Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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An early, dark start...

To make sure we had enough time to get our three miles in we had to get up at 4 am.  I know that may sound a bit extreme, but keep in mind I needed to drive 25 minutes to get to the track after waking up after five hours of sleep, plus making sure we are, got Samuel in the car, and made sure he had food and drinks.  It was very dark when we got there, and there was only Instructors Courtney and Lisa there as far as I could tell in addition to us.  It is very pretty to watch the sun come up and see more and more folks join us on the track.  I was surprised to see John join in the run.  He said he had gotten up at 2 am and walked to the track so he could participate.  Testing seemed to go well and I was impressed with how much I knew out of the random questions.  The soreness has already started, and I was hoping to get to bed early tonight.   Unfortunately, I have two kids and a dog that are scared of thunderstorms so I had to get people and critters calmed down before being able to journal.

Day #8 - 7/20/2024
Day 8