
Camille Robertson

Member since: Saturday, 27 July 2013
Last Visit: Saturday, 26 October 2013
Camille Robertson
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


today i got 2 pages of my hisyory of the kwans essay done. i have to go to a birthday party tomorrow. after the party i have to finish my essay. i am really tired.

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today i got extra recess at my school. i got extra dinner. i got dinner from panera bread and i got a dinner from home. i also got extra sleep. i was so tired i fell asleep during class. i am also very tired now. i am also in extra trouble because my vice principal wanted me to sign up for safety patrol and i did not.

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today i did a lot. i did requirments, rode my skateboard, played soccer and did chores. i am so tired but so happy. i am happy because i finished 1 of my essays.

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i got the tape off my hand at 9 pm. my hand was stinging and burning. so i started to do some carpet angels. those made my hand feel much better. i thinking right now it is finally over.

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class was cool today. i liked how the we practiced our curriculumn in a form of activities instead of straight out doing it.  

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Flu shot

Today I got to sleep in because I went to get a flu shot.  It affected my push ups and things I had to do with my arms.  My arm really hurts and I'm really tired.  Good night.

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white rice

today i had so much white rice. i had it for breackfast. i had it for lunch. and i had it for dinner. i am getting a little sick of eating white rice.

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i forgot to journal yesterday. i am about to kill myself. my eye got better from when it got hit by a basketball. but it still hurts when ever i touch it or do anything like that.

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today i was playing basketball with my friends. in the middle of the game i tried to catch the ball that my friend through to me. i missed the catch and it hit me in thet eye. i had to go home because i couldn't see.

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today i worked only on poomsaes. every 3 poomsaes i did i did 30 pushups. i was really tired before i started so now i am extra tired. but i am happy for my brother because he had his first school football game today.

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today i have a headache from practicing the same thing over and over again. i practice kuemgang, attack deffend, hopkeido and my self defence. tomorrow i wil make sure i practice something different. i will practice pullups and kicks i will make sure to do 600 kicks and 50 pullups.

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today during my mentoring session i found out that i have trouble with hopkeido 13, 14, and 15. i think it might be because i am getting dizzy from going around i a circle on #12. i also have trouble with #11 because i always seem to jump knee the attacker. i may have to duct tape my foot to the ground when i practice so i can grow on that habbit. 

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today i went running to a river in my neighborhood. i stopped there and through leaves and bark in the area with the strongest current. then i ran around my neighborhood pool. then i came back to the river. when i got to the river i dropped tiny water bugs in the water. when i was done at the river i ran up a steap hill to get to my house.

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longest day of my life.

today i helped out with a class. then i went running. after that i took the blackbelt and sparring class. after sparring class i went with my brother and dad to get their hair cut. that took about two hours becuse there was a long line. then i went home and we just got back in the car and went to dinner. i didn't get back home till 9:00

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missed out

today i missed out on coldstone. it was do to my brother taking such a long time in the locker room after football practice. though during that time i did get a lot of requirments done. i also had enough time to read a full book. and it takes me a while to read a book. today is a great day. i say that only because it is friday and i get my electronics back tomorrow. 

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Better day

Today I had a better day than yesterday.  I got more requirements done.  In class we worked on knife and bolo.  I'm tired and now I'm going to bed.

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Not that much

today did I did not get that much requirements done.  I had a hard time getting up this morning and did not get my requirements done.  I was very tired all day and did not get much done.

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today i sold 1 raffle ticket and 2 coupun books. my goal is to be able to be the best i can be during testing. so i gave people tae kwon do demonstratios if they bought a raffle ticket or a coupon book.

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today i took class. then i took a leadership claas. after that i had a mentor session. then i had ametee session.igot most of my reqruirments done. i finished two essays and i had a brownie.

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today i got all of my reqruirments done early. i am so happy because my mom made a feast for no reason. i think she cooked enough fod to last me the rest of the year. i am so happy about that.

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i had fun today helping out with the little tigers. i thought it was unusual that they actually listened when ever we told them to something. that made it a lot easier to teach class.

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i love fridays. i don't like friday school test. my mom did not make me take the friday class. i thought that was unusual. my mom wanted me to take every class i could. then i looked at my log and i noticed that i had done all my week day and saturday blackbelt classes. 

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i really really need to work on stick form one. i messed up during it in class about fifteen times. i figured out ont thing to night. really hard work could go to serious waste. it happened to me tonight.

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mixed up

i don't know what happened witth the website yesterday but i am pretty worried. 1 of my friends predicted that one day a website will default and after an asteriod would hit the earth and end all life. now i think i was being pranked. i don't like those prank people.

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public service announcement

today in school my class had fun. we made public service announcements. mine was *it can wait. texting and walking is no good. someone could get seriously hurt if you bump into them or you trip and fall. be smart. don't text and walk.*

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today i wrote my essay about being a white belt for a week. it took me all day to finish it. i also went running along a new route. i accomplished my gaol and did 8 pullups in a row. tommorrow i will try to do even more.

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The longest walk of my life

I walked 4.25 miles today with my Godmother.  We were walking at the Greenway right behind UNC Charlotte.  It was really tiring.  After the long walk, we went to see a movie.  The movie was Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters.  It was really cool movie.  I'm tired and my throat hurts.  Getting a little behind on mentoring sessions but we'll get caught up.

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class today was awesome. today was the first time I had ever gone outside to practice. it was really hot out there. just getting to the back of the back of the parking lot made me sweat like crazy. my mom says sweating is good.

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today i have nothing to do nothing unormal happened today. i went to dance. i went to school. i got accepted into the safety patrol which is completly normal. i stay after school it one of the many offices in my school. so i can be on post. the only thing cool that happend  wa sthat i get to be dissmissed early because in safety patrol you have to get to their post early.  

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tscs (the spreading classromom sickness)

2 days ago my friend was out of school because of strep throat. yesterday  another one of my friends was out of school because of a high fever. i think i am getting bronchidas. illness spreads rapidly  in my class because the fifth graders have the smallest rooms in the school.  

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 today my class had a lot of fun. we listened to weird music. and played cool games. my team  was the winner in kickball. it was easy for me to kick the ball because it was just like doing a hop-step sidekick. every won on my team never wanted me to leave home plate.

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first up last to bed

this morning i had to wake up early up at 5. and i went to bed around 10. i woke up and did my requirements went to school that started  at 7.  after school i took class. i helped out with a class. then i helped out with a class. then i took leadership class. after that i came home ate dinner then went to bed. i had fun today.

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Go karting

today i went go karting at victory lanes.  it was fun but it was hard to hit the brakes.  using the brakes was like doing front kicks.  turning the wheel was like using my staff.  I still got requirements done.  tomorrow is the first day of school so i have to wake up early to get most of my requirements done.

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taking the test

taking the test today was a little bit different from the last pre-test. finding out the day before that we were going to be running 2 days before made me a little concerned. it was a good thing to be concerned. my running time was 15min 50sec. my goal was 16min. i guess i just need to run a little faster next time. i also have to study more. i have to retake the written test. though i was worried about the written test i was way more worried about the running and pullups. i think next time i need to relax to get a better score.

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today i had fun doing my requirements. i did my requirements everywhere. i did them at home. i did them at the park. also at the barber shop my brother and dad go to. everyone around me was impressed. some people tried it themselves.

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i am so tired i could skip everything for a day. i would just drop everything for a day and just sleep. if i was my brother that would be easy. my brother sleeps a lot. but if i stop everything for a day i will get behind.

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late night

today i as thinking of just journaling then logging tomorrow. but my mom made me. had ballet today for 2 and a half hours. my dance teacger told me i need to work on my balance while keeping my leg over my head. i think that might help me with my kicks. 

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almost forgot

today i almost forgot to log. i had a long night at dance. the dance teacher was giving the lecture of not talking behind people's back and not to say mean things to each other. so i came home extra late. i found out that i need to work remembering things.

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all the days are starting to blur together. that is what i think.it is my same routine. wake up. watch tv. eat breakfast. clean the house. eat lunch. do all my physical. take class. eat dinner. log. take a shower go to bed. i also have to find some thing i need to work on a lot. it just happens to be pullupsfor me.

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The 18th day

Today I rode home from Virginia.  It was a five hour ride and we left around 2:00.  when I got home I ate dinner.  That gave me just enough time to get some requirements done.  I'm still having trouble on my pull ups.

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the 18th day

today i rode home from virginia. it was a five hour ride and i left around 2 pm. when i got home i ate dinner.  that gve me just enough time to get everything done. i am still having trouble with my puullups.

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today i have to do my pullups last. for me they are pretty hard to do for my brother they are easy. right now i can do five at once.

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today during camp i counted belts in a closet, checked off the belts on a list, then i sorted it back on the shelf in the closet. when i started the shelf looked like it was over flowed with belts. when i ended the shelf looked like it didn't have enough belts to go on it. the surprising thing was that there was 41 size 1 yellow belts. i also did kwon sool in the closet. figured out that i need bend my knees a lot more. 

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early in the morning when i was at camp i did my 250 pushup and situps. it made me so tired that i could barely play the game that the whole camp played. it was fun. i have to work on going from a dead hang on my pullups and bringing my chin higher. i also have to work on wang ho 2.

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bubble rap

today i did a poomsae on bubble rap. it was funny beacuse every where i went i heard a pop. my brother told me say excuse me even though i did not fart. he also told me to turn my feet in another direction when doing the poomsae that i did.

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today was the last camp. i am a bit sad because i could get a lot of requirments done during the camps. i found out that i had tothat i need to work on my red and high red self defence. i also have to work on staff attack/defend.

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lightning and thunder

today during and after black belt class lightning and thunder began. it was funny because we struck a pose in a poomsae then all of a sudden thunder sounded and it was like sound effects. also the lightning came so close to us that it was right outside of the parking lot. i love the rain.

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Today I ran to the golf course and back at TKD.  I ran most of the way. I worked with my mentee on his sticks, kicks, and staff.  I need to practice on pull ups and pal chang. 

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day 7

today i had to finish up my pullups and my sparring rounds after dance class. it was late at night. it felt like each thing took a year to do. though the whole thing probably took about five minutes. though it felt like a long time i got it all done.

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day 7

today i had to finish my pullups and sparring rounds after dance. it was really lateat night. they felt like they took hours to do but it only took about five minutes though it was late i got it done. 

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today in camp we went to the movies. we saw the smurfs 2. it was awesome. my favorite part was when a man came falling from the sky and a gargoyle caught him him by biting him in the butt. then a bunch of fireworks blew up right in his face. after the movie i had class. right before it was time to get out of class i got out of class early because my mom showed up to take me to the dentist. the good thing is that the dentist saidthat i dont have to brush my teeth tonight. i am so happy!

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day five

today has been one of my hardest days yet. i squeezed in the last of my requirments late in the night. i also went on a mile and a half walk with my mom she was whereing blue jeans and a sweater. i was whereing shorts and a tee-shirt. my mom said she sweated more than did when did during her vaery first zuba class. she never took zuba ever again. i got back to king tiger just in time to get dressed and ready for leadership class. today was was really hard.

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Today I taught my mom how to do sparring combinations 1 thru 20.  I think I should have taught her 1 thru 4.  She did pretty well on most of them but by the time I'm through with her tomorrow she'll need a new hip.  Also my mom taught me something.  She taught my how to change to the next week on this website.  I put all of my Saturday requirements on the wrong week.  It's right now.  All together I learned a lot today.

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today i had to rush to get my requirements done because of back to school shopping. i think it is important getting as many requirements done before school starts again. depending on how much homework i have from school and how much i have to practice from dance class may leave me behind in requirements. i have most trouble getting my running in and doing my pull ups. running is hard because i have trouble remembering to breath while i am running. that makes me take lots of breaks when i am running resulting in me taking a longer time to run. i have trouble with pull ups because my body is not strong enough to pull up from a dead hang. though i have trouble with those certain requirements i am determined to get all of my requirements done.

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a different class

today i took blackbelt class at the mint hill location. the class was different and the class was small. i figuerd out that i need to woork on staff form 2 and knife self deffence.

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ballet and my requirerments

i had ballet today so i had barely had enough time to get the rest of my requirerments done.

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