
Kate Aberman

Member since: Saturday, 27 July 2013
Last Visit: Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Kate Aberman
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Hard workout

Today in school was pretty normal. I got my Cyprus Today! I need to name him, I'm thinking Stanley. black belt class was hard, we had a tough work out, but we got a lot Of requirements! I'm ready to sleep. Goodnight!

  3514 Hits


I had a relaxed day. I got up at 9:30 and did requirements then went to sunday school. I came home, did more requirements and went on a run with my dog. I showered and finished my homework outside, it was a nice day. I'm done with kicks! yay! now to get to bed earlier.

  1554 Hits


Today was pretty easy. My classes didn't do much, and I made up a bad grade which is good. I relaxed some at home and did some requirements (I need to stop missing my first alarm!). I then went and helped out with testing for a while, which went great! Good job to all the testers! Then I came home and relaxed some more. I plan on writing essays tomorrow and adoring a bio project since we don't have sparring class. Goodnight!

  142 Hits


I had a lot of tests and quizzes today. They went okay, I got a 100 on one of the quizzes! I brought scones and lemonade in to tkd to raise money for kicks for kids. I raised about $45 yay! It was also college night at school so that was a little interesting, but I'm still not ready to think about it. Shower time!

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Hebrew High

Today was not so great. I fell asleep after my first alarm, skipping my requirements. I had a hard time staying awake during school. Once I got home I baked mainly and finshed annotating. I then went to hebrew high which was better than I expected. I also met someone who was nerdy like me, she's really cool. I'm behind for today on some requirements, but that's the price for good grades and sleep.

  1678 Hits


Yay it is october! I love october! well my day was pretty good. nothing real interesting in school, or after in work either. I enjoyed giving the kids at work raffle tickets, you could see just how much they loved it. Thanks Ms Donna, you probably made many kids' day!

  1090 Hits

Zombie Apocolypse

So to start off, my day was fine, I got home and got to relax and then do some spanish homework, then I annotated and did requirements. I ran pretty well. I went to class and we worked on a lot of things like attack defense, hurricane hook, and staff form 2. What was interesting about today was that last night I had a very realistic dream about the zombie apocolypse. I woke up at 4:30 and ended up doing my morning requirements to get back to sleep. See, I already have a kind of apocolypse plan, but I spent the whole day thinking what would I grab first, who would I take with me, which certainly put an interesting spin on my day. I hope no more apocolypse dreams tonight!

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Long Day

Today was a pretty long day, but relaxed in a way. I got up late (for me) at 9:30 and then did requirements and went to sunday school. It was cool seeing all the new kids that I get to help teach. I had to leave a little early since I realized that I had to eat before going to the Nature Museum to volunteer. There I worked from 1-5 and I got to help train a new volunteer. Maggie was very nice and funny and I'm looking forward to working with her some more. I also realized I don't get to help out with the Halloween Special Event since that is the day of my test! oh well. I had a very nice dinner with my family and now I am doing homework. I plan to get to bed early tonight!

  64 Hits


Empathy empathy put yourself in the place of me! The empathy class was super cool today, I learned a lot. It was kind of hard, but very inspiring as to creative thinking. I got to hang with my friends for 2 hours and then I knocked out the history of the kwans. Not much other than that!

  942 Hits


I got my HOTA and apes test scores back, 95 for hota and 91 for apes. Considering I thought I failed them, I'm pretty proud. I spent my afternoon doing apes notes and now I'm kinda brain dead. But I had a nice dinner with my family. Food night, see you tomorrow!

  947 Hits


I'm feeling better today. I ran well for one. I also got some of my APES notes done, which is a start. However, I slept through both my alarms this morning. I hope I don't keep up the habit because it's hard to make the requirements up in the afternoon. I must go to sleep now! ahh!

  898 Hits


Today was hard in school. I had two tests, one in HOTA and one in APES. I also overslept my first alarm, by the way. English class was a waste of time, since I'm not caught up in the book. Both my tests were kinda hard, and I wish I had studied some more. I hope BB cycle isn't taking its tole on my grades yet. I am just read to get everything done. And have time for naps. Yep, definitely naps.

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No time

I've had a rough day, I have a lot of work I do for both school and and cycle. I just don't have enough time. I also tried out for bluegrass bros which went okay but not real fantastic. I'm ready for bed.

  888 Hits

Baby Chin!

It's actually good to be back on schedule afte my weekend off. I got a lot done today, especially in class. I realized that even if I'm stressed about things in school and at home, I kinda have to forget about it in TKD class, which is prob really good for my mental health in a way. I also got to see Baby Chin, she is soooooo cute :) And Master Chin looks awesome! Can't wait to see her back regularly. Also wish me luck on bluegrass club auditions tomorrow, yay!

  914 Hits


So I didn't really get anything done today because I was lazy. The whole weekend hasn't been to good for requirements I guess because it's a vacation I feel entitled to relax. But I'll work hard to catch up now. It's got to say something about how often I'm on here by the fact that I automatically tried to log into my tumblr with info from this account. haha, oh well. I'm looking forward to this saturday's class.

  1502 Hits

Bar Mitzva

Another cool day in Chicago. We went to my cousins' Bar mitzvas. pretty cool and I opened the arc. Afterwards there was food and a magic show. The magician did card tricks, slight of hand, and mind reading. Very cool. Then for dinner we went to my cousins' house. Food was good and I got to go to the park across the street to do pull ups and poomsaes. I'm not ready to go home yet.

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Wow, I forgot how cool chicago is. We arrived last night and today we went into the city. We toured the field museum and went shopping on the magnificent mile. My favorite exhibit was the one on bioluminescence, I learned a lot. We also went through exhibits on the pacific region and ancient egypt. For shopping I got to go to a big forever 21 store and a cool candy shop. Its hard getting requirements done and I'm pretty sure I'll get behind this weekend but it should be easy to make it up when I get home. Same for homework. Maybe  I can write an essay on the way back. 

  937 Hits

Looking forward

I'm excited to go to chicago but it will be hard to get all my requirements done. I joked that I can walk the marvelous mile (shopping) for requirements. But I am really excited. I haven't been on a plane in a while, but it will be nice to sit and get homework and such done without having to worry, oh I should be doing burpees. I do have to get ahead some though. Sparring class tonight was good, and now I'm working on the written test. I missed my alarm this morning, but thankfully I made it up. Well, got to go pack now!

  1071 Hits

Another long day

I had another long day. I have a lot of homework to do, mainly for APES and HOTA. I got home and took a mini break, then I packed my stuff and went to work. It was a little chaotic because we had photos but it ended up being fine. I then drove to an orientation meeting for sunday school teachers helpers. i then got home around 8:30 and finished what I needed to get done.

  48 Hits
  1 Comment

Dead on my feet

I just feel dead on my feet. Today has been nonstop. I had to leave school early to go to the doctor for an annual check up, where I got 3 shots. Then I went home briefly to work on homework for about 20 min, and I finally got the book for english which I am behind by 70 pages. So I have to read and annotate that. Then I picked up one friend to got to another friend's house to finish a video project due tomorrow. Then I drove my friend home and changed for TKD. Class was long as all monday classes are, but it was very helpful. Now I'm ready to shower, relax, and go to sleep.

  946 Hits

Nature Museum

Today was a pretty quiet day. I slept late then went to work at the Nature Museum. I cleaned and fed the mice, rabbit, quail and chicken. I also straightened play areas but that is about it. My mom got home this evening from a day of farm touring. She brought with her an ostrich egg, which we are told is about 3 dozen chicken eggs! we have to plan on what to use it for. She also brought me some alpaca yarn so I can make mittens! wooh! gotta get working on that so they'll be ready for when it gets cold!

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Better ish

I'm feelin a little better today, thursday was pretty aweful and yesterday wasn't much better, I almost had another fever. Today I did some jump rope and I might do some more later, but I get over-heated pretty easily. I have to stay ahead though in case something worse happens later. But this is why I build up extra.

  851 Hits


I have a fever, which means no school tomorrow, no exercise for a little, and no fasting or services for yom kippur. Yay isnt that fantastic. Just lots of sleep.

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Cold when it's hot

Today I got hit with a really bad cold that I just heard has been passing around school, ick. I've found it's hard to do pushups when your nose is running. Tea helps with my throat, which I guess is why I have had 4 mugs today. I just really wish I had a thermos to take to school. And I wish I could stay hydrated. I'm worried I might have to skip my fast saturday. I'd like to do it, but it's hard when you're sick. In other news I only have 2 days more of contacts, then I have to wear glasses until the 23rd. Oh well. Other than that, school went good and I had a pretty relaxing afternoon.

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Regular Day

Today was a really regular day. School was good and not too hard. It was supposed to be picture day, but it got postponed (I didn't even know that today was picture day so I guess that was good). I got home, had a snack and went to work. That also went well and I had a good time. I then got home and worked on homework and did requirements. Yep today was pretty regular.

  53 Hits

Catch up

Today was pretty good. At school I had a fair amount of catch up work to do since I missed last Thursday, but got it taken care of. I also got my homework done pretty efficiently. The no electronic entertainmenI challenge is harder than I thought. fining myself turning my iPod on, flipping through the pages then turning it oad again, which is not a good sign. But I've done pretty well even with all my family watching things around me and playing games. But that's okay, I will power through.

  47 Hits

Greek fest #2

Ah I'm really tired but yo had an awesome day! I went to black belt class and sparring lads which was pretty good. To got a shower and relaxed with one of my friends until we met up with my other friends at the Greek festival. We hung out there and then I went with one of my friends to sleepover! Super fun!

  1166 Hits

Greek Food

Today was good, I got pretty caught up on my homework and got some time to relax too. I also wrote my book essay, I just have to type it now. The Greek festival tonight was fun, we mainly got dinner and treats, tomorrow is the day I go with my friends to really have fun. I'll have to be careful not to eat too many goodies. Haha :)

  919 Hits

Rosh Ha Shana 2

I got to sleep in an hour later, then I went to rosh ha shana services. I also had a really nice lunch with my family at a cafeteria (which is a family tradition). I took a nap, but I paid for it when I didn't finish my requirements. I also have to make up the school work I missed. But now, it is time for a shower.

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Rosh Ha Shana

Today was pretty normal as far as school and requirements. I worked on my psych project and had a fiddle lesson where I learned two new songs. The abnormal thing about today was that it is Rosh Ha Shana, the jewish new year. I had to go to services and spend my time there rather than being super productive, but it's kind of nice. Well, L'Shana Tova, Happy new year!

  3109 Hits


I am super tired. I didn't get to bed until after midnight last night since I was feeling bad. I also am still getting up at 5 to do requirements before school. But reflecting back, the set up I have now is easier than last year. School was good and I don't have too much homework, and work was fine too. I won't be going to school thursday since it is Rosh Ha Shana, so that gives me extra time for today's homework. Yay

  1107 Hits


My break was very nice, I hope it helped my ankle! I got to hang out with my friend in the mountains and prop up my foot and read a book. I am refreshed and ready to get a move on whatever I have to do. Granted I still would like to sleep in... But anyways, can't wait to see my other friends again!

  938 Hits


Ah it's finally the weekend. This first week of school was long, but I got through it. Now I can't wait to go to the mountains after class tomorrow. I'm going to relax and get to hang with my friend and my family. I also finally started my history of the kwans paper. It's not looking as hard as I expected wooh! (Knock on wood) Welp I am so ready to get to bed! Night!

  2162 Hits


School is going well and today my ankle wasn't hurting as much. I'm going to give it 2 days break then go to the doctor if it still hurts. Not much else happened today, It was pretty boring.

  52 Hits


School has started and the early mornings are wearing me out. Also my sprained ankle hasn't been getting better. I plan on taking two days off over labor day weekend to rest it up and hopefully heal it. On the bright side I had friends in my classes today. yay!

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Chill Day

Today is the day before school, so I relaxed some and got ahead for tomorrow so I won't have to get up at 5 am. Just 5:45. We also got to go to the melting pot for my sister's birthday dessert, and that was really yummy. Also I got to read a lot of my book, which is really good. It's all about a hunt for an easter egg in a simulated reality game in the future. But it's really good That's all I really did today.

  917 Hits


Woosh I am tired! I had a long day that I was expecting. First of all, I had a great run during the pretest and all went pretty well. Then I went to my friend's pool party and got to see my close friends that I hadn't seen most of the summer. That was tiring enough, but still after that I cleaned up to go to my other friend's birthday dinner. It's nice to get dolled up every now and then after weeks of sweat. But now I am super ready for bed! Goodnight!

  18 Hits

Getting Ready

I have been so busy these past couple days. I have been studying for the pre test and working on requirements. I was very efficient today, I got a bit ahead for tomorrow and wrote another essay. I also got a present for my friend's birthday tomorrow. I'm going to have a very busy day, I'm going to a pool party and then a dinner party right afterwards. I hope I'm not too tired!

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I am so super tired. I got up at 5:30 to go to the DMV to get my license, and even getting up early was no use, I was still there for 5 hours! Sitting there felt like such a waste of time, I could have been writing essays or something. But hey, I got my license! I also drove myself to work today and had an awesome lunch to celebrate. PMAA was good too! time to go to bed.

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Quiet day

I didn't do much today, I mainly puttered around the house when I got home from my sleepover. I got my requirements done and cleaned my binder for school next week, not really looking forward to that, but oh well. Anyway, It was a really quiet day.

  1025 Hits

Star Wars

Awesone tabs relaxed day today! I got to wake up late and do my requirements. Then I got to go to my friend's house for a Star Wars marathon! Super fun! Now I get to sleep over! Wooh! A great break.

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Good Walk

Today was pretty nice. Black belt class was good; I got to work on the basic and wang ho forms which I am not as good at. Afterwards I ran errands with my dad and built up some extra requirements. Finally, this evening I got to have a really nice dinner with family friends from out of town. Also I went on a great walk with my dad around the neighborhood. I am ready to go to bed!

  881 Hits

Last Day of camp

Today was the last day of breaking camp. It was awesome, and the kids did a great job with their breaking routines. I met with my mentee again and got to relax at home for a while. I didn't go for my drivers license because there was an expected 3 hour wait, but I'll go Tuesday. It gives me more time to practice too. It was nice out so I went for a slightly longer run too. Overall a pretty good day.

  978 Hits

Great Sparring Class

Today was pretty good. I helped out in camp again, which was really fun, and got to work with my mentee for the fourth time. I also went to sparring class at the Mint Hill school, which was amazing. It was a great time and I really enjoyed it, even though I don't do a lot of sparring regularly. I have to put my nose to the grindstone to really get ahead, because I hope to have it a little easier for a couple days when I want to hang out with my friends. I have to work hard to make up for lazy days. My motto for this week is "I'm not going to want to, but I am going to" It's hard but I'm ready. Also on a side note I'm testing for my drivers license tomorrow. Wooh!

  924 Hits

Bake Sale Prep

Good day, not a lot extraordinary, but still nothing bad at least. I'm getting ready for a bake sale I'm having on the 17th when Queens university students move in. I'll be baking cookies, brownies, and scones, as well as selling iced tea and lemonade. I'm still unsure on what I'll price them, but I'll figure it out. Lots of baking ahead!

  1081 Hits

Breaking Camp

Today was the first day of board breaking camp at south Charlotte, and I have to say that we have a great bunch of kids this week! I'm ready to do an awesome demo with them! Also I had my first meeting with my mentee, William, and it went really well. I plan to knock out five meetings this week. Also I was super stoked to hear about all the credits for black belt camp. I had a great time, so the credits are an extra bonus! Thanks so much!

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Lion King

Today was a pretty good day! I got all my stuff done (except push ups and sit ups, which I have built up) and I got to go to see the Lion King broadway play with my mom and grandma. It was nice getting to doll up after a week of sweaty do boks. The play was amazing, and one thing I thought was interesting was that all the dancers were really fit (which is expected, but still) and it reminded me if I work hard I can be that healthy too. Looking forward to another week of helping with TKD summer camp!

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Long Day

I had a really long day today but it was worth it. I got almost all my requirements done and had an awesome time at black belt class and camp. Then I got to go shopping and finished out my day watching my favorite show, Castle. Can't wait for tomorrow, I'm going to go see the Lion King!

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good run

Today I ran the whole 1.5 miles without walking. Running is not my strongsuit so I am very proud that I pulled through this early on. I still of course need to bring my time down. Looking forward to running with the king tiger summer camp tomorrow!

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I wrote another essay today! One of my hero profiles. I'm not quite ready to approach the history of the kwans one yet. Also thinking about what new skill to do. Maybe a backbend kickover, I can already do the backbend. Well, off to get a good night's rest!

  1199 Hits