
Jaylen Nivens

Member since: Thursday, 07 January 2016
Last Visit: Thursday, 12 May 2016
Jaylen Nivens
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


  My dad said that he was gonna get me some Kyrie's. I like Kyrie's  because they feel good on my feet and they look good. Kyries are like running shoes they fit nice and everything I really like kyrie's. Kyrie plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers Also there a pretty good team.  

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Golden state warriors

  There is this basketball team named the Golden state warriors. They are really good. When the warriors,and the cavaliers dd the back to back games I think they did 8. But the warriors won it on the 8th.  

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  There is this place up the street called pelicans. Pelicans is a snowball place that has over 100 flavors. Pelicans is my favorite spot for snow cones. Me,step dad,mom, and step sister all go there almost everyday in the summer I guess you can say that Pelicans is a cool place. 

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  On sunday when I was with my dad me and him played on my ps4. When we picked teams I picked Golden state warriors, he was the Milwaukee Bucks. The score was 103-101 I was up then he mad a three. The score was 103-104 I had to make a shot with klay tompson but he missed the three and we lost.

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Fun day

Yesterday I went to spare time.  At spare time me my dad and his girlfriend all went but me and my dad did putput.  Then I did the arcade. Then after that we got my favorite food ribs. I had a fun day yesterday .

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  Yesterday me,dad,cousin went to go work out. Will they were working out I worked out with my trainer. Then after that we all went to go run 2 miles. It was hard for me because we went to go run right after I got done with my training. So I guess yesterday was hard.

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   Yesterday I lost a tooth. It was really bad. It was bad because when I pulled it out it had skin and this weird thing on it. When I tried to pull it out it hurt so bad that I started so much that my eyes turned so red that it was darker then my dark red blanket and my blanket is dark trust me. Also after I pulled it i had a smile on my face that's how much it hurt. 

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  On one day it was pi day and I got 21 words. I forgot the words but at least I got the numbers right in class. The numbers were 3/14 that was the day that is celebrated .

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Tech Field Day

  Today our school had Tech Field Day. It was early fun but the part when we had to learn. we did recess,slideshows,art,and music.It was really fun. The most fun part of all of it was when we went out to recess.

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  There is this drink that has alo in it its called exposed original. It is so good it at earth fare. Its right near my school so me and my mo go there some times. But luckily My mom bought me some exposed drinks from amazon. Thank you amazon.

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  My mom makes me do all these thing to make me responsible. Like she makes me go attest a day by keeping my things organize. then after a wile I'm responsible so i can now take care of my little brother Ethan by myself.

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Video Games

  There is this one game called return man 3 the season. It is really fun. I would rate it a 100/10 Its that good. Its like a football game many people play it. These are the coolest controls in the game a,s,j, thats it. I hope the people that made the game make another one better than that,how could they beat that though?

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  Today my mom went to work today. I know she works really hard at work because she is always hard on me about working hard. Also she is a good mom but gets on me a lot. She also does a lot for me that I'm really  grateful for everything.

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Myrtle beach

  On Friday I went on a field trip to myrtle beach. It was really fun we went to ripleys ,and the aquarium.  we didn't get back till 12 i went to sleep when I got home. We had to get up by  4:30 and get there by 5:10 I had so much fun at myrtle beach I wish we could do  that eve very day.

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  Tomorrow Im going on my field trip to the symphony  . The symphony is just like opera singers just sings for us. our field trip is at 10:30 to I don't know?The teachers say that the field trip id our recess but recess is at 9:50 how does that work. I mean why should that be our recess when we don't even have any.  

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  My Basketball trainer trains me out like nothing you have ever seen before. We do about up to about up to 14 sparring rounds each time we train. We train about once ever two weeks. We work on passing,handles,and shots. I can tell when he works me out that Im getting better on everything.

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   I had my game last Wednesday. We lost by one point. After all that my team and I had our Ceremony at the Rib shack. 0f course I got ribs but those ribs didn't fill me up. I would give the ribs a 96%.Me and 2 other of my teammates tried lemonade,with sprite it was really good.

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Tomorrow I will be getting some football cards that I ordered on Tuesday. I am getting some cards that are really good or that are supposed to be good. Im getting this card that has part of there jersey,but not the real jersey just like a fake. I also know that in every pack there's a rookie card a really good rookie card. 

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  On saturday me and my team are going to the playoffs. We will win. I think we are playing at our court or the other teams court. If we loose we are out if we win we still play. My coach said that we will play against the undefended team. We have a really good team we just need to score thats what we near to do to win the game.

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  Today me and my dad were looking through some of his old stuff. So we found some of his old football,basketball,baseball cards. Of course there all legends because he uses them when he was a kid. He found this colts legend so I know Logan would want to trade.

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Valentines Day

  Yesterday was Valentines day. I had so much fun,my mom got me and my step sister some peeps,skittles,Hershey's,and clothes. I can't wait for next year so I can eat all the candy. I bet after I eat all the candy ill have a tooth ace. Hope I won't have to go to the doctor. I had so much fun can't wait to eat it all.

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  Last Saturday I had a basketball game. We lost by 2 it was a good game 21-23. This Saturday is our last game so I better play hard. I bet I'll even cross somebody up it would be funny. We will wiin the game.

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  On Saturday I went to Jasons house for his birthday party. We did swords, but thats all I remember also I was late to it.  At Jasons house there were two dog's one BIG one small I forgot there Names. After my mom picked me up we went to the mall were we were trying to get Ethan [my baby brother] some shoes,but we couldn't find any.

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Sparing class

  Today I did my first sparing class as a black belt it was kinda hard but at the same time easy. We did kick boxing and did roll's and fall's. Im glad I went to sparing class because I'm now in the green in some of my stuff. Also I needed it.

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    This past couple of dayshave bean good for me. I got a lot of things for my black belt done. The reason I do not get things done that much is because I do not have time to do them. I also have basketball,and helping my mom with my brother. But know I have all day to do that

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  Today is beginning  to one of the worst day ever. The snow on the ground and my snow balls from the snow ball fight  I had are melt away. I don't want it to go away so I better enjoy it wile it last. But before I go I had to wright this journal Entry.

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  When I went over to my aunts house I was taking her dog's out. They were close to the fence so I pulled and pulled and pulled but he wouldn't move. I pulled even harder and his leash popped off. I tried to get him but  he was too fast.  I went home with a sad look on my face I was thinking to my self what was I going to tell my aunt. At the time my grandma was looking for me too. So she found him and go a better leash on him the next day.

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  My baby brother turned 6 months yesterday. He is acting like he wants to crawl but he's not babies are so unpredictable. His name is Ethan . I also have a dog,so when my brother sits in his lithe baby chair my dog comes up and starts licking him. Ethan is petting him so he starts smiling and he's having a good time.  On the first day Ethan came out I wanted to hold him so bad. He looked kinda weird at the time but he grew out of it.      

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  It was friday morning and I looked outside and it was snow no school I thought to myself. The first thing I did was wake up my mom put on my clothes and opened the garage and I felt falling snow on my face I enjoyed the amazing snow. I have this big hill in the front of my house so I ran up it and when I got to the top I jumped,I started to get dizzy it was a terrible idea. So I did it again and I got dizzy but i didn't mind it.

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Martin luther king jr.

  On monday when we were out of school for martin luther king jr. I went to a museum based off of him. It first was talking about the war and then it was talking about what he did and when he was born/died. It was a cool museum it also had an old school car and they had a barber shop in there too. I think it was the best museum i have ever went to I had so much fun.

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We got home from the grocery store we turned on the tv and the panthers were up 31-0. I wasn't surprised the panthers are better than Seattle. They already won their first game against them so i knew they would beat them again. So then I saw the score again  it was 31-7, finally they scored. I was going for the panthers but if they lost 31-0 then i was going to brag. When we were watching the game we had wings,deviled eggs,and some ginger ale it was all so good. I had honey barbecue wing it sounds gross but its really good. We had a big tv so we could see everything. I had fun on sunday and a tasty one too.

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