
Lauren Polydys

Member since: Sunday, 28 July 2013
Last Visit: Saturday, 18 October 2014
Lauren Polydys
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Today at t...

Today at tae kwon do Master Burkart was helping me go over stuff that will be on the test. I'm pretty sure I got most of it but there are a few things that I still mess up on. By the time testing comes though I will probably be ready.

  1409 Hits

Today at t...

Today at tae kwon do Master Burkart was helping me go over stuff that will be on the test. I'm pretty sure I got most of it but there are a few things that I still mess up on. By the time testing comes though I will probably be ready.

  1172 Hits

It's monda...

It's monday. That pretty much explains my day. Nothing happened that is dramatic or fun enough to talk about and it's Monday. :(. Monday's are my least favorite day of the week. So most Mondays nothing ever happens that is interesting.

  1326 Hits

Today I fo...

Today I found out that I got 105 on my written test. I was so happy when I found out. I thought I would have at least got one wrong. I was really suprised that I didnt.

  1249 Hits

Today I fo...

Today I found out that I got 105 on my written test. I was so happy when I found out. I thought I would have at least got one wrong. I was really suprised that I didnt.

  1140 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a long but good day. I did the physical and written test today and I think I did really well. Then I went straight to kicks for kids. I had a lot of fun and it was funny to see Master Tahm kiss a pig.

  1019 Hits

I've been ...

I've been studying for tomorrow. I am so nervous. But I know I am going to to well because I am prepared. I am also really excited for tomorrow. I am excited to go to kicks for kids. It's going to be a lot of fun.

  942 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a really long day. I have 3 tests tomorrow and I am really nervous. I hope I do good.

  938 Hits

I am so st...

I am so stressed out. I have 2 tests on Friday, the physical and written test and kicks for kids on Saturday, and another test on Monday. I am going to be studying a lot the next few days.

  958 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a long day. I had school then I went straight to tae kwon do and did 2 classes. I am exhausted. I am going to finish my homework and then go to bed.

  948 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a great day. Right now my family and I are now watching transformers 4. It is such a good movie. After the movie I am going to finish my physical requirements.

  1003 Hits

It's sunda...

It's sunday!!! My favorite show comes on tonight and I am so excited. Today I got to hang out with my grandma. We played rumicube, watched tv, and played on my iPad. It was a lot of fun.

  977 Hits

It's been ...

It's been a long morning. I had to finish some homework that I had and I had to get ready for Tae kwon do. We are on our way to black belt class right now.

  933 Hits

It's been ...

It's been a long morning. I had to finish some homework that I had and I had to get ready for Tae kwon do. We are on our way to black belt class right now.

  984 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a busy day. Tomorrow will be even busier because I have 3 quizzes tomorrow. Fun :l Today I did my regular class and bb class. Now I have to finish my homework.

  806 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a good day. I got good grade on my test, I got to see my friends, and my grandmas in town so I get to spend time with her. I also finished all my requirements. YAY!

  837 Hits

My Grammy ...

My Grammy came in today. She is staying for a week. We will have fun!!! Master Justin worked us hard tonight

  967 Hits

My Grammy ...

My Grammy came in today. She is staying for a week. We will have fun!!! Master Justin worked us hard tonight

  1010 Hits

My Grammy ...

My Grammy came in today. She is staying for a week. We will have fun!!! Master Justin worked us hard tonight

  916 Hits

You only live once, but if you do it right once is enough. -unknown

  914 Hits

Yesterday ...

Yesterday my friends came over and we went swimming and played wii. On the wii we played Mario kart 8 and Just Dance. It was really fun. We all were dancing really silly and we were laughing so hard. I can't wait until they come over again.

  946 Hits

Today I we...

Today I went to my friends house. We played air hockey, deal or no deal, made a pizza, and played with their dog. It was a lot of fun and made my day.

  948 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a good day. It was like a Friday because I am off school the rest of the week. YAY!!!! So excited for a 4 day weekend.

  962 Hits

"If opportunity doesn't knock , build a door" -Milton Berle

  1041 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a terrible Monday at school. Because people were talking the whole grade got silent lunch for the whole week. I wish people would learn when to keep their mouth shut. But otherwise today was a good day.

  962 Hits

Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending, just a new beginning -anonymous

  983 Hits

Today is F...

Today is Friday. YAY!!!!! Today was a really good day. I got all my requirements done , it was a good day at school, and it's Friday! A day can't get any better.

  924 Hits

"Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo and willow survives by bending with the wind. -Bruce Lee

  1073 Hits

Today at t...

Today at tae Kwon do we worked on self defense and forms. I think I finally got my self defense down pretty good. I also got a mentee session in and a hyper class. It was a good day at tae Kwon do.

  1006 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a good day. Nothing bad happened at school and I got all my requirements done. So today was a successful Monday. Yay

  995 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a great Sunday. I got to relax in the morning, then we went to my moms friends house and had dinner and played pool table. It was a lot of fun. In the process I also got my requirements done. So today was a good day.

  958 Hits

Today is F...

Today is Friday. YAY! I actually have nothing to do tonight, finally. Tomorrow I am going to king tiger mint hill bright and early at 8 to go over some of our forms that we need to know. That is going to be a good review for me.

  848 Hits

Today I di...

Today I did a presentation in civics class. I think I got a good grade. It felt like a really long day today and it isn't over yet because I still have tae kwon do tonight. Yay! I hope I will survive.

  940 Hits


Today is Monday. Today I have PE at school today. We are setting goals for ourselves. We run lap around the field every day before we start class. I am normally at the front of the pack of people. I like running with my friends. They makes it so I'm not bored when I am running and I get bored a lot when I run so this is good.

  850 Hits

Today I we...

Today I went to the park with my family to do my running. While we were there we ran into our neighbors and talked to them for a while. Then we went to target to get some stuff for school this week. And now we are about to go swimming. Yay!

  902 Hits


ITS FRIDAY!!!!! Today is one of my only free days. My dad flys in today from Michigan. I'm so excited to see him. That also means I get to get out of school early to pick him up. Yay. This should be a good day.

  966 Hits

Today is T...

Today is Thursday finally. I have tae Kwon do tonight and PE this morning at school. We are going to be doing physical stuff and setting goals. I'm kind of excited.

  871 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a fun Labor Day. I went to kohls with my mom, I talked with friends, finished hw and black belt essay, and played with my dog Dexter. It was a great day.

  970 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a long day at school. It has also been a long first week of school. Tomorrow is Friday though so YAY!!! In tae Kwon do today we did our red and high red self defense, then our basic forms, then wang ho one. It was a good review.

  893 Hits

Today I di...

Today I did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge because I was nominated by my friend Kat. The water was super cold. I was shaking for a few minutes after I did it. But it was fun and if I am nominated again I will do it.

  840 Hits

Getting re...

Getting ready to head to north charlotte to do my pre test. I think I am ready. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I hope I do well.

  942 Hits

Today Mast...

Today Master Burkart helped me get ready for the pre test on Saturday. I think I am ready. To make sure he is going to review it again with me on Wednesday. Hope I am ready.

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Toady was ...

Toady was a slow day for me. I didn't do many requirements because I am still sore from class last night. Instructor Gabriel worked us hard. We did a lot of squats and my legs are very sore. Hopefully they feel better tomorrow.

  995 Hits

Don't stop believing -Journey

  916 Hits

Today my f...

Today my friend came over today and we went swimming. Then we went to target and bought divergent. We are about to watch it right now. I'm so excited.

  908 Hits


Today I took Saturday black belt class. We worked on a lot of stuff. I was sore through the whole class because master burkart gave us a hard workout on Thursday. So I am still sore. Now I am going to watch a movie with my family. :)

  872 Hits

Today it r...

Today it rained all day at my house so we had to stay inside all day. We are heading to Tae Kwon Do to help out for one class to get our leadership credits. Then we are heading to my school for a open house kind of thing. I hope it is not boring.

  919 Hits


Today I helped out in the 3:50 to 4:30 class. I got to help high white belts learn their form. Then I took the higher belt class and we worked on kicks and forms. Between the 2 classes I got both leadership credits.

  836 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a perfect day for running. It wasn't hot and humid. It was perfect. Today was the first day I actually enjoyed running. Before it was so hot running was torture. I hope it stays this perfect for a while

  890 Hits

Been a lit...

Been a little stressed out lately. A lot will be changing soon and I'm not very happy about it. But it's life so I just have to go with it whether I like it or not.

  949 Hits

Today I di...

Today I didn't do much til I got to Tae Kwon Do. When I got there I took 3 classes and got a lot of credits. I did hyper pro, regular class, and sparring class. By the end of sparring class I was very tired. We did a workout and a lot of kicks.

  888 Hits

Today my f...

Today my friends came over to swim and play games. It was really fun. I haven't seen them in a long time so it was good to see them face to face again. Today was awesome!!!

  999 Hits

Yesturday ...

Yesturday I went horseback riding and I rode a horse named Skipper. We went on a trail ride and it was really fun. Then me and my family went to Dave and Busters. That was really fun too. So yesturday was a pretty great day.

  945 Hits

Yesturday ...

Yesturday I went horseback riding and I rode a horse named Skipper. We went on a trail ride and it was really fun. Then me and my family went to Dave and Busters. That was really fun too. So yesturday was a pretty great day.

  910 Hits

If you don't like something, change it. If you cant change it, change your attitude. Don't Complain -Maya Angelou

  916 Hits

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, “I’m possible!” –Audrey Hepburn

  899 Hits

1st Journal Entry

So this I my first journal entry for the fall 2014 cycle. So this cycle I plan to do even better than I did last year. My goal is to improve on the things I wasn't so good at last cycle. Like push-ups and pull-ups.

  920 Hits

October 15

Still recovering from the physical test. I am still very sore. But I did pass everything. YAY!!  I cant wait to find out my score on the written test.  Hopefully a 100. The fall festival is Saturday so I am getting ready for that.I am so excited.

  4161 Hits

October 2nd

Today was my friends birthday and  I got to hang with her at school. After school I finished my social studies project. It took me 2 hours bit I finished it. It has been a long day and now I am ready for bed.

  2579 Hits

October 1st!!!!!!

Wow it's the 1st day of October already. Well today I did my 5:45 class. We did forms and knife stuff. It was really fun. The cycle is almost over so I just have to hang in there. I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!

  1090 Hits

Relaxing Sunday

Today I relaxed and stayed home all day. I did my requirements all in the morning so I had the whole afternoon free. I got to watch Iron Man 3 with my family and have a relaxing day.

  1169 Hits

Sept. 28

Today I helped at KTMH 9:00 class and a got to help people get theit red stripes. While I also got some requirements in. The rest of the day I rested and spent time with my family. Now we are watching Iron Man 2.

  65 Hits

Sept. 27

Today I helped out at KTMH 5:45 class. I got to help high white belts learn their poomsaes. Then I took black belt class and we went over hapkito, sticks, and black belt cycle questions. So we got a lot done. Now I am tired and I am going to go to bed.

  348 Hits

Sept. 24

Today I went to the 4:45 class at KTMH. We worked on forms and self-defense so I got  a lot of requirements done. Today was a really good day for me. 

  172 Hits

Fun Sunday

Today I went to the park with Jonathan and we did our requirements. Then him and his brother came over and swam with me and my brother.  It was a lot of fun. 

  1452 Hits

Sept. 20

Today I helped about at KTMH 5:45 class and got my leadership credits and got ,y leadership credits for the day. Then I took black belt class and we went over hapkito  and some kicks. It is kinda fun getting thrown a lot. When I first started Tae Kwon Do I would have hated it but now I like it.   TGIF EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!

  436 Hits

Sept. 19

Today I had my regular class. In the class we did 180 push ups and 180 sit ups. So we did alot. We also ran 1/2 of a mile did almost all the self-defense, and almost all the poomsaes. We got alot done. Then I had sparring class. We did alot of requrements in that class too. Now I am finishing up my homework. FUN!! :(

  182 Hits

Sept. 18

Today was my day without Tae Kwon Do classes. I caught up on homework and I got to hangout with my friend. I had a lot of fun today.

  64 Hits

Sept. 17

Today I went to my normal class and got a lot of requirements done. Then I had a mentor session with Master Richie. We worked on self-defense and falling. I am not good at falling. Side fall and spin fall are the hardest for me. I am going to work hard to get better at them.

  1303 Hits

Normal Day

Today was a normal day for me. Nothing interesting really happened to me. I did my requirements and homework.

  54 Hits

Fun Day

Today I went the park with Jonathan. We got in a lot of requirements. Then later he came over and we swam for a while. So it was a fun day. 

  960 Hits

Sept. 14

Today was a long day. First I helped at the 9:00 class in Mint Hill, then went to black belt at Master Evins. Those two classes tired me out. afterwards we went home and did stuff around the house for the rest of the day.

  42 Hits

Sept. 13

Today I helped at the 5:45 class in Mint Hill. I helped two white belts learn Kwan sool. We must have did it twenty times. Then after helping at that class I took Mint Hill's Black Belt class. There was only 4 people in the class so we got a lot done. We did hapkito, staff attack and defend, and hand attack and defend, and staff form 1. I got a lot of practice in.

  23 Hits

Sept. 11

Wow. Has it really been twelve years since 9-11 happened.  This tragic event will never be forgotten. For the thousands off lives lost you will never be forgotten. I dedicate this journal entry to everyone who is or was effected by 9-11. 

  1206 Hits

Sept. 10

Today I got to move into my school. It is really big and awesome. The classrooms are twice the size and the field is huge. After school I got to go to Showmars with my friend Ashlee and her mom. It was really fun. Then I went to Tae Kwon Do and took my normal class then did a mentee session and then a mentor session with Master Richie. We went over hapkito, basic forms, and sparring combinations. I learned a lot from Master Richie. 

  835 Hits

Sept. 9

Today I got to sleep in because I don't have school today. It was a teacher work day. I got to run errands with my mom. It was really fun. I did my requirements and I  spent time with my mom so I had a good day. Back to school tomorrow. Yay!

  110 Hits

Sept. 8

Today I got up and ran my mile and half at the park with my family. I got a pretty good time when I did it. About twelve minutes for 1.5 miles. I think that's pretty good.  After jogging we went to Mc Donald's for breakfast. Then we went and looked for a solar cover for our pool. We didn't find one that was reasonable. After looking we came home and went swimming. The pool was only 83 degrees so it was kinda chilly but not bad. I'm still deciding if I am going to do the no electronics for a week. I'm going to have to decide quick because it starts tomorrow. I think I am going to do it but I'm not sure. It's going to be difficult but I am going to try. I finished my requirements so I am going to relax for a few hours.

  963 Hits

Sept. 7

Today day I got up school time early so I could help at Mint Hill's testing at 8 am. I got a lot of my requirements done while I was there. I ran a mile before helping at testing. I got to get in a leadership credit at testing  because I led warm-ups. I'm getting pretty comfortable leading warm-ups. Before the cycle I was afraid to lead warm-ups. So I have improved a lot. Then after testing I went home for hour and did some requirements. Then I headed back out to go to Master Evins Black Belt Class. During black belt class we did some forms, self-defenses, and hapkito. I finally remember all 10 hapkito defenses. It just took doing them all a few more times. Also during class I got in a lot of my requirements. I almost finished all of my daily requirements! Then after class my mom...

Continue reading
  105 Hits

Sept. 6

Today I helped at Mint Hill's 5:45 family class. It was really fun but I got is sore throat from talking so much. Then I took black belt class and we went over staff attack and defend and hand attack and defend. I think I'm getting it pretty good I just have to keep practicing.

  2665 Hits

Sept. 4

I didn't sleep at all last night so I was really tired today. I was pretty much sleep doing my requirements. I don't have class today because its my day off. I am going to catch up on sleep so I'm not tired tomorrow.

  1140 Hits

Sept 3

Had a good day.  Met with Eli my Mentee and Master Richie, my mentor.  Eli will be ready for the Oct belt test  

  1040 Hits

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day! Today I got to sleep in. Yay! Then my mom, brother, and I all went to the grocery store and then went jogging. We got in 1.5 miles. Then we came home and swam for a few hours. After that we watched Pitch Perfect. It was a amazing movie. I love it!!! 

  1260 Hits

Day 32

Today I had to get up early to take my dad to the airport. He is flying to St. Louis, Missouri to help with some family issues. After dropping him soffit at the airport my mom, brother, and I went to the park so we could get our miles in. Now I am finishing up my requirements and then I am going to go swim for awhile. That will be fun. 

  1039 Hits

Day 31

Today took the 10:45 black belt class at Master Evins. After class I went to Subway for lunch and then went home and did the rest of my requirements. Then we went out to dinner at Gengis Grill. I think that's how you spell it. Then we went home and swam for a hour. It was fun. So I had a good day. 

  1136 Hits

Day 30

Today I helped out in the 5:45 class in Mint Hill and then took black belt class. In black belt class we went over hapkito, specials, self-defense, sticks, and the written test answers. We got alot done. I got a few tips on hapkito and sticks that was very helpful. I can't believe it has been 30 days since we started the cycle. It feels like I have been doing it forever. But we are only almost half way done. Not even halfway.

  2151 Hits

Day 28

Today I went to school and I don't have Tae Kwon Do tonight. It's my day off. I still did my requirements though. I am wiped.

  996 Hits

Day 27

Today I came home from school early wiped out. I slept for most of the rest of the day. Then did a mentor and mentee session and the 4:45 class and black belt class and did my requirements for today. Now I am tired and ready for bed.

  1226 Hits

Day 26

Today was my first day of school. It was hard doing all of my requirements and going to school. I need to make a schedule for my requirements and school. It was tough today I verily got all my requirements in and tomorrow is going to be a long night I am going to have a hard time getting my requirements done. Wish me good luck!

  1109 Hits

Day 25

Today I enjoyed my last day of summer. I swam in my pool, played with my dog, and spent time with family. I have had a lot of fun. But the day isn't over yet so I am going to enjoy my last few hours of summer. Every single minute will be enjoyed. 

  1211 Hits

Day 24

Today I woke up and had a healthy breakfast and then my family and I headed to Master Evins for the Black Belt Pre-Test. I ran my mile in 9 minutes and 58 seconds. A good time for me. Then we did our push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, pull-ups, forms, and self-defense. Then we did the written Pre-Test. I am I glad I studied because I got a 100 percent. Yay me!!!! After the Pre-Test my dad took me and my brother to Subway and Go Cart Racing To celebrate. It was so much fun. Overall I had an awesome day. Tomorrow is my last day of summer so I am going to enjoy it as much as I can. But it is time for summer to end. Goodbye Summer!!!!!

  966 Hits

Day 23

Today I practiced everything for the Pre-Test tomorrow. I have never done the Pre-Test before so I don't know what to expect. I'm so nervous and scared. 

  1001 Hits

Day 21

Today I helped at Mint Hill again. It's fun helping the younger belts get their stripes for testing tomorrow. Also tomorrow is Mint Hills Open house which I am going to help at. I am so excited to help!!!! 

  87 Hits

Day 20

I just got home from helping at Mint Hill and then taking sparring class. I am really tired. During sparring class we did 10 sparring rounds without a water break. I am still sweaty and it has been 20 minutes since the class ended. But it was a good class we worked on foot work, kicks, we did a lot of push ups and sit ups, and we helped the younger belts get a feel for sparring. But I am not done yet I have a mentor session with Master Richie and then black belt class at Master Evins. Until then I am going to work on my essays and relax.

  1206 Hits

Day 19

Today I got to help out at Mint Hills Tae Kwon Do Camp and helped out with the younger belts. I also got to take the sparring class that was during the camp. I got in a some credits and requirements done while I was there. It was really fun to work and help the younger belts. It was awesome and great experience for me. I can't wait to go back tomorrow and help again.

  1211 Hits

Day 18

Today I am doubling all my requirements so it will be easier to do them when school starts. The more I do now the less I have to do later so Im going to do all I can now to make it easier for later. Because when school starts everything will get alot harder. With homework and school functions Im going to have a hard time getting everything done. Im bracing myself for the worst. Hopefully its not as hard as I think but if it is I still believe I can do it. As Moliere said "The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it." I know I can do this and I will succeed.   "The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."   -Confucius    

  1080 Hits

Rainy Day

Today it rained all day so I had to jog my miles in the rain. It wasnt that bad though it actually felt good. I took the 9:00 class at Mint Hill and got some leadership credits and then went to Master Evins for the saturday black belt class.

  1040 Hits

Day 16

Today I helped out at the 5:45 class in Mint Hill. I also did black belt class in Mint Hill. There was no thunder and lightning this week so thats was a good thing.

  938 Hits

Day 15

Today I did a mentee session with my mentee Eli. I also did my normal class and sparring class. During sparring class I learned some techniques on how to counter and attack. I also did some pushups and situps during class. Before my class I jogged 1.5 miles at Fairview Park which is about 5 minutes from my house. After jogging I was red and sweaty. I think I will be ready for the Physical Pre-Test and the Physical test. LETS GO LAUREN!!!!!!!!

  1297 Hits

Day 14

Day 14 already that means it has been two weeks. WOW. It doesnt feel like it has been two weeks. Well today I did my reqirements and then relaxed the rest of the day because I was so tired. It has been a long day.

  1143 Hits

Day 13

Today I got a lot of things done. I got a mentee session in, a mentor session in, my regular class, and black belt class. It has been I long day and Im ready to get some sleep.

  76 Hits