
Matthew Tran

Member since: Wednesday, 07 August 2013
Last Visit: Monday, 17 February 2020
Matthew Tran
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Noice Day

Had a nice day today. Went to school and had a blast. I only have 2 boring classes so its kewl. So yeah. I did some requirements when i got home so i don't have to do as much later tonight. but the website isnt letting me edit so i cant put any thing in lol

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Friday! always happy on a Friday! i did some math we got like 12 days of school left until chirstmas break.So hype for chilling for 2 weeks :D

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Big Storm

I was at boy scouts today about an hour ago and it was really stormy. like pouring rain everywhere. and we were locked out of the building so we walked to a church and just hungout outside of it till it was time to go. haha

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Tomorrow I have a huge German test already and its only been like 3 weeks of school. so yeah been studies alot for that. High school isnt that much diffrent from middle school its just alot harder and the grades u get will actally matter. so  kinda stressed over the test becasue tests are 70% of ones grade. bomb one test and game over. 

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Decent Day

Today was a decent day. Nothing to speical or important. just went to church and back and chilled for the day. getting ready for the next week of school. :/

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YMCA and Summer Camp

Today i went to the Y and chilled outside in the water park thing they have. it felt good cause i have to wake up early to run so yeah that was fun. im going to summer camp for boy scouts in 2 days. gonna be a whole week without getting anything done but its cool cuz im super ahead in my running. and everything eles.

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Learning Again

Today i had to learn how to jump rope again it took me a few times to actually complete one round. The hardest part of cycle in my opinion is maybe the running part. oh and the waking up early part. Anyways i been running to KT then back to my house for a total of 3 miles per day. hopefully i can be done early with my running and focus on other things.

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Woke up this morning with my troath feeling a little weird, Got a little annoyed as it stay through out the day. i think i may have a cold or something.

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Back from camping was really tired even tho i slept in the car, its late and i'm tired so bye

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I am going camping this weekend with my boy scout troop. Only 3 guys from my age group are going but we are cool because we are friends at school. we are gonna go on a hike so i guess that might be some requirements haha. We have to cook our own food and our menu for the weekend is: Fun Dip, Soda, Chips, Toast, Nutella Sandwiches, and Zebra cakes. As long as my bud doesnt throw up on my in the tent this weekend will rock. :)

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Long Day

Today was a long tiring day. first i woke up at 6 and did some requirements. then church at 9. then went over to my grandpas house and just watched TV the whole time so that was tiring. just got home and now I'm gonna got eat a nutella sandwich.

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Practice EOG

Today i took a EOG in science and i revived a 3. my teacher put it in the grade book as a 85 so i got a B. i was a few points away from a 4. I am having a ecosystems quiz/test in two days so i want to study hard and try to get a 100 because that might boost my overall grade to a B. I still have to finish typing an essay for school.

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Homework Day

Today i had a lot of homework so i didn't have a lot of time to do my requirements. But i did do some. i will catch up on the weekends.

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today was a great day the sun was shining and i got alot of stuff done. realy tired right now sorry gonna be short :) bye

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Rainy day at school today. Had to take a really long test and it was boring. anyways i hope it snows tomorrow the weather man said it would.

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I had so much homework today. i had to do 3 pages in LA that were super hard. Also had science homework and extra credit. And i got a paper to type for social studies tomorrow. Good thing our gym teacher made us run all class today because now i'm 1 day ahead of my running :)  now the other things... I think i will start to do a lot of 1 thing to get it wiped out. i will try it next week.

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So much done

This Saturday i didn't have anything to do so i just did requirements for a good part of the day. I'm sore right now but i got ALOT done! im so proud im gonna take tomorrow off because i can afford to :) i might do this every saterday from now on. of course i have to do all my hoework on fridays but That means sundays will be free :)

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I am really sore from tryouts and my elbow is hurting for no reason. I am good at passing and defending but offence I'm still working on it. if i don't make the team i might tryout for track so i can get rid of my running requirement. anyways we ran 5 miles at tryouts then did scrimmaging. 

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Try outs

Had soccer try outs today. i did pretty good but it was really intense and I'm really tired and sore. there was a fight there and i had to hold the 8th grader back from the puny 7th grader with a big mouth. 3 of my friends were helping but the  kid still got punched in the face so i guess it was all for nothing haha. anyways a stray elbow struck me on my windpipe REALLY HARD so now my voice is a little weird for the time being and it hurts 24/7. I dont know if i will make it but the other people couldnt dribble the ball so i think i have a pretty good chance but then agian if its only me and a cople other guys that are good then our team will be demolished every match. If that happens I'll... idk what i willl do...

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It was rainy to day. My friends were all soaked while i was waiting in my garage for the bus to come :) When i got to school there was music on the intercom for the first time. I think it was because its Friday and the teachers were bored. In 1st block my teacher gave a really easy Extra Credit essay about the Holocaust. It only has to be 1 page so i will for sure be doing that after BB class. 

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Helping littles ones

I had fun today helping out the little tigers in family class. I also did none stop sit-ups for 30 minutes because i want to get things out of the way 1 by 1. After this its shower time and bed :) I'm tired

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Permanent Substitute

It seems like our old math teacher is never coming back. He has been away for 2 months now. And our sub for the class has been here for 3 weeks. usually they change subs every 2 days. but if they don't this might mean our sub might be our permanent teacher. 

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Candy push ups

today our teachers made us to push ups with a bag of candy on our backs and whoever does 30 with the bag till on got the bag. i got to 24. it didn't matter because the guy who won was allergic to it so we threw a candy party in the locker room. which he had to clean up.

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Lost the tornument

Today our team in gym lost the championship. It was unexpected because we already beat that team twice before. anyways they won a 32 oz Gatorade. and since 1 of our teammates was prepared for the worst he brought 5 dollars and bought us 5 Gatorades from the vending machines.  

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Todays the Day

Wow i feel like i gotta give a speech for 200 people. anyways i'm gonna leave 7 because my dad has to go to a meeting so its time to stock up on them 5 hour energy drinks. ;)

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Today we went on the bobcats cool school trip and it was pretty fun. and we got back they gave us water bottles and we started to soak each other but in the end the teacher told us to stop after some kid fell in an anthill. (it was a fire ant hill) 

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Long test

We took a test today that took up 3 hours so i had to stay in 1st block the whole time. it was so boring so after i finished i caught up with my sleep time and slept for 1 hour. then all of my other class were boring and my science teacher changed the seats so everyone cant sit next to their friends. -,-"

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So tired

Wow after the test and the two classes i wiped out till 6 then we went to a restaurant and now my legs are still sore  

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jeez so many essays. im joking i think i only have like 2 essays :D. i will get them done tomorrow. It is gonna be a last minute thing. As the wise kid once said, good things come to those who wait.

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Rainy Monday

Yeah it was rainy today and we got soaked waiting for the bus and had to go to the nurse because they were afraid we had hypothermia 

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This took like 20 minutes

wow my internet is really slow. it took like 20 minutes for my to get this add journal thing to pop up. anyways i gotta study for the test next week. but i don't know if i can best my running time. nest two days will be do voted to running.

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Just woke up from a long nap it it felt good. so yeah that's about it. i had spaghetti for lunch. and my favorite colar is green.

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Tow more requirement things down. i have completed the burpees and sit ups. my next goal is pull ups and kicking.

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Check 2

Got RAK off my list. it feels good to be accomplished. anyways im exterly close to finsishing my situps and burppees. so im gonna do them now and edit them 1 hour later. 

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Sleepy agian

i was really tired today but i had a good night sleep last night so yeah newtons laws of logic or whatever they are called are wrong. so anyways i took a long 5 hour nap after church and felt even more tired. i think i might be sick or something

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after hours of staring at the board and doing worksheets and test while trying to keep my eyes open its finally Friday! But unfortunately my Saturday sleep in till noon plan cant happen because of the black belt demo. so yeah :( 

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Home run!

today we played mat ball again and the score was 3-5. we were losing and for once it played out like all the sports movies do. i was one of the last kickers and the bases were full. i kicked the first  home run in our class! in the end we won 8-5

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Finished! with jump ropes

Finally jump rope is complete. which means my new goal is sit ups. i will see if i can knock em out by next week. if i do then i will reward myself by taking 1 day off 

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sore legs

My legs are so sore today because we played some football and did drills for 1 hour and 45 minutes. and after that when i got home i crashed on the sofa...only to be forced to goto class and have master kim drill us 

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Regular day

Just a regular day of school and stuff. same old stuff nothing new, nothing good nothing bad. well i guess i'm going to scouts today and that's good but other than that yeah boring.

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Im feeling awful right now. its just that sick feeling that makes you feel like you have no energy and want to throw up every 5 seconds. so yeah i only got some requirements done but when i get better i will try to make it all up.

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Sparring was intense. Even though i got the wind knocked out of me so many times and got kicked in the arm so many times, when i got home i felt like i just got 10 times better at sparring. so now my new goal is to do sit ups until i can take a kick without being winded too badly

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Friday 13th

i don't get whats so bad about this day. iv been told that its bad luck but i never heard anything about why other than that 13 is a unlucky number. But its Friday so i guess they cancel out because i had an okay day today.

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Awesome game of mat ball

Today at gym class i was balling it up with this new game called mat ball or it could be called rounders. anyways it was like kick ball but with 8 bases and once u step off a base you gotta keep on going. i got 5 people out by catching the ball and i scored 1 point. in the end we lost  4-3 but it was really fun

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more sleep

school was horrible, i was so sleepy i couldnt pay attention. at to make it worse the teacher who is boring and lets us sleep was absent and a fun teacher replaced him so i didnt wanna miss that. i cant wait till tomorrow and the weekends because tomorrow i have gym so i can do lots of requiments there and sleep a little more at night. :O yawn

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new goal

yesterday i tried doing as many sit ups as i can and i realized that i done a lot if i do that for 1 week or 2 then i would be done with sit ups. so now my new goal is to wipe out those annoying burppees by doing 80 or more per day. it will be hard but you know yolo. :D

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normal day

Today was an okay day as in nothing good or bad. i still got all my requirements and homework done but it was sort of boring and sort of plain... so now i'm gonna go do endless sit-ups and see how many i can knock out in 1 time so i can hopefully have a break from sit ups for and the next 2 days. :D

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Back from camping

wow camping was awesome! i left on friday to go camping and we stoped at wendys for diner and i had one those double baconaters burgers so i was sick during the car but when we got there we had so much fun building fires and throwing ice at each other and stuff. the good news is i did some requirments while i was there becasue we had a bar there and it was good for chinl-ups so we had a chinl-up contest. i got 3rd place with 6.

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wow this is hard

since school started the days have all been long and hard for me and im starting to go to bed early now. the days are longer at my new school and im wiped out when i get home, but still i managed to complete my homework and requriments for that day. this is tough but i never expected it to be easy either.

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last day of summer break...yayyy

well this time i hope my entry does not post's it self 15 times. Today was a pretty boring day for me, it started out with church then we went to the mall for 3 hours but it was still pretty dull and the rest of the day was eating and sleeping. I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow.

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Almost School Time

Only two more days till school, so i gotta make to last to days of summer worth while. Anyways I'm heading to the 8th grade and at my school the lockers are like half a foot wide. Good luck to all of the people going back to school on monday!

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