
Caleb Patterson

Member since: Tuesday, 09 July 2024
Last Visit: Monday, 07 October 2024
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Today I woke up this morning and ran a mile with my Dad. I came home and finished my exercises.  I also worked on some of my 5th grade work and took a nap before going to my baseball tryouts. I worked hard and did a great job at my tryouts. 


I had a great day at school and I made a 15 out of 15 on my math test. I practiced my taekwondo written test and worked on my other taekwondo stuff. I feel good about my testing but I will continue practicing. Today was a great day.

  98 Hits


Today I woke up and went to school and at school I got a 14/15 on my science test today and I am so proud of myself. Then I went to Harrisburg school and we worked a lot on poomases. Last I went to Lake Norman school for a sparring class. Overall today was a good day.

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Today I woke up and went to school and my favorite part of school was learning about the nervous system. Then after school I went to the Belmont school for weekday black belt class and we worked on poomases, self defense, and rolls and falls. Then I went back home and did my exercises and went to bed. Overall today was a good day.

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Today was a good day at school. I enjoyed learning about different body systems and graphing in Math. After school I finished my homework and TaeKwondo stuff.i feel better about my black belt test and I’m going to keep studying. 

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Today I went to North Charlotte King Tiger for a black belt class. I went to Harrisburg King Tiger for class today and leadership class. I really enjoyed leadership class today. I finished my Taekwondo stuff today and went running with my Dad. I worked on another essay today and almost done with my essays. Today was a good day. 

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Today I woke up and I went to school. Today at school I got a 5/5 on my math test today and I am so proud of myself. After school I went to the Lake Norman school for my black belt class. Then after that I went to the park to run my mile. Then after that I went back home and worked on my poomases, self-defenses, and my essays, and my written test. Overall today was a good day.

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Today I learned a lot in school in Math and Science. After school I finished my homework and practiced my Taekwondo. I went running and did my exercises with my Dad. I practiced my written test and I feel good about it. Today was a great day. 

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Today I woke up and went to school. School was good because I had a science quiz and I did really well. Then after school I went to the park to run my miles. When I got back home I worked on my essays, written test, exercises, and pommases and self defenses. Overall today was a good day.

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I had a great day at school and I enjoyed math and science today. I studied my written test and finished my Taekwondo stuff. I went running with my Dad today. I’m getting closer to my goal. 

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I feel much better today from yesterday and my cold is almost gone. I studied today for my written test and practiced Taekwondo stuff. I went running with my Dad and finished my exercises.i feel good running long distance. Today was a good day.

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Today I wasn't feeling well and tried to rest so i can feel better from my cold. I went over my written test and answered all questions. I will keep practicing my test. I am learning a lot everyday in my black belt cycle. I'm getting stronger and thankful I am able to reach my goal. 

  81 Hits


Today I woke up today and I went to school. At school we learned about coordinate planes in math. Then after school I went to the track and ran my mile. Then I went back home and did my exercises and studied my written test. Last I went to Lake Norman’s school for my sparring class. Overall today was a good day.

  81 Hits


I had a great day at school and my favorite part was learning about coordinate planes. After school I studied my written test for Taekwondo and I know all questions. I will keep studying until my test. I went running with my Dad and finished my exercises. Today was a great day.

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Today I woke up and I went to school and we learned about coordinate planes in math. Then after school I went to the Belmont school to get my black belt class and we worked on stick and staff forms and hapkio. Last when I went for my run then went home and did my exercises.

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Today I woke up and studied for my written test and I feel good about it. I went to a baseball day camp to work on baseball drills. I went running with my Dad a finished my exercises. I’m getting ready for school tomorrow and I all today was a great day. 

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Today I woke up this morning and went to school. At school we learned about how the digestive system works and how it affects our body. Then I went running and finished my exercises. I had a good week at school. 

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Today I woke up and I went to school which was fun. We learned about the digestive system and change over time data which was cool. Then after school I went to agility training with my team which was fun and I felt like I got faster. Last after agility I did my run and my exercises. Overall today was a good day.

  172 Hits


Today I woke up this morning and went to school. At school we learned about the digestive system which was pretty cool and in math we learned about change overtime data which was fun. Then I had a baseball practice with my team. Last I went home and I did my exercises and my running 🏃‍♂️ after that I went to bed. Overall today was a great day.

  134 Hits


Today I woke up and I and got ready for school. School was good because we were talking about how the digestive system works and that was really cool. Then after school I went to Belmont for my high belt class. We worked on rolls and falls and bocho special self defense. Then after that I worked on my exercises when I got home. Overall today was a good day. 

  76 Hits


Today I woke up and I went to school which was good. I went running and worked on my exercises after school. Then I went to taekwondo and I helped out in jr tigers and that was fun And what was funny was at the end of class a little kid asked if  he could have my belt. Last I went to the black belt class I we worked on how to get up if you are on the ground. IOverall today was a good day.

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Today I woke up and went running with my Dad. I worked on my exercises and worked on my written test and my poomases. Then worked on my hurricane back kick which I am getting better at. Last I worked more on my written test and I finished it and now I am just studying it. Today was a good day. 

  89 Hits


Today I woke up this morning and I went to sparing class to get my class done then I helped out in jr Tiger. Now I need 1 more assistance credit. Last I went back home and took myself a nap and I woke up and I felt energized. I went running and did some exercises. Today was a great day. 

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Today was a good day! I had a good day at school. I learned a lot in my classes today and my teacher is awesome. I went running with my Dad and finished exercises. I am getting stronger and happy about it. 

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Today was a good day at school and I learned a lot in Science and Math. I went running with my Dad and worked on my exercises. I feel good about my Pomesaes and self defense but I will keep practicing so I get better. 

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I had a great day at school and my favorite part was learning about Cells in science class. This was really cool. I went to Taekwondo after school to help senior tiger class and meet with my mentor. I went running with my Dad and finished my exercises after Taekwondo. Today was a good day. 

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I had a good week being back in school. After school I went to Taekwondo for black belt and sparing class. We had a good class today and I worked hard. I went running with my Dad after class and did some exercises. I’m tired now and need some sleep. 

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Today I woke up and I went to school and we made a gilder out of a straw and a piece of paper which was fun. Then after school I went to Taekwondo and I got a mentee, mentor, and an assistant credit. Last I had agility with my baseball team. Last today was a great day and I can’t wait for tomorrow. 

  141 Hits


My school day went great today. Both of my teachers are really nice. I went to Taekwondo to help out in Jr Tiger class and help my mentee. I worked with my mentor today with stick training. Today was a good day! 

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Today was my first day back to school and I really enjoyed it. I was able to see all of my friends again. After school I went to Taekwondo to help out Sr Tigers. I then went to Belmont king Tiger for high belt class. Me and my Dad went running and finished my exercises at park. Today was a great day. 

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I went running this morning with my Dad and came home and worked on my exercises. He helped me with my self-defense, and I worked on my pomsaes. I went to my school to meet my teacher for open house. I'm ready for school tomorrow. I will keep working hard on my black belt cycle. 

  126 Hits


Today was a good day! I went running this morning with my Dad. We went to have a green smoothie after running. I went home and worked on my exercises, pomesae, and self-defense. Later we went to practice some baseball and I learned a lot today. Open house tomorrow at school and my school starts Tuesday. I will keep working hard on my Black Belt Cycle. 

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Today I woke up and went to my sparing class this morning and I did really good. Then I helped out in the jr tiger class. Then I went back home and worked on my essays and my exercises. Last I went to d bat and worked on some hitting overall today was a great day and I can’t wait for tomorrow.

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Today I woke up and ran my mile with my dad. Then I practiced some of my taekwondo, then I went to taekwondo, and I got my mentor and mentee session. Last I went to a baseball place where you work on hitting, fielding, and pitching. Last today was a great day and I am pushing through the cycle. Last me and my dad helped two baby cats in our bushes, and we took it to a shelter to have a safe home.

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Today was a good day! I started my day working on my 5th grade practice work and then worked on my Taekwondo exercises. I went to a Taekwondo class to help out Jr Tigers. I went running with my Dad later this evening. I will keep working on my self defense, pomesaes, and kicks. I learned a lot in my mentor session today. I will keep working hard on my goal. 

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I went to run with my Dad this morning at the park and came back home to work on my exercises. I practiced my Pomosae's so I can be ready for classes today. I was able to go to a Jr and Senior Tiger class to help out. Open house at my school is Thursday and ready to meet my new teacher. Today was a great day and I will keep working hard everyday. 

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Today I woke up and did my run then I went back home and I did my exercises, pomsae and self defense. Then I did some of my 5th grade work, after that I went to taekwondo and helped out in the jr tigers. Last I lead the senior Tiger class and i did a good job.

  91 Hits


This morning I ran a mile with my Dad and came back home to do my exercises. I practiced my Pomsae, self defense, and kicks. I was a little tired after running today but I kept pushing. I can tell I'm getting stronger by doing exercises everyday. I will keep pushing until i reach my goal. 

  179 Hits


Today I woke up this morning and ran a mile with my Dad. I came home and finished my exercises.  I also worked on some of my 5th grade work and took a nap before going to my baseball tryouts. I worked hard and did a great job at my tryouts. 

  89 Hits


Today I woke up and ran my mile with my Dad then I went back home and did all of my exercises.  I did  some of my 5th grade work which I am getting better at. Then practiced my poomases and self defenses. Last, I can't wait for tomorrow to do more and  I will keep pushing through the cycle and improving in all exercises. 

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Today I woke up an I ran my mile in the rain which was really nice.Then did some of my exercises and did some of my pommases and self defenses. Last I am pushing through the cycle and I can’t wait for tomorrow.

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I woke up this morning and ran at the park with my Dad. We came back home a did some exercises, pomsaes, and self defense. We had a baseball practice and I worked on hitting and pitching. I feel I’m getting stronger each day. I will work hard each day to reach my goal. 

  116 Hits


Today I woke up this morning and went to sparring class and did really good, then l helped out in jr tigers to get my assistant credit then I went to the family class and we worked on combo kicks. Last I went to leadership and we got to make up our pommases which was really fun. Last today was a great day and I can’t wait for tomorrow.

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Today I woke up this morning and I did some of my 5th grade work so I be ready for fifth grade, after that I did some of my coding and typing. I went running and did my exercises. Then I practiced some taekwondo and reviewing my pommases and self defense. Last I went to taekwondo for my black belt class and advanced sparring and I also got my leadership credit while I was at the sparring class. Last I am very proud that I am on this cycle because I worked hard to get here. I hope everyone achieves their black belt.

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Today I woke up this morning and did some of my 5th grade work and some of my typing skills on my computer. Then I did some taekwondo and just reviewing my poomases and self defenses. I ran a mile with my Dad and exercises. Last I went to the jr tiger class to get my assistant credit and went to the senior tiger class to get my leadership credit.  And now I need 5 more leadership credit and assistance credit then I have finished those requirements. I will still go and help students. 

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This morning me and my dad went to the park to run my mile and then I did some of my 5th grade work since I am going to 5th grade. I went to taekwondo to help jr Tigers and take some classes for my leadership credit and class assistance. Last I am thankful I get to do this cycle because this will help me get stronger and this will push me to get better.

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This morning I worked on my Pomsae and exercises with my Dad. We went to the park and ran a mile and my time is getting better. After my agility training we finished my exercises and I was really tired. Today was a good day and I’m getting stronger from doing so many pushups and burpees. 

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Today was my Pretest and I worked hard during each exercise. I will keep working hard to on each exercise. Today I did my Pomesaes and will keep working on them every day. I went to the park and ran my mile run and my time is getting better. After pretest I went to Sr Tiger class and was able to lead exercises. 

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Today was a great day. I ran my mile on a baseball field and went so much faster. I got 12 minutes and I did half of my exercises on the field and half at home. Also I worked on my poomsae self defenses and kicks. Last, I feel like I am getting better and stronger each and every day.

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This morning I practice my pomsae and self defense so I can be ready for my pre test on Saturday. It was raining out side so my Dad took me to my grandma and Paw Paw house to run on treadmill. I am going to do my best on Saturday for my pre test. I was sore in my legs and arms today because of exercise. 

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7/14 Day 2

I started this morning working on my Pomsae’s getting ready for my pre test. I went to the school to run on the track with my Dad for my mile run. I was really tired afterwards but I pushed hard. I also did pushups and jump rope there. I will keep working hard everyday. 

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