
Hallie Uczen

Member since: Saturday, 27 July 2013
Last Visit: Wednesday, 08 April 2020
Hallie Uczen
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

I did a lot today(and yesterday)

I finished my kwans essay last night plus those other two. It kept me up late. On physical testing, I passed everything except pushups, which I will retake later this week. On the written test, iI think I did well. I finished jump rope today, finished my classes because of the AAU, and this is my last journal for the cycle that's required. I'm  starting to finish early, and i hope that I finish the rest of the cycle early, too.

  5055 Hits

4 More Essays

Today I finished my book for my essay. I have to finish a LOT tomorrow. At least the fourth one is community service, so we have to wait a little bit, so I can write the first part in the middle of next week, and the rest after the festival. I shouldn't have waited so long to do them. I'll just have to put in my hardest effort tomorrow and get them done. Well, on the other hand I only have one mile to do tomorrow and I'm done!(with miles) I didn't get to jump rope today, but I'll do them tomorrow. I mostly read my book today, and nothing else other than school, tkd, and making more rubber band bracelets. The bracelet thing is also going well for me, and I'll have a lot done for the festival. We are going to raise a lot of money for the hospital!

  1395 Hits

1 More Mile and Completed Mentee Sessions!

Today I finished my required mentoring of my mentee. I also walked a lot, so I only have one mile left as well as only 6 jump rope rounds done which I'm finishing tomorrow. I have to take a picture of my mentee and mentor forms and upload it to Drop Box, which Dad can help me with. I had a pretty good day today, but I also have to do a lot tomorrow. It will be a long, but worth it day.(hopefully)

  1299 Hits

Back in the Green!

Today I'm green in everything except weekly black belt classes and sparring rounds, I did a lot today and m tired, but at least I'm green. I haven't had much free time lately, but I have to get stuff done. Today in black belt class we played jeopardy, and it was a good review for the test coming up soon. Doing all the requirements in the day makes it really hard to get to sleep at night. ?Tomorrow I need to do a lot to stay in the green 

  1569 Hits

Journaling at School

Today I'm doing my journal at school in computer class in free time! My friends are watching me write some of it. It's so cool! Anyways, i usually don't do my requirements in the morning, because I do them right before I go to bed, then I do my daily journal and brush my teeth and go to bed. today I'm getting it done early so i won't have to do it later. I read a little bit more of my book for my essay, but I still have a lot to do. I hope I get done early this cycle. 

  1327 Hits


Today I did a lot of requirements, and I'm very tired. I feel like it's already 10 or 11 PM. I didn't get to do any essays today, but if I have any spare time, I'll work on some. On Wednesday, I'm going to finish my required mentoring sessions, and my leadership requirements. It turns out that at the AAU, I got my hand strained, with a t, though at first I thought it was a sprain. My mom says it will heal in about a week, and I just have to be a little bit more careful. Anyways, I just need to keep doing requirements to get done early or right on time. I have lots to do, but I'll get it done; I just have to stay consistent. Tomorrow I hope I'll be able to do a lot.

  316 Hits

AAU Tournament and my dad's b-day

Today was the AAU tournament and I got a second place medal for poomsae, and a third place trophy for sparring. I got a good amount of requirements done, and I finished random acts of kindness! I have finished a small portion of the cycle early, I need to just keep fiishing stuff early. Today was also my dad's b-day, and he got some presents and an awesome card from me, which was a dog begging him to have the best birthday ever! It was a cute an funny card. It was also another exciting, but tiring day. Tomorrow I need to do essays, poomsaes, and self defense. 

  1060 Hits

Tiring Friday

Today was a very long day. I'm exhausted. I wrote 2 essays and did a bunch of requirements. Tomorrow I'll be doing a lot. I also got some small rubber bands at the store today to make some rubber band bracelets to sell for Levine Children's Hospital. I think I'll be able to make a lot, sell some to my friends, and also wear some myself, maybe 1 or 2. Tonight I've finished all my requirements for today, and I'm so happy I've done them. I also get to watch a movie tonight, so all in all, it's been a tiring, productive, and fun Friday.

  1036 Hits


Today was a great day. I took two tests at school, and I think I did pretty well on them, and I also finished the required sparring classes and meditation.  I also took a sparring class at Mint Hill today. I got some sparring rounds in, as well as practice and experience for the AAU. I still can't believe that the competition is only a couple days away! I need to do some more sparring rounds to catch up, and prepare me for the tournament at the same time. Now that I've got some requirements out of the way, I can work on other stuff, like sparring rounds and self defense an poomsaes. Tomorrow I'll be able to do more, so I hope t start my walking plan then.(3 miles one day, then 1 the next, and then 3 the day after that) Tomorrow I will hopefully be able to do...

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  57 Hits

Leadership Credits Finished

Today I finished with my leadership credit 1s, which makes me officially done with the required amount of leadership credits! I'm also now one step closer to finishing the cycle. I'm 9 journals away from having the required amount of those, and I'm almost done with random acts of kindness. I've been meaning to walk, to get that finished, but lately I've just been too busy. I think I'll finish some stuff early, and other stuff right on tme. I've been a little inconsistent, but I'm getting caught up. I need to work on my essays soon.

  1469 Hits

Staff Class

Today in black belt class we worked on staff. It went well, and I finished 100 kicks there, too. For the AAU, I'm being loaned a size 2, since I don't have time to order one in time, and because I've grown out of my size 1. I didn't do much today, requirement wise anyway, because I had a lot of homework to do. I just got it all done, because I had a really busy day. Tomorrow I really need to get on the walking track since I forgot yesterday. I also need to do some more burpees.

  1079 Hits


Today I did a good amount of requirements. i also am almost done with my mentee sessions and walking. Starting tomorrow I'm going to start walking 2.5 miles until I'm done. I think I'll be able to finish with some things early, and some things right on time. Tomorrow I'm going to try and do a lot.

  218 Hits

2 More Essays Completed

Today I did 2 more essays. One on Mom as my hero, and another on empathy because I lost my first one. Luckily I remembered the experience, plus yesterday's emathy class also helped me complete the essay. It's ben a long day of essay writing, but I still got about 2 hours to play with my friend Zoey. We had a great time. I got some people interested in buying cupon books at church today, but nobody actually bought them today. Anyways, after this journal, I'm going to watch some tv and go to bed. Tomorrow, though, I'll have to do a lot.  

  1000 Hits

One Essay Done

Today I finished one essay and just put it in Dropbox. It's on my new skill, animation drawing. I also got some good progress done on the five original kwans essay. I have a lot of essays to do and not a lot of time to do them. At least I have one done, now. I didn't get that many requirements done today because I was doing essays, SCUBA, and TKD classes, but mom said it was okay since I was going to do a lot of work on my essays. At least I did some requirements at Tae Kwon Do today. I also went to subway for lunch and got a salad. It was really good, healthy, and energizing. SCUBA really made me tired though. Tonight I'm going to watch a movie.

  990 Hits

Awesome Friday

Today went really well. I got green on poomsae, got new shoes, and did a lot of requirements. This Saturday I'm going to try to sell a bunch of coupon books. I'm going to do a lot of requirements this weekend and work on essays. Tomorrow I will finish my last required sparring class, and second to last leadership one credit. I think I'm going to catch up and get ahead soon. 

  971 Hits

Coupon Books

Today I sold 4 coupon books, and have some people interested in buying them. I took a sparring class at Mint Hill, and we didn't do drills, but we did the other stuff that we usually do. I'm going to compete in the AAU, so these sparring classes will help a lot. I managed to get a good amount of requirements done, but I still need to do a lot more. I need to do some sparring rounds done, but all in all I'm doing pretty well. Last week I was in the green for all my physical requirements! Most people are close to finishing, so I really need to try to get lots more done. I need to do more poomsaes tomorrow as well as self defense. I also need to do jump rope rounds. 

  983 Hits


Today I  had an okay day. I didn't get that many requirements done, but I can catch up on that. I haven't had any time to work on my essays, so I've decided to do the writing on the weekends, and do my research during the week. I need to do a lot of kicks, and I'm catching up on poomsaes and self defense. Also, I want to finish meditation, sit ups, jump rope rounds, and journal entries early.  Tomorrow I have a long day, and I need to do even more than I usually do to catch up for today. I really need to get a schedule to help me know when to do what. Tomorrow I'm also going to try to sell a lot of coupon books for my school. Tomorrow's going to be a busy day, so I need to at least make a schedule on when to do...

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  41 Hits


Today I accidently fell into an ant pile, and I had to go to the office to get some anti-itch medicine. My friend also had to come because she accidentally stepped into an ant pile. Other than that, I had a good day at school, and when I got home, I did homework and requirements. I need to do some more sparring rounds to catch up, but other than that, I'm doing pretty well on requirements, too. I still need to get to work on essays, however, because I still have a lot of them to do. Tomorrow I'll try to get a little bit more on my essays, day by day, until I finish. I have a lot to do, but I'm getting it done.

  1030 Hits


Today I didn't do as many requirements as I usually do, but I still did some. At Dream team today, we worked on crescent kicks and then I did my mentor session with Madovan on his breaking kick: flying sidekick. I finished my homework when I got home, then I worked on requirements. I'm practicing for the AAU Tournament and hopefully I'll do well. On the kwans essay, I have a paragraph, but I still have a lot more to write and I still need to get to work on my essays since their due soon. I think I'm catching up on requirements, but I still have lots more to do to get more greens. Tomorrow I need to do a lot. 

  120 Hits

Lots of Requirements

Today I did a lot of requirements. I also got started on my kwans essay. I think I could get ahead if I keep doing a lot of requirements every day. I also need to get the book I want for my essay at the library. I went biking with my dad today around my neighborhood. I was really thirsty when we were done. I have a lot of essays to do, so I better do them next weekend. I need to do a lot of kicks to catch up and get ahead.

  173 Hits


Today went pretty well. I did a lot of requirements, and I'm done for today. Camille and I ran to the golf course and back. Last week I was barely green on poomsae, so I'm catching up fast. I may be able to finish early, but I really need to work on my essays. Tonight if I have some spare time, maybe I can do some research.

  448 Hits


Today I did a lot of requirements. I need to do sparring rounds and jump rope rounds and kicks and I'm almost done with meditation. I'm going to try to finish walking/running early, too.  Tomorrow is the weekend, so I'll need to catch up a lot. I'm going to do a lot of research for my essay on the kwans, my essay on the white belt challenge, and check out my book for my book-reading essay, too.

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Sparring Class

Today I had a sparring class at the Mint Hill location. We did drills and sparring. Today I had no homework because I finished it at school, so I was able to do a lot of requirements. It's definitely been a tiring day, but tomorrow I need to do more so I can catch up and get ahead. I'm going to try to get ahead on walking for right now.

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Day 49

Today was very long. I had a lot of homework and requirements. I'm starting to walk/run more often, and I'm almost done with meditation. I can focus on other things now that I'm done with pull ups, but starting today, I'm practicing 8 daily or every other day to practice for the physical test. Tomorrow I need to do some more research on the kwans for my essay.

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Long Day

Today I walked and ran a lot. I didn't do as much as I wanted, but I'll probably get to do more tomorrow. I need to do essays and also I need to work on preparing for my neighborhood yard sale. Tomorrow I'll do some more research on the 5 original kwans.

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Not Much Done

Today I didn't get much done, because I had a lot of homework. I got a lot of classes done, and counted 3 sparring classes since I took the electronics challenge. Tomorrow or this weekend I will have to do a little extra because of today. I'm done with pull ups now, and I'm working on meditation, burpees, and random acts of kindness. I also am done with some classes. I'm trying to get done early this cycle, and not late like the last time. Maybe I'll make up for today tomorrow.

  44 Hits

New Haircut

Today I went to Great Clips and got a hair cut. It's a little shorter now, and I have bangs again. My hair is now about shoulder length. I finished all of my weekend homework, and I also did a bunch of requirements. I'm almost done with pull ups, and when I'm done I'll have more time for other stuff, but I will still have to practice doing 8 every other day. I really need to do poomsaes, and do my essays, though I already have started my research on the 5 original kwans. I'm starting to do more burpees.

  1236 Hits

Good Day

It was a good day today. I got a pretty good amount of requirements done and took 2 classes. In black belt class we practiced poomsaes, rolls, falls, and kicks. I also took sparring class, which was sweaty, but I think I've improved at sparring rounds. I need to do more running, push ups, sit ups, self defense, ad poomsae.

  39 Hits

Last Day of the Electronics Challenge!

It's finally the last day of the electronics challenge, and I'm looking forward to using electronics again. It wasn't that hard for me, because first it was school, then homework, and then requirements, which doesn't leave me much free time. But still, the challenge really showed me how much time we devote to electronics every single day! Anyways, I think it was a great challenge, and I'm also wondering what the extra credit is for. Today I did a lot of requirements, and had a good day at school. I'm catching up with poomsaes, which I'm in the red on, and I'm almost done with pull ups and mediation. I hope that I do a lot this weekend to catch up and that I get more greens.

  964 Hits

Lots of Requirements Done Today

Today I got a lot of requirements done. I had been trying to get 2 extra day's requirements done, but I decided to count towards today's totals to get a better total number. I had a sparring class at Mint Hill today, and we worked on drills and did some sparring. Also, the electronic challenge is going well. I only use electronics when it's required. I plan to do a lot this weekend, so I can get some more greens. I'm a little behind in some stuff and ahead in other stuff. Tomorrow I can do a lot of stuff, too.

  1101 Hits

I have to do a lot today

Today I have to do a lot to catch up. I'm doing well. I've got mostly greens, but I do have 1 red and a few yellows. I study for tests at night for school, so I don't even have a chance of forgetting it, so right now I'm done with written homework, so I have a lot of time to get requirements done. I've been good about the electronics challenge and it's the middle of the week, so I'm almost done. I'll have to push myself to do more so I can finish. I can't believe that the cycle's half over already.

  982 Hits

Great Day!

Today I didn't use electronics today, except the website, had a good day at school, got in the green for running! I also took a black belt class, and we worked on rolls, falls, and poomsae. I'm catching up quickly, though I still need to plan my day so I can get all of my requirements done.(hopefully I get some extra requirements done, too) I really need to do poomsaes, so I'm going to try to do 50 daily from now on. I hope I can get even more done tomorrow!

  37 Hits

No Electronics

It's only the first day of the electronic challenge and I already miss my iPod. I only looked up the 5 original Tae Kwon Do kwans and logged my stuff today. I had a Dream Team class today, and we worked on rolls and tucking our knees when we roll. I also finally have a mentee! Tiger is my mentee, and he is doing great! Today we worked on high blue belt self defense. He already knew blue belt self defense, (apparently since he's a high blue belt)and so I just had to help him a little bit. After class I finished my homework and worked on requirements. Finally it's time to go to bed, and then I'll wake up at 6:15 tomorrow morning to do my daily walk. 

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Lots Done

Today I got a lot of stuff done! I even managed to have time to hang out and talk to my friends! I'm almost done with pull ups, which will give me time to do some more poomsaes, self defense, and sparring rounds. I think that if I finish pull ups, burpees, and stuff like that, then I'll be able to do the other suff that I'm falling behind in. Today really helped me though, and I'll have to catch up lots more on the weekend since I'll have more time.

  852 Hits


It's the weekend, so I don't have to walk in the morning for two days. I also have time to make up for all the stuff I haven't done lately. I hope I get some more greens this weekend. I took sparring and black belt classes today, and we worked on poomsaes, hapkido, and kicks.

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Sparring Class

Today I had a sparring class at Mint Hill. Master Justin taught it, and we did drills, relays, and sparring rounds. I need to work out a schedule so that I can do ALL of my requirements and everything else. Today went pretty well. I didn't get many requirements done, but this weekend I can catch up. I need to do some more pushups tomorrow, as well as kicks.

  48 Hits

Getting More Greens

I'm starting to get more greens, which is really helpful, because it encourages me to get some more greens and be consistent. I'm getting better at pull ups, which is becoming one of my strong points. I definitely need to do more poomsaes, because I probably won't be able to finish if I don't. Also, I forgot to change my belt rank from bochodan to first dan. I didn't realize it until I took the time to read over my profile. Anyways, I need to do more pushups, because I have way more sit ups. 

  1039 Hits

Getting caught up

Today I worked on getting caught up. I'm trying to get more greens. I even did 8 pull ups in a row, so now I need to work on doing 20 burpees in a minute. I also need to do more sparring rounds.

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I have lots to do

I had a retreat today for school, and it was from the morning until night, so I couldn't do many requirements. I also need to record some stuff from some other days. On the retreat we went to Inner Peaks, which is an indoor climbing center, and when we were done, we got free passes to come back! We did some other stuff, but I think that the Inner Peaks part was the best part.

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Getting Back on Track

I'm getting back on track from my sick days, but I'll need to put in an extra effort to get where I need to be in some areas. Today was my second day of school, because for me, school started on Friday! The homework's easy so far though, but it will probably get harder. I helped with junior tigers, specifically the new student, Camille. We worked on white belt self defense one and two and blocks. I also demonstrated how to make a proper fist. After that I took Dream Team, and it was our last time doing staff, the next time we would be practicing something else. I've worked out a self schedule for myself, and will use it to help get myself organized. I'm also getting my yard sale prepped for our(my neighborhood's) special neighborhood yard sale day.

  885 Hits

A Weight off my Shoulders

Today I finished my book report(for school) called: Alex Rider: Stormbreaker. I got it printed and ready for tomorrow. Talk about last minute! I worked on it all day, practically rewriting the book, with a break every about thirty minutes. When Dad checked it, he realized I was doing it wrong! Thank goodness I already had two parts of it done! I had written about 4,000 words, 3,700 at the least, but I got some good writing experience which will prepare me for writing in school. . . a lot. It's also one of the reasons I wrote this journal quickly. Well, I had better brush my teeth and get to bed for school tomorrow.  

  980 Hits

Middle School

Today was my first day of middle school, and it wasn't what I expected. It was only the first day, though, and it was only five periods. It's not what I expected, but I'll get used to it.

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So much I need to do

 Today I haven't done much. I did some requirements at KTA, but not too many. I didn't get my walking in today, but I'll walk 2 miles tomorrow. Today in class we worked on kicks, poomsaes, bolo form, and stick and staff forms. I also did SCUBA after black belt class. I will do more requirements after this journal. Also, my new skill is cooking..... maybe.

  962 Hits

Day 15

Today was pretty good. I walked, did some requirements, watched television, and took a black belt class. I still have some requirements to do, but I'm doing WAY better than yesterday. I need to practice a few things for the pre- test, but all in all, I'm doing pretty well.

  61 Hits

Day 13 Comlete

Today I finished all the requirements I could and I'm doing pretty well. I started late on poomsaes and self defense, but I'm done now.  I'm starting to really get into a habit, which I'll have to keep up or else I'll get behind. I need to do more sparring rounds, jump rope rounds, and pull ups.

  981 Hits

Great Day

Today I did most of my requirements. First Instructor Randle gave me a self defense mentoring session, which really helped me review and learn. Then I helped out with class. I got two leadership credits! After that I went to Dream Team where we practiced staff attack/defend. After that I went home, ate dinner, and did my push ups. Later I worked some more on self defense and poomsaes. Then I recorded my requirements.

  1328 Hits

I don't know what to title this so i'm titling it Title

I did a lot today. I still need to do some requirements, but I'll get them done. I need to focus on eating healthy, getting my sleep, and doing requirements and essays. I really need a jump rope for the cycle and I'm getting a pull up bar. I walked 1.5 miles today which doesn't sound like much, but when it's hot like it was today  it's exhausting. My face was pink and I was sweating hard. Later I went to the pool to cool down. It helped a lot.  I also took some pictures of my dog. I've got a great picture that I'm editing and so far it looks great. Photography is my new skill this cycle.

  1032 Hits

Lots to be Done

I really need to catch up on jump rope at TKD because I don't know where any of my old jump ropes went. I did my first round today. I haven't done even one pull up yet, and I really need to catch up. Today I went to dream team where I learned what I need to do: make an emergency preparedness kit, know what to do when certain natural disasters happen, look up and read the definition of honor in our books(which I'm going to memorize), and read this month's article about honor. I already basically know what to do for almost any disaster basically because I got a Red Cross app on it.(not thinking it would be needed hopefully) One day I decided to read the information and it turns out they have tests you can take to get patches and so I studied and took the tests, and...

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  1231 Hits


Yesterday was my mom's b-day, so I didn't get any requirements in other than raoks and meditation. I also went to a friend's b-day at bounce u. It was so much fun that I decided to have MY party there sometime this fall.(hopefully) I have started to make arrangements and it is an all girl party. Anyways I  really need to make up some stuff. Maybe if it doesn't rain I can do some pull ups on my swing set.

  1205 Hits

A Long Day

So much to do! Reports, School Prep Book, Requirements, SCUBA Test Studying, and the Annual Summer Reading Program! I really NEED a schedule. I think it  will really help. There so much to do and not much time to do it. Anyways, today I went to Walmart and couldn't find a jump rope!(even with help) I really need to get a good jump rope because I feel like they're all too big or too small for me. I got a cool green water bottle, though.

  76 Hits

Ready or Not?

I am sort of ready for this black belt cycle. I did my empathy day yesterday and my report today. Check this out. I'm writing this from my bunk bed which my dad just set up for me a few days ago when it was just a bed. From my experience I know it's going to be a long cycle, and that  I'll have to push myself. I have more experience now after one cycle and I know what to expect. getting to start 10 days early will be a huge help.

  1113 Hits