
Kendrick Lockhart

Member since: Friday, 10 July 2015
Last Visit: Friday, 06 October 2017
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today me and my family went to Church.  Then we went over to my aunts house for dinner.  My mom also got back in town today.

  956 Hits

Just a regular Monday

Today is my least favorite day of the week.  I don't like it because whenever I think of Monday I always think it is going to be a long day.  But anyway, today we learned about the scientific method in science class.

  961 Hits

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Today in school me and my friend Pierson were talking about the stuff that is happening in the world.  Most of the stuff we talked about was mostly related to rap music.

  861 Hits

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Today at school we finally started learning about the content we are supposed to learn about.

  850 Hits

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Today was a long day. we had a quiz in science and everyone got in trouble in Social Studies.  But other than that today was a good day.

  888 Hits

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Today I stayed home by myself for a little while. Then my Dad came back to the house to pick me up to take me to my aunts house so we can put bug killer in her house.

  792 Hits

July 18, 2017

So today is the day before my vacation.  Today I went to my grandma's house and helped her do some things.  I was so excited when my dad came and picked me up.  We went to go get our haircuts and then went home.  Then we all started to check our bags to see if we had everything we needed for the flight and California.  Then I went ahead and printed the Black Belt Test.  Now I am about to go take a shower and go to bed because we have to wake up very early.  

  869 Hits

Just a Normal Thursday

Today was the same.  Except, at before school there was a fight.  The fight started by someone stepping on someone elses shoes.  Then the rest of the day was just a normal day.  At gym we practiced flag football outside on the football field.  Also, My fourth block math teacher is getting married on Saturday.  So we have this sort of mean, sort of nice substitute.  I also went to Huntersville for sparring class.  Me and my dad also went to go get a UNC sweatshirt for college day at my school.  Other than that, today was a pretty normal day if I do say so myself.

  939 Hits

Progress Report

Today I got my progress report for three of my teachers.  I have all a's so far, and I'm only missing 2 more progress reports.  

  947 Hits

Boring Day

Today we map tested for math I did pretty good and me and my friends all got to hang out in freetime.  I also went to sparring class.  I had to sparr Dylan, Skylar, Davis, and Leo.  Now I'm really tired and want to go to bed.  I wonder what tomorrow has in store for me?

  887 Hits

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Today was the same day.  Classes, lunch electives, went to Huntersville for sparring class and went home.  We are reading The Maze Runner in ELA.

  897 Hits

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Today was a pretty boring day.  I went to my classes, ate lunch, went to electives, went to King Tiger, did a mentee session, had sparring class, and that was it.

  1042 Hits

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Today we had the same day at school.  I went to my classes, ate lunch, hung out with my friends, went to my elective, went to King Tiger Huntersville and took sparring class.  And that was how my day went.

  878 Hits

Monday, September 19, 2016

Today nothing really happened at school.  I went to my classes, went to lunch, hung out with my friends, went to my elective,  went to guitar, and went to Red Lobster for dinner for my moms birthday.

  900 Hits

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Today was  a good day.  The day started off with me taking black belt and sparring class.  Then since it was my sisters birthday, we had to go to the party.  I had a lot of fun.  I got to meet my sisters boyfriend,  I rode my bike with my cousin, we got to eat cake, and my sisters boy friend showed me his bass.  Today was a great day except when me and my mom saw a car crash when we were heading home.

  879 Hits

The week has gone really fast. I am glad to be back in school.  Today was spirit day at school so i wore my Panthers jersey.  I told my mom that middle school is really fun and it doesn't feel like school until i get to math class.  i have a busy day tomorrow with class and my sister's birthday. i am looking forward to hanging out with my family.

  0 Hits

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Today wasn't a very exciting day.  All I did was go to my classes, go to lunch, hang out with my friends, and went home.  I ate dinner, and took a little nap.  Now I will take my shower and go to bed.

  911 Hits

Monday, September 12, 2016

Today at school in reading class we reviewed the elements of fiction.  We also had a pop quiz. Also in math class we got to make up our own saying with PEMDAS.

  924 Hits

September, 11, 2016

Today me, and my dad both watched all of the NFL football games.  Today is the 15th anniversary of 9/11.

  876 Hits

Monday, September 5, 2016

Since today was Labor Day we had no school.  Me and my mom watched a show called Roots, where it tells how slaves were treated.

  924 Hits

Friday, September 2, 2016

Today was the end of  my first week of school,  we talked more about rules but we also got to play some games.

  946 Hits

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Today was the third day of school.  Today we talked about team building excersises and we talked about motivating each other.

  873 Hits

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Today at school we learned some more rules about the classroom and the school.  

  867 Hits

Monday, August 29, 2016

Today was the first day of the new school year.  I met up with some old friends but also met some new ones.  My teachers are all very nice.

  862 Hits

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Today at summer camp we watched a movie called Kung Fu Panda 3.  It was really funny. We got to play a lot of fun mat games.

  793 Hits

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Today  I stayed with my grandma I also helped her clean my grandpa's workout room.

  873 Hits

Monday, August 22, 2016

Today I stayed with my grandma so I got to help her with stuff around the house.  I also played a song on my guitar for my grandma.

  856 Hits

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Today at summer camp we went on a nature walk at Reedy Creek park to look for insects.  We found worms and beetles.  I went to Black Belt class today.

  801 Hits

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Today was Raven day at my new middle school.  Raven Day is where all of the new sixth graders meet their teachers and classmates.  I met all of my teachers and some new friends.  After that my mom dropped me off at my grandmas house.  I helped her clean the house.  After that my dad picked me up and took home.  

  878 Hits

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Today at summer camp we went to the spraygrounds.  I also got a haircut today.  Tomorrow is raven day at my new middle school so I won't be at summer camp.

  908 Hits

Monday, August 15, 2016

Today at summer camp we went to the park. We also ate at the park. I helped out with class and got my leadership. After that I had to go to my guitar lesson.

  812 Hits

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Today I stayed with my dad today because he just came home from San Diego yesterday.

  866 Hits

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Today I stayed with my grandma, I helped her around the house and got some Black Belt stuff done.  

  797 Hits

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Today was science day at summer camp.  We did two expirements. The first one was put mintos in a soda bottle and see the chemical reaction.  The second one was we made this goey stuff.

  818 Hits

Monday, July 25, 2016

Today at summer camp we went to the pool it was a lot of fun, they had a basketball hoop and a water slide.  After we ate lunch, watched a movie and got ready for class.  After that my dad picked me up early so I could go to my guitar lesson.  

  853 Hits

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Today was a relaxing day, I practiced with my basketball, went to game stop to sell my games, and that was it.

  876 Hits

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Today was a relaxing day.  I had came back from my friend sleepover, and I went to BBC and that was it.

  838 Hits

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Today at summer camp we went to a place called the spraygrounds. We also played and ate lunch that the park.  For the rest of the day I have to go to black belt class and do some reqirements.

  908 Hits

Monday, July 18, 2016

Today at summer camp we to what seemed to be a new park to me. I also just had a very relaxing evening.

  878 Hits

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Today at summer camp we went to this place called Bounce U.  It was really fun, Bounce U is a place where they have a bunch of bouncy houses.  We also ate lunch at a new park. 

  876 Hits

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Today we went to the movies for our field trip. The movie we saw was The Peanuts Movie, it was about Charlie Brown proving to everyone that he is not a failure. I also got my requirements done this morning with my friend Nicholas. 

  808 Hits

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Today I went to my basketball training, and I am improving a lot. I also can't wait to go to the park at summer camp tomorrow.

  811 Hits

October 20, 2015

Today was the same as any other Tuesday.  I got to school, went to my classes, ate lunch, went to specials, went to recess, and then we went home.

  856 Hits

October 19, 2015

Today was a regular Monday.  We had PE, went to our classes, ate lunch, went out to recess, went to science class, then that was the end of the day.

  807 Hits

October 15, 2015

Today was not any different than any other day.  Today was the same at school.  I went to my classes, ate lunch, went to specials, went to recess, and then we went home.

  827 Hits

Journal October 11, 2015

Today was my cousin's tenth birthday.  We had chicken, rice, vegetables, cake, and ice cream.  When we got home I went up stairs to play my favorite game, Madden.  Then my sister came over to spend the night.  Then it was time for dinner.  So today was kind of like a lazy day.

  852 Hits

Today was ...

Today was like a regular Sunday. We went to church, had brunch, watched the Panthers play against Tampa Bay. We also picked up my shrub.

  1079 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a normal day at school today. We had our classes, ate lunch, had specials, went out for recess, then we went home.

  922 Hits

Today scho...

Today school was a little strange. We had our classes later than usual. But after school was the same. I ate snack, I helped with class, had leadership class, then I went home. I also had guitar practice today. And I went to Hyper Pro.

  1185 Hits

Today me a...

Today me and my mom went to church. Then my grandparents took care of me while my mom went to work. Then my dad picked me up. Dove me home. I typed an essay and that was it.

  1012 Hits

Today was ...

Today was the same old day as everyday. I got to school, we had our classes, had lunch, specials, recess, and went home. Then I went to King Tiger and helped out with class. Then my mom picked me up and took me home. We had dinner and now we are just chilling.

  943 Hits

Today I we...

Today I went to King Tiger for camp because today was a teacher workday. We did a lot of fun stuff. We played electronics, and we played some games on the front mat. It was really fun.

  866 Hits

Today was ...

Today was school picture day. Our class also got to have lunch in the classroom and watch a movie. The movie that we watched was called the box trolls. It was hilarious.

  945 Hits

Today at s...

Today at school was the same as any other day. We had our classes, ate lunch, went to specials, went to recess, then it was time to go home. When my dad picked me up from afterschool we went to go get haircuts so I could look good for school picture day.

  893 Hits

I am reall...

I am really looking forward to spend the night with my best friend Ethan tomorrow. Me and Ethan have be friends ever since kindergarten. I did go to a sleepover at his house before but what makes it more fun is that tomorrow is his birthday and I have made up a plan to make sure that we have lots and lots of fun.

  1036 Hits

Today me a...

Today me and my family went to church, went home, took a nap, then we went to Lowes to get some stuff to fix up the backyard. So we fixed up the backyard and had a little chill time. I learned how to do a layup.

  978 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a regular day at school. Nothing new happened. We had our classes, ate lunch, went to specials, went to recess then we went home. Then I helped with class at King Tiger. Then my dad picked me up.

  965 Hits

Today at s...

Today at school we did what we normally do. We went to our class, ate lunch, went to specials, had recess spend some time in homeroom and went home. Today at king tiger I helped the afterschool class then I went home.

  879 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a regular day. I went to school and I got a project from my math teacher. We have to type a paper about a number that we choose. We have to come up with facts and number sentences for that number.

  973 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a regular day. Nothing new happened at school. During leadership class I made a speech about how the leadership people need to take it more seriously. I mean leadership is a privilege and they should take it seriously.

  904 Hits

Today was ...

Today was the 2nd day of school and it went by pretty fast. No homework again today but I bet we are gonna get a boatload of homework starting next week. My teacher seems nice and my classmates are very friendly. I was super sleepy when I got home but it was probably because of the long day plus class.

  888 Hits

Today was ...

Today was the first day of school. My teachers name is Mrs.Colberg. Today I learned some things about my teacher and my classmates. I'm looking forward to this school year. Hopefully the school year will go by fast. After school I went to Taekwondo. Then my mom picked me up to take me to guitar lessons. Then my mom took me to hyper class and it was really fun. We did cart wheels,rolls,handstands,and lots of other cool things we did in class.

  915 Hits

Today my f...

Today my family decided to stay home today. My mom and dad stayed in bed until 12:00pm. I was downstairs watch jurassic park 1 and 3. Then my dad wanted a soda so we drove to the gas station to get him some soda I also got something then we came home then we ate dinner.

  897 Hits

Today was ...

Today was super busy. We went to open house and met my new teacher. I am looking forward to going back to school and getting back to my normal routine. I have a long day tomorrow, but it will be fun.

  923 Hits

Today my g...

Today my grandma did not go to the pool today. She said that she was not feeling very well. We went some places to do some things. When we got lunch I did my daily requirnments.

  989 Hits

Today I we...

Today I went to my grandma`s house. Me and grandma did a few things. We went to the grocery store,Michael`s,and Home Depot. Then when we got home after we unpacked the groceries. We took a nap. Then I practiced my guitar. Then my mom picked me up to go to guitar lessons. Then my dad picked me up to take me to Taekwondo. Sadly I missed hyper class.

  958 Hits

Today was ...

Today was tropical day today at summer camp. I wore a T-Shirt that had waves,and my dad's hat that had flowers on it. We also had Cona Ice.

  875 Hits

Today at s...

Today at summer camp we saw Mall Cop 2 at King Tiger. I don`t know why we did not go to the movie theater.

  910 Hits

Today at s...

Today at summer camp we went to the Sprayground`s. I got really wet. I mean soaking wet and the was freezing. But luckily we go to the movies tomorrow and hopefully I bring something warm to wear.

  933 Hits

Today was ...

Today was not a very good day. A ton of bad stuff happend to me. But I will not bore you with the details.

  1023 Hits

Today me a...

Today me and my mom stayed home today. We had breakfast in bed together. We had chicken wings for dinner. It was a fun day.

  899 Hits

Today I we...

Today I went to BBC and sparring class. I also took a nap. I also watch some television and I also ate some lunch.

  1008 Hits

Today at s...

Today at summer camp we had electronic day today. We also played some fun group games. Then when me and my mom came home we took a nap then we ate papa johns.

  930 Hits

Today at s...

Today at summer camp we went to the Duke Energy Explorium. then when we came back we went to class,then we played some games on the front mat.Then it was time to go home. So I took BBC today.

  931 Hits

Today at s...

Today at summer camp we went to Reedy Creek park. I also went to guitar lesson.

  935 Hits

Today me a...

Today me and my mom went to church. After that we had bojangles then we stayed home then we ate dinner.

  948 Hits

Today I we...

Today I went to the Saturday BBC and sparring class. When I came home lunch was ready to eat and boy was it good. Also after lunch we took a nap then we watched Jurassic Park 1 and 3.

  990 Hits

Today at s...

Today at summer camp we went to the library. We also had a fashion show.

  853 Hits

Today we w...

Today we went to the Spraygrounds. It was okay. But tomorrow we are going to the movies.

  1120 Hits

Today I we...

Today I went to summer camp,we went to the park. It was kind of fun,it was really hot though. Then when we came back from the park we had reading time,class,then we played a group game and then I left.

  932 Hits

Today I we...

Today I went to church. Then after church me and my mom did nothing the rest of the day.

  950 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a busy day. I helped with 2 classes took BB and sparring class. Also I`m sleeping over at my aunt`s house.

  980 Hits

Today was ...

Today was the same as usual. I went to the pool with my grandma. Then we did not do anything else. Then when my mom came to pick me up we had Zaxby`s.

  984 Hits

Today was ...

Today was as usual. I went to the pool with mp y grandma and we did not do anything else after that. Then my mom came to pick me up. Then she took me to BB class.

  976 Hits

Today I`m ...

Today I`m spending the night with my grandparents. Today me and my grandma went to the pool. Then we went to Walmart to get a few things. Then we didn`t do anything much after we came home.

  949 Hits

Today I we...

Today I went to the pool with my grandma and boy was cold. After me and my grandma went home and did nothing else. Then when my sister picked me up we went to my aunt`s house. We also went to the hair supply store for a long time.

  828 Hits

Today I sp...

Today I spent he day with my grandma. Today we went to The Home Depot and bought some flower for herself and my mom. I also played my guitar for my aunt and my grandma. I also ran on the treadmill today.

  1039 Hits

My day did...

My day did not start as early as normal but it was a full and busy day. Today I helped out with the 9:45 class, I did the warm ups and I helped some kids with there poomsaes. Then I went to BBC and I learned a few more steps to Koryo. then I went to sparring calss a boy was I on fire but sadly I got hit in the mouth and the eye.

  962 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a super busy day but I could not wait to go home and take a nap. Today at summer camp we went to mini golf. I`m glad that I got alot of requirements in but tomorrow I plan to pick up the pace.

  877 Hits

Today at s...

Today at summer camp we saw The Book of Life. The movie is a animated film about some kids on a tour of the museum where the tour guide is telling them about the town San Angel. The story came to life and takes them on an adventure. The moral of the story was to be yourself even when your afraid.

  926 Hits

Today at s...

Today at summer camp we played kickball at the park. When I got home I did my requirements. Me and my mom were supposed to go running today but we did not.

  858 Hits

Sunday was...

Sunday was a lazy day, but at least I got a good workout in. My mom cooked steak on our new grill. Then me and my dad went to Walmart and got a new lego set.

  820 Hits

Today was ...

Today was my first day of black belt cycle. I went to black belt and sparring class today. I was pretty hungry afterwards. The day ended with a movie with my dad. Jurassic World was awesome!

  920 Hits

Today was ...

Today was pretty busy. I had to help my dad move some furniture and boy was it heavy! Hopefully I will be able to sleep a little later tomorrow.

  884 Hits