
Melvin Harris

Member since: Friday, 26 July 2013
Last Visit: Friday, 01 November 2013
Melvin Harris
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Physical Test and Hospital Day

The day started off with running and then was pushups, situps, burpees, v-situps, pull-ups and kicks.  I think I passed everything except v-situps.  There was a written test.  I felt like I knew most of the answers.  I was not able to take class because of a soccer injury from Thursday.  I spent 4.5 hours waiting to be seen at Levine's Children's hospital. It only took 30 minutes to examine me.  They said I might have a mild concussion.  I will take it easy for the next few days. 

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Fun Friday

Today was a fun Friday! After school I had soccer practice. We got to run 1 1/2 miles. That helped me a lot because now all I had to do was study for the written test. I think I am prepared for tomorrows tests. But the only thing I am worried about is my head injury. I get easy headaches just by running a mile so I don't know how I will do it. I just hope for the best.

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Today after school I had a soccer game.  It did not go as well as I thought it would.  First, All the good players did not get to start so that the second string players could play.  Second, When I got in I was injured within 3 minutes.  A crazy guy hit me in the head with his head.  I did not get to play in the game after my injury.  It feels so good to get this off of my chest.  After the game I was able to get in a mentee session.  I only 2 more mentee sessions to go.

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Wacky Wednesday

Today I did not have practice so I went to afterschool.  In afterschool I got to finish my homework.  I also got in a mentor session.  I only have 1 more mentor session to go. I should be able to get it in on Saturday. By the end of this week I should have all of my physical requirements done (except my miles) - but I will be close.

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Today is MONDAY!  After school practice was rained out so I go to go home early.  I got most of my homework done except one project that I am doing.  I was able to get in a few requirements.  I only have jump rope, RAOK, self-defense, and running to complete.

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Football Sunday

Today was football Sunday. I ran two miles with my Mom this morning. After church I did my homework and then started my requirements. I had a few breaks but mostly did homework and requirements and my Kwan's paper. During my breaks I watched football.  

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Super Saturday

To kick off today I did a walk/run with my Dad.  I then helped out at little tigers.  After that I did some requirements and a mentor session with Master Knight.  I had black belt class and Master C. Hartley taught the class. It was really fun.  We worked on forms, hakpido, and weapons.  When I got home I got to eat Zaxby's for lunch.  After that, I started my homework and finishing my requirements. After I finish my homework I will have free time.

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Finally Friday

Today afterschool I had sparring class. It was taught by Master Kim. It was very fun! After class we went to Chili's to eat dinner.  It was goooood. I came home and worked on my requirements. I have little tigers in the morning and Black Belt class.  

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Today is Thursday!!! After school and soccer practice I got to go to King Tiger and get some requirements in.  I also had got a mentee session and helped out in class. This weekend I will finish most of my requirements.  I will also finish my Kwans paper.  It is taking me a long time to write five pages. 

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Almost There

Today after school I was able to help out with a class and finish my last Dream Team class.  I will finish my leadership 1 by Saturday.  I hope to get most of my physical requirements finished by the weekend.  I also plan to finish my Kwan's paper this weekend.

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Terrific Tuesday

Today was a Terrific Tuesday.  I had a great day at school. I got to play a soccer game.  After that I had to go home and do my homework.  I then did a mentee session.  We focused on self defenses, poomsaes, and kicking combinations. I practiced for my Social Studies test. I feel prepared for it.  I ended my day by doing 1 set of requirements.  

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Today I had a lot of homework and I did a lot of requirements.  I was able to go to MaxLife this afternoon  at Mecklenburg Church.  I liked one part of my homework. I created an iMovie for Social Studies class.  It was about how my family learns, leads, and serves. It took a while but at the end it looked really great. 

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Today was a long day. First I got in 2.25 miles in. Then I got to help out with little tigers testing. Then I got in a mentor session with Master Knight. I did not have time to go to the demo and do class because My mom and dad had yard work and my mom car had to got the shop. But I did 4x the amount of requirements as I usaualy do, so not a bad day.

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Sparring Class

Today I had sparring class. Master Knight taught the sparring class. There was only 4 people at class. We practiced on getting our opponent intimidated. We also practiced our kicks.  We got a chance to spar and kick each other.  It was fun.  I was able to get in a lot of requirements also. 

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Today we played Holy Trinity for my schools soccer team.  We tied 4-4.  I made one goal.  After the game I had a mentee session with my mentee Gregory.  After that I went to help out with the Jr. Tiger class.  I was not able to get in any requirements because I had homework.  I have a half day tomorrow so I will get in triple my requirements and attend sparring class. 

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Hump Dayyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Today I didn't have soccer practice so I had a chance to help out with class.  I also got a mentor session and lots of requirements. I finished my homework before 8:30.  I now have some free time before bed time. 

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Start of the week

Today I woke up very tired and it was hard me to stay awake on the way to school.   After school I had practice for soccer.  I helped out with the little Tiger class today.  I also went to Dream Team.  I had a lot of homework and I was not able to get in a lot of requirements.

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Feeling Better

Today was a great.  I was feeling a whole lot better than yesterday.  I felt less congested because I did not have to take as many breaks. I got 4x my normal requirements.  I also got to play basketball at my old school.  I also had some time to watch TV.  I had homework to do and I had to read a book. 

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Feeling better

Today was a great day. I am felling a whole lot better than yesterday. But I am 70% better than what I was feeling yesterday. I could do my requirements without taking a break because I was congested. But I got through everything today so all I have to do is relax now. Today was awesome!

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Hump Day

This week I had a lot of assignments an several tests.  I have not been able to get in a lot of requirements.  I was able to do a little today.  I plan to do more tomorrow.  I also will double up on the weekend.

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A good day

I scored the first goal at soccer. We won the game 0-7. I had my first mentee session. It went good.  I also helped out with class. Now I have to go do my homework. 

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Long Day

Today was a very long day. I had to do requirements one hour. The next hour I had to do homework. It was pretty much like that the whole entire day. I had a little bit of free time. But today was all work.

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Cold Stone!

Today king tiger went to cold stone to get free ice cream. You could get free ice cream by wearing a KTA shirt or spinning the wheel and getting a discount. I got cotton candy! Later today I had soccer practice, we played soccer tennis. Tomorrow I can hopefully help out with the little tigers class.

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Slow day

Today was a slow day. I had barely enough time to get in a couple requirements. The reason for that is because I had homework to do and a soccer game to play. I need to try harder to get in more requirements, playing soccer and most important school.

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First Day Of Football

Today was the start of the NFL season, Go Cowboys! Today Was A great day for requirements. I was able to double up on my requirements again. I also got to start my 5 Kwans paper. And I have a test tommorow in science, so I had to study for that. I think I'll ace that test tommorow. I had noo time for tv watching. See ya next week tv.

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Good day for requirements

 Today had no homework!So I had a great day for requirements. Every Hour I would do a little bit of everything so I would have a lot of everything. So I ended up doubling up on everything! And I got in 3.88 miles. I also got in to watch some tv before this week starts with no electronics. But today was a great day

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Long week

Well, the week started off like this: First there was no school because of labor day. Then we had school on tuesday, after that we had soccer game and got crushed by holy trinity 6-1, then we had another great school day and had a soccer game.  We got crushed 10-0 by providnece day. Then we had practice to correct the mistakes that we made the first two games. Now today we had to do fitness because we let 16 goals go in from the last two games. But it was a great week for requirements. And now I am here typing this journal. Bye and see ya tommorow.

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Journal for Sept 3

Today school was fun. Except we have lots of homework. After school we had a soccer game. We had to play Holy Trinity. They were the state conference champions from last year. I think every body came into the game intimidated because last year they got beat 10-0. But we still did horrible and got beat 6-1. But thats fine, we learned from our mistakes and should be able to stop them the next game. After homework I had to do requirements. It was good except I didnt have enough time to do running but I can make that up.

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Hump Day!

Hump Day! Today we got that hump over the week. Two more days to go. Today was a great school day! I got my quizzes back and got all good grades. Then after school I had a soccer game. It was worse than yesterday though. We lost 10-0. Good thing we have practice tommorow because we need it bad. After the game I had dream team, It was very fun. Master Mitchell taught the class. WE worked on rolls and jump roles, I got to do dive rolls.

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No School

Today was Labor day and that means no school! Today I got back from vacation and was able to get in a bunch of requirements. Later today I was able to get a run in with my dad. Today we also got to do my draft pick for my fantasy football team. I think my team is going to be legit this year. Today is good hopfully tommorow will be to.

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a whole week of soccer

This week is all soccer. Monday I had soccer practice from 3:30 to 5:00, I also helped out with class and took dream team. Tuesday we had a game, we won 6-1, I scored one goal! Today I had another practice at 3:30 to 5:00, and tommorow we have another game, but I should be able to make it to class tommorow. But friday is free, so I should be able to get in a lot of requirements, because I have a half day of school. Doing tae kwon do, soccer and school is a lot. I am always up late, but I believe that I can do all things through Christ.

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slow day

Today was a slow day. I had church that went to 9:30 to 11:00. Then I went to kohls to get new running shoes. Then we went to panera bread to eat lunch. I had a sugar cookie after for dessert, Yum. Then it was boring from their on. I had to do homework first, boring. Then I had to do requirements throughout the day. Today was slow but tommorow is school so it should better than today, considering that I started a couple weeks earlier for school.

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Crazy day

Today was a very wild day. Today after school we had soccer practice, we had to do five laps, we have a real tye of track too. We had to do sprints on the curves and back peddle nonstop, and it was extremely hot too. After that I had to do homework. Then I spent like two hours at KTA doing requirements. After that I took black belt class. Then I had to do more homework. And now I am tying up my journal. So today was a little crazy but not bad.

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First day of practice

Today after school I had my first real practice. It was very fun. We practiced passing, volleys and headers. Then after that we did the crossbar challenge. That is my favorite soccer game. Today I was unable to take class because we had a parent meeting for the soccer season. But on thursday I will get my black belt class for the week.

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No practice

I dont know if I told you guys this but I made the school soccer team. But today it rained througout the day. So, today we had no practice. So right when I got home I did my homework and got right to my requirements. I got finished early so when I got the chance to shoot some hoop I took it. So I guess today was a good day.

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Good Class

Today was a good class. Master Chelly Hartle taught class today. My body is still a little sore from yesterday tryouts. We worked on weapons and wang ho forms and Basic forms. After class I I did a bunch of requirements. After that I spent the rest of my day with my cousin and sister. My mom took all three of us out to tgi fridays. Today was a great day, I hope tommorow can be better.

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Good class

Today was a good class. Master Chelly Hartle taught class today. My body is still a little sore from yesterday tryouts. We worked on weapons and wang ho forms and Basic forms. After class I I did a bunch of requirements. After that I spent the rest of my day with my cousin and sister. My mom took all three of us out to tgi fridays. Today was a great day, I hope tommorow can be better.

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Last day of tryouts

Today was the second day of school. All we did was go over the LNCS Handbook. After school was the last day of tryouts. Everybody made the team. I'm really happy I made the team. If you want something you have to work hard to get. That is why everybody made the team because everybody worked hard. It is just like the black belt cycle if you work hard you will get it.

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First day of school

Today was my first day of school. I am finally a seventh grader. Today was a little hectic. There were a lot of fifth and seventh graders not knowing were to go.  I liked all of my teachers. They all seem pretty nice! Later after school I had another day of soccer tryouts. Tommorow is the last day of soccer tryouts so I can make the team. Today is my mom's birthday too! Today I could not get in a lot of requirements because we went to longhorn steakhouse for my mom's b-day. But I'll get them tommorow

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Slow Day

Today I at camp we had instructer Lloyd come to talk to us about eating healthy. Right after that I left. I left because I had soccer tryouts and I wanted to rest before I had to go. Tryouts were fun we ran 9 laps and then we did 4 scrimmiges. I at least had three goals and 4 assists. Since I had soccer tryouts I did not have time to do requirements. I was really tired after tryouts though. Tommorow is the first day of school for me. And we still have tryouts again tommorow. Tonight were getting everything together for school tommorow. I am exicted that school is here, NOT.

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No Class

Today I had camp. We went to the sprayground and the park. The park was the best part though. After that we took class. Master Mitchell taught class today. He let me lead warm ups today in class. After class I got in some requirements. Today I could not take Black Belt class today. Tommorow are the soccer tryouts and I thougt it was best that we go practice one more time before tryouts. But today was a good day. Wish me good luck for tryouts tommorow.

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great day for requirements

Today I did not go to camp today. But I still got In a lot of requirements. Then I went to the orthodontist to get my colors changed. I changed them to green. I got back had lunch, Chick fil- a, and got right back to my requirements. Today I doubled up and got to practice soccer. Soccer tryouts start on wenesday wish me luck.

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Good morning

This morning I went running with my mom and I was able to get 3.55 miles in! And later today I am going to the mountains so I have to get my requirements at any moment possible.

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Ahead of the game.

Today I got in all of requirements. I am ready for the black belt cycle. I helped out with little tigers and catch up camp. I still had enough time to practice for my soccer tryouts.

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Today I did all of my requirements enough for me to pratice for soccer tryouts for my school soccer team. Sadly I am not able to take class today.

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Busy Day

Today I did all of my requirements I needed to do. Then I had to run later today and than swim for 20 minutes. But it was still a great day.

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Good Class

Today was good. I got a lot of requirements done. Master Burkart taught class today, we went over solid color poomsae's and bochodan self-defense and special self-defense.

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Good Day

Today I got a lot of requirements done and led class in warm ups.

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Saturday Morning

Today I ran 3.41 miles. Today I was very sluggish, so I just need to get used to getting up in the morning again. No worries.

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First day

Today was the first day of requirements. My body was not prepared for today so I am a little tired. But I will get used to it again sooner or later.

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