twins and my other grandson, Kash. Last nights classes were great. Felt like I'm making progress with retaining some stuff. Went to the Y this morning for my morning workout (pull-up, sit-ups, ran on indoor track). I always wondered what the other runners think of me. I would warm-up with some burpees, sit-up and push-ups, then run a mile; do some more push-ups/sit-ups; run another .5 miles and complete withi some poomsaes. ;0). At Kinko's now but have to run off to work shortly. Need to figure out how I;m going to type up my final paper. Im making progress. Whoohoo!!
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