
Zachary Prioleau

Member since: Saturday, 22 July 2017
Last Visit: Wednesday, 08 November 2017
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

My computer is working

My computer is working! Its all set up and ready to go. I'm so happy.

  913 Hits

My new computer

My brother gave me his computer today! I was surprised and very happy. He just got a new one and gave me his. It's only  a year old. I went to the store and picked out my mouse too. Its pretty cool. He gave me a computer!!

  1024 Hits

Scared of Irma

I'm scared of Hurricane Irma. I don't know how strong a hurricane is and I don't know what is going to happen.  My Mom bought a lot of water and food. I'm curious about my first hurricane  and what its going to be like.  But I'm still a little scared.

  995 Hits

Labor Day coming home

I came home today from my G-ma's house. I got to see my little cousin.  I cant believe how tall he is now.  My G-ma gave us a Wii with lots of games.  My uncle played catch with us too. He taught us about baseball.  It was a very fun weekend!

  936 Hits

Late requirements

I do my requirements at night time.  My Mom told me I had to go to bed so I didn't get to finish this time.  I'm tired so I'll to bed and do more tomorrow. 

  1007 Hits

Knocked out requirements with Mom

I did my requirements with Mom and got them done. She can do sit-ups fast, but she's a little fluffy on the inside.  My Mom doesn't really like burpees. When I do my requirements she does them too. I really like doing my requirements.They get me strong and healthy. Its really challenging when you do a lot of them at the same time.

  890 Hits

Nothing to talk about

I have nothing to talk about.  I'm just tired and want to go to bed. My head hurts and I'm sleepy. Good night!

  875 Hits


Today I ate pizza for dinner and it was delicious! We went to a new place and it was good pizza!  I ate a whole pizza by myself.  I really want to go back there.

  824 Hits

Mom's compliment

Today after black belt class my Mom gave me a compliment for how strong I was being in class.  She said I looked really good at my poomsaes and self defense. I liked the compliment! And I told her I had been practicing more. I got this!

  852 Hits

Back Home

Yesterday I came back from vacation. I got to see my dog. I got to sleep in my own room. I did miss my mom when I went on vacation. My dog ran to me and my brother. I liked that.

  842 Hits

Pool with family

Today I went to the pool with my family.  I had a lot of pool toys there.  I played catch with my uncle and I had so much fun!

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Relax and chill

Today I relaxed then did requirements.  I played roblox and watched some tv.  Then I had some dinner.  And then I went back to relax some more.

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Today I played roblox with my friend. And I played it by myself. Roblox is one of my favorite games.  I'm on it a lot.  It has so many games.  I like playing it because it shows me how hard workers work in restaurants and stores.

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Phone games

Today I talked to my friend on my phone. We played games like reblox all day. But we didn't play on the games too much. I had a lot of fun with him. I had a lot of fun with him.

  867 Hits

Pancakes for dinner

Today I had pancakes for dinner. My grandma makes the best pancakes. I ate six pancakes!I could've ate more but I didn't.Those pancakes are really good.  They're better than IHOP.To me, my grandma is the best pancake maker.

  761 Hits

At the pool

Today I went to the pool and tried out a new pool toy my aunt gave me. I had fun play with some of the kids there.  It was a good day.

  851 Hits

To Grandma's house

Today I went to my Grandma's house.  It was a long trip and I slept on the way there. Then I did my requirements.

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Run in the rain

Today when I started my run it rained. I got wet and so did my dog. And I and had to pick up dog poop for my dog while it was raining. Not fun.  The rain kept coming heavy and I had to go inside. Before I went inside I did some of my kicks. I kicked the rain.

  862 Hits

Two moons

Today I saw two moons outside.  I know it was just one moon but it must have had a reflection.  I stayed up looking at the moon starting at 9:30pm to 10:53pm. We were coming from Gma's house on the highway.  It was not that bright outside, so I had a good view of it.

  841 Hits

My friend's house

Tonight I went to my friend's and we played video games.  I haven't seen him in a month. It was good to see him and I had a lot of fun!

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Day workout

Today I worked out with my friend Brice. We did our poom saes and self defenses. And we did pushups and sit ups. Later I ran with my Mom. I like that because she let's me stop to catch my breath. My brother makes me keep running.

  805 Hits


Today I went to the movies with King Tiger Summer Camp. I saw Happy Feet 2. I almost fell asleep. I got too cold.  The movie had a lot of singing in it and I really enjoyed it.

  847 Hits


Today I did a workout with my Mom. I  ran two miles and did 130 pushups.. I did all the rest of my requirements with my Mom

  889 Hits

Spartan race

Yesterday I did my first Spartan race. I didn't like it because I got stuck in mud twice. It was jusy too much mud. And there was cow poop in the field! I jumped over obstacles and that was good. And I had to carry some heavy stuff and that wasnt bad. It was just the mud. Too much.

  859 Hits

My phone

Today I got a new phone.  I didn't like it at first.  But now I really like it. I know how to use it better and can use it in different ways.

  815 Hits


I'm tired. Up late doing my requirements. I should do more during the day. I'm starting yawn now. It's past 10pm now.

  850 Hits

Running with Mom

Today I ran with my Mom. I ran about 2 miles and it was night time. It was challenging but pretty fun. Challenging because we ran up and down hills. Fun because I actually got to see how good my Mom was at running.  

  823 Hits

first day back at camp

It was my first back at camp from a couple weeks off.  It felt pretty good but annoying. Some people are pretty wild and talk too much.They sometimes get us in trouble. People did start to learn to stop talking so much.  We played a couple of mat games. Some people just couldn't handle it, so they had to sit out a round. But it was still a very good day.  I actually got to help at one station. Cool.

  825 Hits

I'm sleepy

I'm tired and my legs hurt. I worked out a lot today in the heat. I'm ready to go bed! I'm out.

  791 Hits

Zach's Pre-test

Hi! Today was my pre-test and I had a good time. Now I know what it feels like to start testing. I got some of my requirements in and that was good.  And I went to the sparring seminar and that was helpful too.  What I liked best about the seminar was that I found out what parts I was doing wrong on a couple of my poomsaes. When I was sparring I learned in techniques so that I can become a better fighter.  I'm ready for the next competition and hopefully win in my match. I also got to read about the megalosaurus which means giant lizard. I really like dinosuars!! All kinds of them.

  808 Hits