
Sanjana Pai

Member since: Sunday, 08 June 2014
Last Visit: Sunday, 02 November 2014
Sanjana Pai
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Last night...

Last night my family and I drove down to Raleigh and stayed the night with my aunt and uncle! We went over there to celebrate an Indian holiday and came back today! It was really fun but I'm really tired, I'm just glad I have no school tomorrow!

  1214 Hits

It one day...

It one day before Halloween! I've really gotten into the spirit. Yesterday at my school we had an event called Trunk or Treat where we set up trunk for each of our clubs and give candy to children in our community. It was really fun, but I had to miss class because it was from 4-8 and I was required to be there! But tomorrow is going to be more fun since it is actually the day of Halloween! I am not sure what i am doing yet but I will be with my friends so it'll be great!

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Today stra...

Today straight after school I had to go to my friends house to help decorate for an event held at our school called Trunk or Treat! Each club sets up a car and their trunk they set up a cool booth where kids can trick or treat from! The event is tomorrow so the different clubs I'm in all created their Trunk booths today, it was really fun! The theme is vampires!! After decorating i didn't do much, I barely had any homework today which was really nice!

  1155 Hits

it was the...

it was the first official day/ class being a black belt! I was really looking forward to class and learning some of the new forms or self defense! And in class today that's exactly what we got to do we learned the first seven moves of gumgong and the first three 1st don self defense!

  1186 Hits

It Testing...

It Testing Day!!! I'm So excited and nervous! I'm glad last night I was able to sleep at 9:15 which was surprising but I got 6 hours of sleep! Hopefully I'm still not sleepy later as the day progresses!! Good Luck to Eveeyone:)

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TGIF!! I d...

TGIF!! I didn't do much the whole day today since it was Friday my teachers took it easy! I went to black belt class but it ended a little early because of the Pumpkin event! I'm excited for Tom!! The day is finally here!!

  1045 Hits

I felt lik...

I felt like today was a very simple and easy going day even though I had a test and Quiz! They weren't that hard so it was goood! After school my mom and I got Dunkin donuts because we had a free coffee coupon and then I went to sparring class! Sparring class was also very easy going but I liked it!! And last I ended the day with no homework because I had none tonight which was a first and now I'm going to bed! night:)

  989 Hits


Grandmaster Lee came today and his time at the Dojan was really fun! He was a super sweet person and taught us the correct ways that he knew to do things! I really enjoyed his visit to our location but I'm sad that I had to leave early because My mom needed me home at 8:30 today specifically!! Hopefully next time he comes I will be able to stay the whole entire time!

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I woke up ...

I woke up late today! I was supposed to get up early and finish homework but my alarm never went off so I had for yah to finish the little I kept this morning! After going to school I went to PMAA class and we went over knife twirling techniques and our Section A cinawalees for the testing! Only 4 more days:)

  880 Hits

I woke up ...

I woke up late today! I was supposed to get up early and finish homework but my alarm never went off so I had for yah to finish the little I kept this morning! After going to school I went to PMAA class and we went over knife twirling techniques and our Section A cinawalees for the testing! Only 4 more days:)

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Today was ...

Today was the day I go to show off my somewhat new hair! I had attempted to dye it Sunday but it didn't fully change to the color I wanted since i have black hair! But today was a good day in m ap calc class, since we had won a race against the other classes, we got a movie day and Doughnuts! Class today was fun though! We were all so shocked the testing was this saturday, its been so quick to come!

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Yesterday ...

Yesterday I had to take the PSAT and it ran pretty late! I was supposed to take black belt class because they told us it would end at 11 but it finshed at 12 so I couldn't make it to if! :( But after I went to my volunteer at normal time-2pm- and then got to visit my friend at her job!!

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It was pr...

It was pretty relaxed friday! I went to school, then straight to TKD black belt class. We did stick, staff and regular forms! After TKD I hung out with my friend. I have to sleep relativity early because i have to take the PSAT in the morning tom before black belt class at Master Evins' School!

  842 Hits

It was ha...

It was half day today! I had to come in late to school because of my mitchell class and we basically did nothing in my classes! After school, I stayed after to help with a child day care, then went to lunch with my friends. I then came home to change to go to TKD class leadership 1 and my regular monday wednesday class! Finally ending the day with my homework:)

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It's anoth...

It's another homework free day! It's been great! it's the second day, and I got more time to sleep last night! We also had fall break at Mitchell so I didn't have to go which was a plus!

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It's anoth...

It's another homework free day! It's been great! it's the second day, and I got more time to sleep last night! We also had fall break at Mitchell so I didn't have to go which was a plus!

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I also enj...

I also enjoyed my weekend! Starting it off I went to the Homecoming football game for our school! Then saturday was very busy for me! First I went to the Physical Testing for our cycle where I did well in all my times and numbers, then I took the black belt class at Master Evins' school! After class got over, I went to Kick for Kids, it was so much fun. I even helped out instructors with their kicks! Lastly, I went to our school's Homecoming dance and it was very fun and lasted till 11 pm!

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It was a p...

It was a pretty busy sunday, considering all my homework I had to do! I started the day by going to a study group session to finish a project! After I had to drop my dad at the Airport and then come home and finish a lot of homework I had to do this weekend, including an essay and studying for a test!

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It was a f...

It was a fun day at school today! This whole week, with the spirit days, has been leading up to today, the Homecoming Game! In school we had a Pep Rally and everybody, for the last spirit day, had to wear school colors, where juniors were blue! After the pep rally the rest of the day was very relaxed because it was also a friday! After school, i had to go straight to Black Belt class, so i wouldn't be late because of traffic, which I was in for 40 minutes!! After class, I went to the Homecoming Football game, where they announced the kings, queens, and princesses for Homecoming!

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It was ano...

It was another day of spirit week today! Decade day- i dressed up like a hippie from the 70s! I got to feature in many yearbook pictures since i had been one who dressed up, which I'm glad i did! After school, I had gone to the gym, but I didn't get to go to Sparring Class today!! I was sad about that I had a meeting and had to finish an essay! But I only have one more sparring class to take for that requirement to be complete! I have also recently noticed many of my requirements are close to being finished or are, like pull-ups, which is really exciting!!

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The day wa...

The day was quite easy for me! I didn't do much work in school today because most my teacher didn't assign many items. It was good because I got less homework as well, other than an English Essay I have to finish by Friday...which I am currently working on! But after school, I finished homework and went to class today, where EJ thought I was in eighth grade!! We also learned a new hapkido form which was cool to do, I liked this one!

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This week ...

This week at school is spirit week, so today my friend and I dressed up as minions from Despicable Me, because it was character day! It was really fun as well as making ht float we had to make today, too, for the float parade tomorrow after school in honor of homecoming! Other than that, I went to PMAA class and it was fun learning about knife attacks and then reviewing stick cinawalis!

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I know, i ...

I know, i know, this is everyday but... I was again tired from the lack of sleep I had gotten. I thought i had somewhat made it up over the weekend...but i guess not! Ii started to feel drowsy at school( and it didn't help that it was Pajama day so i was feeling comfy and ready to pass out) but as soon as school got over I had no energy whats so ever especially at class today! It was so bad that I reached TKD at 6 and I accidentally fell asleep in my car and was a couple minutes late to my leadership 1 class at 6:15!! Other than that class was good! I'm going to try and end the day little earlier than usual..if i can!

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I was fina...

I was finally able to catch up on my sleep from the past couple of days, since I slept relatively early last night! But I got up around 10 and then started my homework, which is basically what my day consists of, and working out!

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It was a b...

It was a big struggle waking up this morning due to the fact I got no sleep last night! Last night, with my friends I brought along and parents, I had gone to an indian dancing event called Dandiya! It was really fun and I go every year. We were there very late last night and didn't get home till 2 am, and we were one the few who left early! After that night, I was very tired today but I was still able to go to black belt class and my two hour volunteer shift at CMC and then end the day with a relaxing night! I'm going to bed early tonight!!

  916 Hits

It was ano...

It was another early day , I had woken up at 6 am to finish some homework not done the previous night! I had to finish AP US History homework. After I went to school, i had to find a ride home because my dad took the car today because he needed it so i rode home with a friend. Today i was unable to go to Tae Kwon Do for my sparring class because there was so much traffic on 1-77 it was backed up from one exit away from me till my TKD school. So instead, i went home and did homework for today and i had extra time so it felt like a longer day!

  1016 Hits

It was ano...

It was another early day , I had woken up at 6 am to finish some homework not done the previous night! I had to finish AP US History homework. After I went to school, i had to find a ride home because my dad took the car today because he needed it so i rode home with a friend. Today i was unable to go to Tae Kwon Do for my sparring class because there was so much traffic on 1-77 it was backed up from one exit away from me till my TKD school. So instead, i went home and did homework for today and i had extra time so it felt like a longer day!

  852 Hits

It was ano...

It was another early day , I had woken up at 6 am to finish some homework not done the previous night! I had to finish AP US History homework. After I went to school, i had to find a ride home because my dad took the car today because he needed it so i rode home with a friend. Today i was unable to go to Tae Kwon Do for my sparring class because there was so much traffic on 1-77 it was backed up from one exit away from me till my TKD school. So instead, i went home and did homework for today and i had extra time so it felt like a longer day!

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Its been a...

Its been a tiring day today. This whole week I have gotten 5 hours of sleep each day and it had finally caught up to me today. Although i was extremely tired i had to push through and go to school, tae kwon doe and planet fitness which I accomplished all. However, i did have to skip my leadership 1 credit for the day because i was doing AP Calculus study group, which I didn't want to skip. After Tae Kwon doe though, i went to the airport to pick up my dad, coming in from Boston. And i finally conclude my day with my homework for the night!

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It was an ...

It was an interesting day at school today! For my Ap English class, I had to make a scarlet letter for one of my owns sins and create it and stick it on my shirt for the whole day at school. It was fun to do because only those in the class got to participate and everyone kept questioning each others letters.Other than that, i had a normal day with my requirments and workout. But for Tae kwon doe we had an extra sparring class today that I attended right before my PMAA class!

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It was the...

It was the first day i had Tae Kwon Doe on Sunday and in the morning too! It was a mentor/requirement/review session for the black belts on the Cycle at our school. It was from 11-1 and we finished a lot of requirements and I'm glad we did! It brought many of my daily requirements down to a lower number and it was also a good workout! We went over the different stick and staff forms and poomsae! After that session, I went to Costco with my mom for a little while and then went back home to finish my homework and also go to Planet Fitness to do more requirements for the day!

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I had no s...

I had no school today because of a teacher workday, so I got up later than usual! It was very nice to be able to do so! But I still had to work with my study group to finish an AP US Project due Monday! After that I went to class and we did many requirements which was good to add in and get my requirements done for the day!

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The day wa...

The day was chilly and i had not gotten enough sleep the past night, so the start of my day today was not very good. I had gone to school that day to find it quite easy and relaxed compared to other days. After school, i went to my usual Planet Fitness round and then head over to Tae Kwon Do. On my way there i was held up by a major traffic jam on I-77 that was backed up for 5 miles because of a serious car accident, that took 2ambulances and 3 police cars. It was constant bumper to bumper traffic and it took me 1 hour and 15 minutes to finally reach Tae Kwon Do, after missing my usual class to get my leadership 1 credit in. However, i was able to do my regular mentee session, with the time i had before my normal class, with Ava!...

Continue reading
  958 Hits

It was suc...

It was such a nice day out today! It made me have a good day today, i was motivated to go to the gym as soon as i woke up and finish my requirements. I have been doing well on my requirements but I am only concerned for my pull-ups. I feel as though even though I am practicing i won't be able to do one by physical test day. Other than that, I have been practicing everything and am able to do them! After the gym, i did my homework and then relaxed the rest of my Sunday!!

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Grand Mast...

Grand Master Gays Seminar was today and it was a great! The time went by very fast because the conditioning warm up he taught us was so fun that everyone was very engrossed in it! It didn't feel like 1 hour and 45 minutes! After that seminar was over I went to my normal volunteer shift at CMC main at 2 and then went home to so my requirements!!

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It felt li...

It felt like Friday today which made the day very long! After school I had to volunteer to pass out Mac books to the kids! We finally got them for everybody it was exciting but I had to miss my PMAA class because it ran long, which was bad! But after the session I got to customize it and make it my own! Other than that I had no homework for once and got to relax and take my time on my requirements!!

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My day tod...

My day today started very late. I think from my lack of sleep this week I finally got a full rest and made up. After I woke up I went straight to the gym and did my requirements and then started my homework,that surprisingly I don't have a lot of! Later I'm going to go grocery shopping with my mom and my day will end!! It's been a relaxed Sunday:)

  920 Hits

My day tod...

My day today started very late. I think from my lack of sleep this week I finally got a full rest and made up. After I woke up I went straight to the gym and did my requirements and then started my homework,that surprisingly I don't have a lot of! Later I'm going to go grocery shopping with my mom and my day will end!! It's been a relaxed Sunday:)

  1059 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a normal day for me, and followed the everyday routine! I woke up and went to school, after going to the gym and finishing my requirements I went home. I've started to notice a difference in my strength and change in muscle tone! Since there was color belt testing there was no class today but I had lots of homework to make up for the time!

  878 Hits

It was ano...

It was another early Monday morning and a gloomy one, since it was raining, which didn't help my morning laziness. I had my Mitchell class today which then switched to normal school routine! After school I was stuck in student driver traffic but went straight to planet fitness to workout to an extent today! I did more than I had to and made my class, I ran today for warmups, do some too :)

  886 Hits

It was ano...

It was another early Monday morning and a gloomy one, since it was raining, which didn't help my morning laziness. I had my Mitchell class today which then switched to normal school routine! After school I was stuck in student driver traffic but went straight to planet fitness to workout to an extent today! I did more than I had to and made my class, I ran today for warmups, do some too :)

  845 Hits

It was ano...

It was another early Monday morning and a gloomy one, since it was raining, which didn't help my morning laziness. I had my Mitchell class today which then switched to normal school routine! After school I was stuck in student driver traffic but went straight to planet fitness to workout to an extent today! I did more than I had to and made my class, I ran today for warmups, do some too :)

  873 Hits

It was a f...

It was a full day because of the constant clouds and rain.. it made be feel very gloomy as well as the cold I had developed over night which was very rough throughout the night and during school! It restricted me from running because I was fatigued quicker, but I was able to do sparring class today so that was good! I feel as though I was starting to get better as the day progressed!

  826 Hits

It was a f...

It was a full day because of the constant clouds and rain.. it made be feel very gloomy as well as the cold I had developed over night which was very rough throughout the night and during school! It restricted me from running because I was fatigued quicker, but I was able to do sparring class today so that was good! I feel as though I was starting to get better as the day progressed!

  823 Hits

It was fin...

It was finally the start of clubs at school, so I woke up early to attend two meeting in the morning, student council and NHS! After the meetings were over I had 1 1/2 hours of free time since I didn't have a first block at school so I finished up some homework! when school got over I went to planet fitness to exercise and then went to PMAA class. We did sinawalles as a basis of the class! Arriving home after the class I had just ended the day with finishing homework assigned to me!

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This Labor...

This Labor Day weekend was very relaxed for me and I enjoyed it! It was a good way to end the first week of school I hung out with my friends and family! I wasn't able to accomplish all my requirements needed for each day but I got some in! After a fun weekend, I sat today and finished some homework and my mom and I also redecorated my room!

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The day ha...

The day had begun fairly slow and easy, I went to all my classes in the morning at school and ate lunch! But just as I thought this day was very relaxed it was the end of the day and I dropped my phone on the sidewalk, cracking the screen!!! I was very mad because I was very careful with it till this day. After this incident, I decided to let it go in the moment and go workout! I was very proud of myself because I ran faster than my usual time. It was then closer to 6 when I had to leave for sparring class, where we did bon bons celebrating Master Hartles 50th! I then got home and ended the day with some homework!

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It was ano...

It was another early morning with my MCC class today! I got to learn why people dream at night and sleeping patterns! After the long day at school, I went to a Study group for AP calculus and then TKD! Directly after, I had to go to the airport to pickup my dad from Boston!!

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It was a l...

It was a late start this morning. I got to get up at 8 am to go to school, because I didn't have my MCC class this morning! I only had to leave at 9:15 to reach my school! After school let out I went straight to exercise and then PMAA class!

  837 Hits

It was a l...

It was a late start this morning. I got to get up at 8 am to go to school, because I didn't have my MCC class this morning! I only had to leave at 9:15 to reach my school! After school let out I went straight to exercise and then PMAA class!

  839 Hits

My day tod...

My day today started off pretty late because I had woken up, not at my usual 9:30 am, but instead I got up at around 11:30 today. I had gone straight to the gym to finish my requirements after waking up. It wasn't an interesting day, I had finished some summer assignments and prepared for the first day of school tomorrow!

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It was 6:3...

It was 6:30 am when my day had started; I had to get up for my 7:30 psychology class at Mitchell community college! It was another good class and ended a little early! After class, with my two friends, I went to the north lake mall for some back to school shopping! It was quite successful with many sales! I then went to the gym and finished my requirements and after went straight to my TKD class at 7, where I realized I needed to practice on my rolls.. a lot!!

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It was qui...

It was quite a fast day for me today! It started with a morning workout at planet fitness where I finished most of my requirements. After that I went straight to Panera to work on AP English summer assignment, we were told to do, with my friends. I also had to read In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. The day ended with a PMAA class,where I learned palice and other techniques!!

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I started ...

I started my day going to my first class of school of the year, bright at early at 7am! It was at Mitchell community college; I am taking psychology through my school at a college credit. I really enjoyed that class and teacher. After class I got to finish my requirements and really push myself!! i ended my day, after TKD class, by doing the ALS ice bucket challenge, that I got nominated to do; it was both exciting and cold!

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My first w...

My first weekend black belt class was a very good experience and was really fun! I liked that the class was very big compared to the normal size. I also got to go to the sparring class right after and I've started to enjoy sparring, when previously I didn't as much! After these classes, I finished my requirements for the day!

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Today I go...

Today I got to hang out with my friends that I haven't seen after I came back from India and it was really fun! I also went to my first black belt class and got to finish my requirements after!

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Today I go...

Today I got to visit some family friends I haven't seen in a while! They love in Florida and took a ride trip down to visit us! After I got to finish my requirements and help out at 5:30 class and take sparring class that was fun! I don't normally like sparring but I like this class:)

  791 Hits

Today I go...

Today I got to visit some family friends I haven't seen in a while! They love in Florida and took a ride trip down to visit us! After I got to finish my requirements and help out at 5:30 class and take sparring class that was fun! I don't normally like sparring but I like this class:)

  815 Hits

Today I go...

Today I got to go to my school after a very long time. I had to go and pick up my first and new parking spot for the school year; it was a nice spot which was pretty close to the main building. I also went to hang out with my friends, got help out at the 6:15 family class and take my usual class at 7:05!

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Today I ha...

Today I had to start on my summer assignments for school so my friend and I worked together on our AP English packet! I also went to my first Tae Kwon Do class after my trip for India and it felt great it! I loved it and am excited to be back:)

  801 Hits

License Day!

Today was very exciting for me! I woke up and around 12pm I went to go take my drivers license test. I passed it!! After reaching home I went by myself to hangout with my friends and we went shopping at Birkdale Mall! It's quite fun driving on my own! I'm really excited I am able to do things on my own for once...finally!!:)

  942 Hits