By Kimberly Clincy on Thursday, 29 August 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Correspondence & Homework

This morning, I was able to complete a majority of my requirements. Whew!! My emotions during this cycle are like a yo-yo. I have a love-hate relationship with Taekwondo right now. I will keep it moving though. On another note....I do not usually talk about it, but I am a sponsor with PlanUSA. It is a great organization that supports children in need, especially helping them to attend school and improve their living conditions. I did sponsor a girl from Mozambique for 10 years, but she turned 18 earlier this year and aged out. Now, I sponsor 4 children from Benin, Haiti, Cambodia and Sudan. My goal is to correspond with them once a month. I like to send coloring pages and stickers. Afterwards, I will watch a few videos for school and then head out to the dojang. Have a good day/night!!

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