
Ryan Titus

Member since: Thursday, 12 June 2014
Last Visit: Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Ryan Titus
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

“A black b...

“A black belt is a white belt who never quit!” Shane Tassoul

  1285 Hits

Testing wa...

Testing was great!! Good job everyone on the test.....

  1291 Hits

Just woke ...

Just woke up and took a quick shower..... Very nervous, right know, but I know everyone will fo fine!!!!!

  1185 Hits

I am very ...

I am very nervous for testing!!! Hope everyone does good!!! Good luck everyone!!!

  1184 Hits

Today I le...

Today I learned everything I need for testing!!! I also did a lot of red and high red belt self defense.

  1222 Hits

Today was ...

Today was good. I went to Church Class and practiced some Tae Kwon Do. Getting close to testing.

  1076 Hits

Grandmaster Lee

Today we had a very fun black belt class. We had Grandmaster Lee teaching. It was awesome. We learned some new blocking techniques, and he told us to respect whatever we do and to be sincere about it.

  988 Hits

Just came ...

Just came back from school. School was fun today. We switched seets in math class today. In sceince we popped popcorn in different ways. We got to eat them after we were done to. It was fun. Then we watched a movie.

  1033 Hits

Today was ...

Today was awesome. We had a great day. We went to Church and then went to go look at some property. I got some stuff done today!!!!!

  1033 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a very tiring day. After Sparring Class I had to go to my this big program at our Church. It is basically every country sells the specialty food. It was amazing. We had an Indian food stall. We raised more than $700. All profits go to build a new thing at our Church. It was amazing though. It has amazing food. We just came back very tired. Need to get a good sleep.

  1036 Hits

Today, was...

Today, was a great day... We had no school. Got a bunch of poomsaes done. It was great. Can't wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow I have a day off too.....

  1064 Hits
  1 Comment

Almost rea...

Almost ready for testing. Can't wait. The only promblem I had today was I have a bad headache and my eyes hurt. They're killing me!!!! Very excited because I have a half day tommrow.

  1023 Hits

Good job e...

Good job everyone on the test on Saturday!!!!! Had a great weekend. Went to this movie, came back just right now. Need to go to sleep.

  1073 Hits

I feel so ...

I feel so great. Entered in all my essays in to drop box.It feels like some pressure has gone away from me know. I now basically all the questions on the study guide. Good luck everyone!!!

  1035 Hits

Today I fi...

Today I finished a lot of Essays. Just need to get 2 more Essays done. I am planning to decide to upload everything to drop-box on Friday.

  970 Hits

Today I fi...

Today I finished a lot of Essays. Just need to get 2 more Essays done. I am planning to decide to upload everything to drop-box on Friday.

  986 Hits

Today I fi...

Today I finished a lot of Essays. Just need to get 2 more Essays done. I am planning to decide to upload everything to drop-box on Friday.

  1005 Hits

Today I fi...

Today I finished a lot of Essays. Just need to get 2 more Essays done. I am planning to decide everything to drop-box on Friday.

  933 Hits

Today got ...

Today got a couple essays done. I also got a lot of credits done. Today was an average day for me. Coming close to testing!!!

  1005 Hits


Today I got 2 essays done. Now I have to study for my Social Studies Test. So much tests to study for. It's a lot.

  1092 Hits

Today I we...

Today I went mute. It was super hard. I really wanted to talk. I can't wait till I get to talk tommrow.

  957 Hits

“It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” ― Mother Teresa

  1150 Hits

Come Tomrrow

On Saturday, I will be doing a stand outside of Tae Kwon Do. It will be selling drinks, cookies and chips. Please come and support out Levine's Children Hospital. Thank you very much and hope to see you on Saturday

  936 Hits

Come Tomrrow

On Saturday, I will be doing a stand outside of Tae Kwon Do. It will be selling drinks, cookies and chips. Please come and support out Levine's Children Hospital. Thank you very much and hope to see you on Saturday

  939 Hits

I think I ...

I think I did really good on my test today. I got a lot of credits done today. We also did this cool thing in Black Belt Class doing something with the Koyro Poomsae. Can't wait to go to sleep.

  1007 Hits

Today is a...

Today is a day where I really have to study tonight. I have a big test tomorrow on science. Proably not going to be sleeping tonight till like 11. Need to start studying.

  973 Hits

Very tired...

Very tired. Today I almost fell asleep in band class. I don't now why I am very tired because I did sleep early. Anyway got some credits done and went to Hyper Pro. Can't wait for dinner, my mom said she made something super good.

  1048 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a very tiring day. I had a lot of homework to finsh up including a small project. I didn't get much requirments done. I did have a good evening though. I went to my freinds house and we played video games for like 1 hour. Then he had this reusable breakable boards so we started playing with those. It was a fun evening.

  1184 Hits

I had a ve...

I had a very busy day today. In the morning I had black belt class and sparring class. Then I went to this farm to pick grapes, which are very good. I went to this farm in Concord called Ritchie Farm. It had the best grapes I have ever tasted before. Now I have to leave for another birthday party.

  1043 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a very fun day. I had this very awesome birthday for a freind and It was awesome. We played football and manhunt at like 8:30 at the night.

  951 Hits


This really might be one of the first days I got so much credits in one day. Unbelieveable!! I very close of finishing everything.

  997 Hits


Today was a very boring day. I had to do this test called the MAPS test. It is a really annyoning test. It hurts your eyes too becuase it is taken on the iPad.

  1007 Hits

I got a lo...

I got a lot of credits in today. I feel so good of me. I also had a great day at school.

  934 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a really sleepy day for me. I was so sleepy I almost slept in class. It was pretty much a regular day for me. I had a lot of homework today though.

  965 Hits

Today I le...

Today I learned a lot at blackbelt class. I learned Hop Kido numbers 1-6. I also think I did very good on 2 tests I had today at school which is good!

  933 Hits

Getting ve...

Getting very close to the test. I need to start studying and finish some of the essays. Also when are we doing the group Community Service???

  987 Hits

Myrtle Beach

The PMAA trip to Myrtle Beach was super fun. I really recommend to go if you haven't. The most fun I think I had was when you could take other people down in the water. It was also fun when you got taken down in the water and a wave comes over you!!!!!

  1005 Hits

Today wasn...

Today wasn't much of a busy day. Today we were just resting because yesterday we had this big celebration and I had to do some volunteer work there. I did do a lot of black belt stuff over the weekday though!!!!

  990 Hits

Lots of Test

I started school 2 weeks ago I have so much tests to study for..... I just entered in everything I needed too. I think I am going to have a good labor day weekend.I am going to sleep a lot and do by black belt stuff I hope. Then after that Monday on Tuesday 7th grade gets their iPad which I so excited about ...

  959 Hits

Lots of Test

I started school 2 weeks ago I have so much tests to study for..... I just entered in everything I needed too. I think I am going to have a good labor day weekend.I am going to sleep a lot and do by black belt stuff I hope. Then after that Monday on Tuesday 7th grade gets their iPad which I so excited about ...

  972 Hits

Lots of Test

I started school 2 weeks ago I have so much tests to study for..... I just entered in everything I needed too. I think I am going to have a good labor day weekend.I am going to sleep a lot and do by black belt stuff I hope. Then after that Monday on Tuesday 7th grade gets their iPad which I so excited about ...

  907 Hits

Lots of Test

I started school 2 weeks ago I have so much tests to study for..... I just entered in everything I needed too. I think I am going to have a good labor day weekend.I am going to sleep a lot and do by black belt stuff I hope. Then after that Monday on Tuesday 7th grade gets their iPad which I so excited about ...

  976 Hits

Lots of Test

I started school 2 weeks ago I have so much tests to study for..... I just entered in everything I needed too. I think I am going to have a good labor day weekend.I am going to sleep a lot and do by black belt stuff I hope. Then after that Monday on Tuesday 7th grade gets their iPad which I so excited about ...

  932 Hits

Lots of Test

I started school 2 weeks ago I have so much tests to study for..... I just entered in everything I needed too. I think I am going to have a good labor day weekend.I am going to sleep a lot and do by black belt stuff I hope. Then after that Monday on Tuesday 7th grade gets their iPad which I so excited about ...

  873 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a pretty good day.....I had my first homework assignment today I had to complete. It was very easy, but still hard. It was Social Studies homework today and we were learning about the Renaissance. It was very learning about it...Then in science we had some cool scientific equation!!!! That was all my day.....

  1000 Hits


This weekend was awesome. I went to Myrtle Beach and we got a hotel on the very top of the hotel. It was a beautiful view. The only sad part was it was very cloudy and about to rain. Now the weekend is over so now I back on schedule!!!

  1048 Hits

Busy Today

Today I put I was very busy. I ran by myself today because my dad had to got to work. Then I went to a camp to volunteer at then came back in the afternoon and went to the same camp but for the older kids. That's why I didn't get to do leadership or black belt class today.....

  971 Hits

Today I wo...

Today I woke in the morning and ran 2 miles. Then I did half of my push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups. Then I went to basketball camp which was awesome. After that, I played some video games. Then I did all my other physicals and watched a movie.

  939 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a day were I got a lot of black belt things done. We also learned a stick form in Black Belt Class today. We also did a lot of kicks. Then at the end of the class we started learning our Hop Kido!!!

  1015 Hits

Something New

Today I ran a different path than I used to because I felt bored of doing the other so i went to other path and ran 3 miles. Then I got my pull-up bar and jump rope!!!! About to put the pull-up bar up......

  939 Hits

World Cup

Today was a very sad day today. I really wanted Argentina to win today but it didn't happen. Then in the morning I figured out my tire had a hole or something because it wouldn't fill with air. Then I went to Church, and after that my friends came over to watch that world cup!!!

  978 Hits

A Rainy Day

Today in the morning I went to tennis camp which was amazing and I learned new stuff!! I never actually played tennis but why not try a new skill. Then in the afternoon I finished my physical and here I am typing this journal. This was my day!!!!

  992 Hits

Back in Bussniess

I finally back with my "holiday" an coming back doing Tae Kwon Do things. On Friday we had fireworks at my friends house which was amazing!!!!!!Then we came back at home at 12 and slept a lot. On Sunday we had baby shower for someone. Today our cousins came from Swiss and tomorrow is my sisters birthday!!!!! Thats was by weekend basically.

  965 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a day where I didn't get as much done as I wanted to. I did my regular stuff but not my sparring or poomsae. The only thing I did in the afternoon is that I did my physical an then relaxed. After that I went to the library and read for about 1 hour. That is basically my day......

  902 Hits

Very Sweaty

Today my morning as usual I went running with my day and then I did half of my push-ups and sit-ups. Then in the afternoon I went to my friends house to hangout and went to play bat mitten. Then when I came back home it was 6. After that I finished my physicals and went to play basketball with my dad. My mom and sister joined the game later!!!!

  1048 Hits


Today I got what i wanted completed..... In the morning I ran with my dad and then I went back to sleep for 1 hour. After that I went and did half of my physicals then in the afternoon I finished them. Then I went to help out family class, then took blackbelt class. That was basically my whole day!!! USA lost in soccer :(] king of hopping they would win....

  986 Hits

Didn't get...

Didn't get as much sit-ups or pull-ups I wanted to do. Waked up at 6:30 and came back at 7:30 ish... In the afternoon I went to Hyper Pro class which was awesome.

  927 Hits


Today was very hard day. I had a lot of physical requirements to do. Woke up today when to Church and then came back and ate lunch. After that I did my push-ups then took some rest then did my sit-up, burpees. After that I did my kicks, poomsaes, and self-defense. Then I went running with my mom and here I am now typing my journal.

  1017 Hits

Pretty Good Day

Today morning I woke up at 7 and ran 3 miles. Then I started doing my physical requirements and then took a rest and went to black belt class where Master Knight did a lot of things with us like my poomsae and Tae Kwon Do Jeopardy. A very fun class! Plus got some answers to the test.

  953 Hits


Came back from cruise ship today. Had a great time there with my friends. After I came back I went to music class. Had a great day today. Still miss the ship though.

  962 Hits