
Miles Clayton

Member since: Sunday, 22 January 2017
Last Visit: Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Miles Clayton
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
I was born in Charlotte, NC. I'm the youngest of four children. I have three sisters. Mahogany, Jalah, and Dani. I'm in fourth grade and I attend Bradford Preparatory School.

Good Day

I really enjoyed TKD today!  I was able to get most of my work done.  Tomorrow I'll be going to get my running in with my sister.  It has been a good week.

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it rained

It rained this morning and it rained hard. It rained until 2:00 and i wasn't able to run my mile because it was soaked. But i was able to get my other stuff. I still had to go to class and sparring. But i made it again. And also, testing is right around the corner. Good luck everybody. :}

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After Easter

It's afte Easter and it is a boring  Monday. My stomach has been grumbling becauseI  only had a bowl of cereal and some applesauce which tasted disgusting. But i have to make the best out of it today. Its going to rain and i have to do my stuff .But we all made it. 

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My Plan

My plan is to finish all of my requirements by next Saturday.  If I can get it all done, I can relax until its time for testing.  I still have to go to class and work with instructor Weeks, but I'm ready to get it done! I hope everyone had a great Easter!

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MY BREAK IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My break is finally here. Im so happy that its here, but i can't forget about TKD. My mother has ben sad. I don't want her to be sad anymore. Im happy that Easter is tomorrow.

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Tomorrow is Friday

This morning I did what I normally do.  I got ready for school and had a bowl of cereal.  I'm excited because tomorrow is Friday.  It's a half day at school and then I start Spring Break!

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Dad is out of town

My dad is out of town again.  I miss him a lot when he's gone. He will be home tomorrow to pick me up from TKD class.

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Today's Sunday and it was just a normal Sunday.  I had to go to church and eat breakfast. I learned about trust and how to make a book. Then I did my workout for today. I've been spending the rest of the day relaxing, playing some video games, and watching TV. A normal Sunday. 

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200+ Kinda Day

Since its getting close to be over, I did a lot of work today! My mom sets up WOD's for me to do everyday!  The numbers were in the 200's or start with the number two!  My dad did my sit-ups with me today.  He could barely get half of what I was doing. So, I had swimming, BBC, finishing essays, and WOD's today. In a little while, i'm going to get a haircut. Hope you guys are having a good day!

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another friday

Today was a another friday and another regular school day. But i made it through the day. Im so happy that the weekend is here. I hope you guys are having a great day. God bless you all ;)

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A windy day

Today was really windy.  I had a regular day at school and tomorrow is a house day.  When i got back home after school the wind was blowing really hard. So hard that it knocked the power out.  I read my book before going to TKD and again on my way back home.  I finished it and I started writing my essay.  Time for bed.

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Today was my teachers birthday

Today was Mr. Stevens birthday!! He got a gift card bouquet from the class!I got him an XL package of a Kit Kat bar. I begged him to give it back, because I love them too!! I later found out that thats not a nice thing to do! I will apologize to him tomorrow and I have something else for him that I really like too, but I won't do what I did today.

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This morning

This morning i started my day by reading my essay book. My dad dropped my dogs to the groomers and got me Dunkin Donuts. We went to church and played the whole time. After that the church had their 11th anniversary and we celebrated. This was just the morning and I'm so esxited about what the evening has in stock for me.  

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The Tarheels won!!!  Im glad I had a chance to stay up and watch that game.  I haven't journaled in a while because Ive been working on my essays and trying to get my requirements done before the end of the month. Im almost done.

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Today while I was in class, my mom and sister picked out a shrub for me.  I really like it. Except for the bird poop on it.  My mom said that birds are a symbol of good things to come. I hope that means that i will do well when i test and on my EOG's. Its late and i can't sleep and i needed to do my journaling sooner anyway.

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Ready to finish

Now that I have the physical and written parts of testing done i am ready to finish everything else! I missed two questions on my written exam.  My mile run was bad, too. But, my chest was hurting because I'm still sick

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I jus got home for PNO. I had fun, but I'm not feeling well and tomorrow is a big day! Heading to bed and getting rest before physical and written testing. I hope i do good on it!

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Feeling sick

Today has not been a ver good day. I had conferences with my teacher and that went well. But, i feel really sick today. Now I'm headed to class. I have another essay to write today too.

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Today was Friday at school

Today was the last day of school for this week! I'm excited to have a few days off so that i can study and write more essays! My work out for today was 50 pushups, 40 sit-ups, 30 pushups, 20 sit-ups, 10 pushups and the repeat. I also had to do 2minutes of jumping rope and 2minutes of sparring. It was tough, but I did it!

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Normal Day

This morning I ate four bowls of cereal!  It was yummy! During P.E. time I ran two miles which is 10 laps. My teacher said I had a good day! Now I'm headed to crossfit, so I can get my last nine pull-ups done.

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I'm having a bad day

Today I tried to go mute at school.  it didn't go so well. I couldn't make it an hour. Then, i yelled at a friend at school and had to write him an apology letter. Now my mom has me doing a crazy WOD before i go to class. 

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Great Saturday

I went to my swimming class this morning then i had my BBC class. I really like doing pull-ups now. Although i finished all of my requirements for it. Im still going to do it. Today i had a ton of work to do.  But, i finished and i was able to play on my iPad.

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Another cold day

I'll be happy when spring springs!!!  My mom made me run a mile in the cold today. I was angry because it was cold. But< afterwards she got me two doughnuts. i wonder if she will do it again if i run in the cold tomorrow. I looked at the weather and it will be cold again.

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Back to white

Today I went back to being a white belt. It felt strange being in the back of the class. But, i did it!

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It snowed today!

It snowed today and when church was over the sun was shining!  what a crazy day! I fulfilled a lot of my requirements today because i missed out on getting anything done on Friday and Saturday.

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Tomorrow is the big day!

Tomorrow will be my birthday! I didn't go to TKD today because i had a headache, so my mom let me take the day off.  I am about to take a shower and go to bed. Tomorrow when i wake up I will be 10!

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My birthday week!

This week is officially my birthday week!  I'll be in double digits on Thursday!  Today my family and I went to church and out to breakfast after.  It was a great day!

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Step Afrika

My class went on a field trip to see Step Afrika!  I really liked it because my sister is in a sorority and she steps like the performers were doing on stage.  My mom came on the trip with our class. But, she didn't take me home when she left. 

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Another good day...

Today was a different day because in the morning meeting at school we talked about our trip to go see a play called Step Afrika. During lunch we had to eat inside although it was sunny outsideWe had someone that was from Africa tell us about what they do in Africa. I'm just ready for my birthday to come in a week!

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Today was a long day

Today was a long day.  It took a long time for my mom to pick me up from school.  I took a long nap on the way home.  I am falling asleep on the Presidents long speech.  But, I reached all of my goals!

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Ready for bed

Today was a very busy day. I had to get my work done before school ended.  After school, my mom, sister, and I went to Walmart. Then unto Tae Kwon Do. At TKD, I reached all of my goals for the day! Now, I'm ready for bed. Good night!

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Back from NY

I had so much fun with my family in NY!  We left yesterday, but our flight was delayed.  While I was there, I worked on my requirements.  My mom and I ran 3.06 miles in Prospect Park in Brooklyn. I really enjoyed the trip.

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Going to NY

We are about to leave for the airport!  We are going to NY to celebrate my grandpa's birthday and his nomination for runner of the year!  I hope he wins!

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My neighbor is moving

Today I found out that our next door neighbor is moving. He had two dogs and they both died in the last three months. He lost his job and is moving to DC.  I wish he could leave his Corvette here.

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I don't like...

I don't like doing pull-ups on the monkey bars on the playground.  I've missed a few days with doing any pull-ups so i had to do some today.  Earning my black belt is tough. I think my muscles will be huge when this is done.  We had a Valentines Day celebration in my class today!

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I brought my basketball to school

Today my mom said it was okay for me to bring y basketball to school! The sad part is, I forgot it. My mom was not very happy about that. If I don't bring it home tomorrow, she said, it won't be a great weekend for me. I got a 92 on my Math test though!

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Great Day!

Today was a great day!  I was in a good mood all day! When i got home today, I did a two mile run/walk in my neighborhood. Now I'm watching the cooking channel with my dad before going to TKD class.

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I made it home!

This weekend, starting on Friday, I've been away from home! On Friday was the first day of Junior Instructors camp at King Tiger! I had lots of fun with my friends! My dad and sister picked me up on Saturday. When i got home, I only had time to shower and get dressed and we were headed to Cary for my cousin, Sydney's bowling birthday party. I'm not that good at bowling. But, my dad says if i keep practicing, I'll get better. We spent the night in a hotel for two weekends in a row! Then we woke up, had breakfast, and came back home! Finally! Oh, and it's the Super Bowl this weekend! I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying home to watch it!

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January 31, 2017

Today was a good day! I had a good day at school. I took an NAEP test and they allowed us to keep the earphones we used during the test. When we finished the test, we went outside for recess. My mom picked me up late from school today. 

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Today I felt really good! I still have a cough, but no fever! I'm really glad about that! I got to school on time and had a pretty good day! I ususually have yoga on Mondays at school! 

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