
Asa Lapping

Member since: Friday, 09 July 2021
Last Visit: Sunday, 13 October 2024
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Hey guys, It's the big day and I'm 100% faithful that we will all pass and do excellent. Don't forget anything and keep practicing. I'll see everyone tonight. It was an honor doing cycle with everyone.

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Today, was the big physical test and written test. I think I did well on my written test, and I beat everything on my physical test. Now, it's time to go to testing and show them what we can do. After the tests today, I took class at North Charlotte. I then went to work and helped with all the classes. Then I came home and chilled out and rested for a while, where I called a fried and had something to eat. Then I watched some TV, had dinner, and now I am here. Goodnight, everyone! Good job today.

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Hey guys, These past few days I was diagnosed with Flu B. This is why I couldn't come to Friday BBC or Saturday BBC. However, I should be able to get my last Saturday class, on the day of the physical/written test, and then finish sparring and my last mentor session this week. Since I missed school on Friday, I was able to finish up two more essays and I plan to get the rest done sooner than later. Practicing like crazy for the written test, hoping to pass. I will try to rest and get better. Have a goodnight everyone.

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Today, I woke up and got ready for the day. I had chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. After getting ready for the day, I went to school and it was a fairly productive day. I had P.E. and we played matball, my team won and I helped score. After gym, I had Spanish and we worked on notes on a new topic. I then had biology which was spent reviewing tomorrow's test. I then went to lunch in the cafeteria. I went to civics where we had a very boring assignment. I then read the Lord of the Flies in ELA and studied for our math test tomorrow in math. After school, I went to work at Taekwondo. I helped with all the classes and practiced the throw for Hapkido Four. I went home for dinner, chores, and more things for Taekwondo like updating the site. Goodnight everyone.

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Today, I woke up around 9:00, and me and my friend Nate went downstairs for breakfast, bacon and chocolate chip pancakes. After breakfast, me and Nate went upstairs for video games. At about 10:00 we left to drop him off at home. Then me and my Dad went out for errands. We went to Lowes, and then started looking for my spruce tree for my tree requirement. We eventually found one at Home Depot, and then headed home. When I went home, I uploaded a picture of me and my tree to the Facebook page. After that, I worked on some cleaning and then had lunch. After lunch, I watched the Packers-Colts game and we won! I also finished an essay and worked on some of my others. I read my book and then had some dinner, which was leftovers from breakfast. I plan to spend the night, cleaning, chores, shower,...

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  80 Hits

Last Journal!

Today, is my last journal. I woke up to go to black belt class and then got Dunkin’ Donuts and went home. I did a bunch of cleaning and went to my brothers jr instructors camp ceremony. Then my friend came over and we are having a sleepover. Have a goodnight everyone!

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Hey guys, currently at Jr. Instructors camp. Today, I went to school and played four square, watched a show in Spanish, and had an ELA quiz. I went straight home to work for black belt class and assisting little tigers. We practiced weapons forms. I then started assisting with camp. Have a goodnight everyone!

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Today, was a very busy day. I took a unit test in math, did a letter in health, and watched the presidential debate in civics. I went to work where I helped with testing and everyone did very well! I went home for dinner and chores.  I’ll see everyone tomorrow. Goodnight.

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Hi everybody, I hope it’s been a good day for all under the sad circumstances. Thank God for all the brave people 23 years ago. Today, I learned a lot more about 9/11 and watched some documentaries. I went home to babysit my brothers and have dinner. Have a goodnight and stay happy.

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Hey guys, Today, I woke up later than usual because I need some sleep. I then got ready for the day and headed to school. I took lots of notes today, got some projects done, and went to youth law club. Then after school, I headed over to the dojang and watched my brothers test. Then we went to Jason’s deli. Going to have a night of homework, chores, and spending time with my dad. Goodnight.  

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Today, I woke up at 6:00 and took a shower. Then I got dressed and had breakfast. I then finished up getting ready, brushing my teeth, doing my hair etc. Next, I went to school where I played some basketball, started a project in Spanish, took notes in Biology, had some lunch and played a game with my friends, then I had civics where we took notes. I then headed to ELA and finished up a chart that we did on the book we are reading, I then headed to math where we reviewed for our unit test. After school, I had work which meant helping with all the classes and testing prep. After work, I took my last weekday black belt class and worked on stick forms, anyo isa, bolo, and double stick. Then we worked on specials. I went home for dinner and homework. Goodnight everyone.

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Today, I woke up and played with my brothers for a while then took a shower. I then helped clean the house and had a snack. We had a friend come over, watched football, and played basketball. Then we had some dinner and now I am working on chores. See you all tomorrow.

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Hey everyone, Today, was a very long day, but it was a good one. I went to class early and started learning Anyo Isa. Then I took class where Master Evins had us doing rolls, sticks, staff, bolo, and Anyo Isa. Followed by a quick Koryo session. After class, I worked with the little tigers class and Saturday morning class. After work, I went out for pizza and gelato with my friend Caleb and then headed back to the dojang for the Kickathon. It was very fun and sweaty work but I got all my kicks done with help from my friends and brothers. After the Kickathon we all took a picture. I went home, took a shower, cleaned my room, had dinner, and played basketball with my brothers. Have a goodnight everyone.

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Friday and Thursday-9/5/24 and 9/6/24

Hey everybody, yesterday I was not able to journal so I'm talking about yesterday as well. Today, i'm taking a mental health day from school. Plan on getting homework done, chores done, and requirements and essays done. Yesterday was a decent day. I finished up my project in health, took a quiz in Spanish, took some notes with a small assignment in biology, had lunch, then I took even moire notes in civics, did a paper in English, and did homework in math. After school, I headed to work which was followed by sparring. I then went home for dinner. See you later everyone.

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Today, I woke up and took a shower and got ready for school pictures. Then I went to school and played wall ball and got lots of work. Then I went to TKD for work and then went home and had dinner. Goodnight everyone.

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Today was Labor Day so I got to sleep in, after I woke up I had a snack and went for a walk. I then spent the day relaxing, studying for the written test, and reading. Tonight, I played with my brothers, had breakfast for dinner, and played basketball with my brothers. Tonight will be spent cleaning, organizing, and preparing for the week. Goodnight everyone.

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Today, I slept in late because I stayed up late to babysit last night. I spent time with my family today. We went to an antiques shop, a book shop, and got ice cream. I then called friends and had dinner. Expecting chores and relaxation tonight. Goodnight everyone.

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Today, I woke up early for black belt class. We worked on staff and self-defense. Then I worked and practiced staff with Cooper. I then walked home and went to the pool and had hotdogs for dinner. Now I’m babysitting and calling a friend. Goodnight.

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Today, I woke up and went to school. I played basketball and had a bunch of quizzes and a unit test. I then went home and walked to TKD and took black belt class and we did staff and study guide. Then, I walked home and had dinner. Looking forward to a night of chores and relaxation. Goodnight.

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Today, I woke up early and went for a run. After my run, I took a shower and had breakfast. I got to school and played basketball and reviewed for my quizzes and test tomorrow. After school, I went to work and got my last class assistance credit and a mentee and mentor session. I then took a sparring class. I went home for dinner and homework, goodnight.

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Today, I woke up bright and early and took a shower. I then had breakfast and headed to school. At school, I had a basketball lesson in gym, did some notes on irregular verbs in Spanish, did a paper in Bio, had some lunch and played a little handball, went to civics and took a ton of notes, headed to English where we continued reading Lord of the Flies, and then to math where we played games reviewing for tomorrow and I got a doughnut :). After school, I didn't have work today so I spent the afternoon cleaning. I then had dinner and now I am here. Tonight, I will do chores, homework, and more stuff for the cycle. Goodnight everyone.

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Today, I accidentally slept in so I had to hurry to get ready. At school, I started a movie with questions in health, did a quiz in Spanish, did some notes and a small assignment in biology, had lunch, did a small paper in civics, worked on some assignments in ELA, and then had a mini quiz in Math. I went to work after school and got a class assistance credit, leadership credit, and a mentee session. I also had some refreshers on bolo and staff form two, and learned staff form three. I went home for a night of dinner, chores, and homework. Goodnight everyone.

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Today, I woke up and went to school. I played kickball in P.E., did an assignment in Spanish, I took notes and aced a quiz in bio, had lunch and played football, took a lot of notes in civics, worked on assignments in English, and took more notes in math. I went to work and got a class assistance credit, leadership credit, mentee session, and a mentor session, we worked on 1st Dan self defense and stick forms. I then took a 2nds and higher only class for a weekday black belt class where I learned hapkido 4 and the rest of my specials. I went home for dinner and chores. Goodnight everyone.

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Today, I woke up and started my last day of digital detox. I spent the day reading, catching up on requirements, and playing basketball with my neighbors and brothers. I’m glad it’s over and I can start the essay. I’ll see everyone tomorrow at the dojang. Have a goodnight.

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Today, I woke up bright and early, grabbed a snack, and headed to the dojang. I took part in Master Evan’s 15 minute seconds and higher class and then took a black belt class. I also got a leadership credit after that. When I got home I did my requirements. I then read and had lunch. I hung out for the afternoon and then had dinner. Tonight, I will catch up on requirements, shower, clean, and read my book. Goodnight everyone.

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Hey everybody, today I woke up early and had breakfast. I then went to school and had a decent day. I played basketball, watched a show in Spanish, did a paper in biology, I then had lunch and played football. After lunch, I went to civics and did a current event, I took a quiz in English, and then took notes in math. After school, I went home and had a snack. Then I walked to TKD and got a class assistance credit as well as a black belt class. I walked back home and had a night of dinner, chores, talking to a friend and the cycle. See you tomorrow for class. Goodnight.

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Today, I slept in and then got up for a healthy breakfast. I got to school and played basketball, did some assignments in health, notes in Spanish, a chart in Biology, lunch outside, watched a government show in civics, continued reading lord of the flies in English, and took notes in math. I went to work where I got a leadership credit, class assistance credit, and a mentee session. Then I took sparring and got that credit where we worked on footwork. I went home for a night of dinner and homework. Goodnight everyone.

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Today, I woke up early and went for a run. I then had a nice breakfast and got ready for school. At school, I played kickball, finished up Spanish homework, did a few assignments in biology, had lunch outside it was a lot cooler than it has been. I watched a show in Civics with some questions, we started reading lord of the flies in English, and I took a math quiz. I went to work today and got a leadership credit and a class assistance credit. Went home for dinner and a night of chores, homework, and requirements. Have a good night everyone and I will see you tomorrow.

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Today, I woke up early and went for a run. Then I had breakfast and got ready for school. I did some assignments in health, aced a Spanish quiz, took a huge amount of notes in bio, got homework done in Civics, did a reading in English, and won a math competition. After school I came home and relaxed. I then had dinner and went to class where I got my last leadership credit. Now I am working on chores and then reading my book. Goodnight everyone.

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Today, I woke up early to take a shower and get some chores done. I went to school today and played mat-ball. My team sold but I did okay. I got a ton of homework done and jotted down a bunch of notes for bio. I worked on an assignment for civics and some math prep. After school, I went to work and got a leadership credit and class assistance credit. Magnolia and the Sheehan’s attacked me for absolutely NO REASON. But, I destroyed them. It was a sad day because it was Matthew and Tigers last days before college. It was a sad departure but it’s been great learning from them and they will be back to visit. I got home for a night of dinner, chores, and homework. Goodnight everyone.

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Good morning, I have to journal bright and early since my first twelve hour period of digital detox starts soon. Yesterday I went to Black Belt class, got a class assistance credit, and a mentee session. Later that day we went to a friends house to swim. Then I watched a movie with my dad. I'll see you tomorrow. 

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Today I woke up early to go running and have breakfest. I went to school and played basketball, took an English quiz, and finished up homework. I went home for a night of babysitting. Goodnight. 

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Today, I woke up to have breakfest and head to school. We had motivational speakers come to school to give speeches on the future and important lessons. I watched a government show in Civics and worked on ELA assignments. I went to work and sparring where I got a sparring credit, class assistance credit, leadership credit, and a mentee session. I got home for a night of dinner, chores, and homework. Goodnight. 

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Woke up today to go for a run and requirements then headed to school. Played some football and basketball, took a quiz, and did some worksheets. I then had work and got a class assistance credit and a leadership credit. Went home for dinner and chores. Goodnight. 

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Today, I woke up early to go for a two mile run. I went to school where I took lot of notes, played games, and had an assessment. When I got home I did some chores. Goodnight everyone. 

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Today I woke up early to go on a run. Then I got ready for school and had breakfest. Today at school, I played basketball, studied for a quiz, and took lots of notes. After school, I had work and got a leadership credit, class assistance credit, mentor session, mentee session, and a weekday black belt class. Tonight, I had dinner, did my homework, and did my chores. Goodnight everyone. 

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Today, I had a very chill day. I woke up and just hung out with my brothers for the day. Tonight, I spent doing chores and preparing for my week of a lot of catch up on requirements and school. Goodnight. 

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Hey guys,  Today, I woke up early to go for a run and do plank. Then I headed to black belt class where we worked on kicks, poomsae, self-defense, and some hapkido’s. After class, I had a mentor session with Instructor Nate and we worked on 2nd Dan 1-step self-defense and 2nd Dan specials. I got a class assistance credit as well before I went home. I went for a walk and now I’m babysitting my brothers. We also got haircuts today. Tonight I plan on doing more requirements and watching a movie. Goodnight.  

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Friday 8/9/2024

Hey guys, Today was a long but productive day. I went to school and got all my homework done. I’ve also ordered all my school supplies that I need. In terms of Tae Kwon Do I had a mildly productive day earning the following, leadership credit, black belt weekday class credit, and a mentee session, as well as attending rolls and falls class for 10 minutes. Need to work on catching up on requirements and mentee sessions. For the rest of the evening, I plan to eat dinner, do the dishes, and a watch a movie with my dad. Have a goodnight everybody.

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Today was the huge storm and school almost got cancelled. Lot going on at home so couldn’t go to sparring need to get back into the groove of doing things and get a huge catch-up on requirements.

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First day of school:(

My first day of high school was today and it was very chaotic. Luckily, it was only a half-day so it wasn’t too bad. I got home and played games with my friends and that was my day.

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Today I had school orientation and it was crazy such a big place I’m very disappointed summers over. See you guys tomorrow!

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Long but fun day

Today, I had a lot going on. I woke up early to finish up my miles for this week and then I went to see the new twisters movie with my mom. We then went shopping for some back to school clothes. When I got home I played some games and did some requirements. I then went to help out with a little tigers class and then took a rolls and falls class, then black belt class. After that I went out to dinner with some other instructors to celebrate a birthday and now I am here watching a movie with my parents. Have a goodnight everyone!

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Today, I went to work as a counselor at TKD summer camp and got an instant headache from all the yelling. I went to the pool today and had some fun with the kids. When I got back we ate lunch and played games and I told a pirate story. I then went home to rest. Then, I went to back to TKD for a mentor session with Instructor Nate, a leadership credit from helping with line drills, a class assistance credit, and then a sparring class where I got kneed in the thigh but it was an accident so it’s all good. I then came to take a shower and here I am now. Goodnight everyone!

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Today, I basically just went to work. I was with the youngest group and they gave me an instant headache. I then went home to have dinner and play games with my brother. Goodnight.

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Catch up day part 1-7/29

Today I woke up late and I spent the whole day on tae kwon do. I started catching up on stuff at home today and working on my preps. Later in the afternoon I went and got a class assistance credit, leadership credit, a mentor session with Nate, and I took a class. I then got a black belt class for weekdays from this cool seconds and higher class. I got drove home by the two coolest people (Master Marcus and Natasya) and then I had my dinner. Goodnight everyone.    

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7/28/24-Tired and Sore

So today I woke up very early at a sleepover with my friends it was very fun. However, I am extremely exhausted and very sore. Excited to start my week tomorrow new plans to start stretching to try and reduce soreness. This evening me and my family had a movie night and had Mexican food for dinner. Goodnight everyone, stay healthy.

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Friday BB Class

So today I woke up pretty late and started to read. I played with my brothers today and then went to TKD for a class assistance credit, bb weekday credit, and a mentor and mentee session. Me and Instructor Nate worked on color belt poomsae and then I worked with Caleb on kicks. See you guys in the morning. 

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First Sparring Class

Hey guys, today was a very chill day, I played video games with my brothers, drew, and read. I went for a walk and I went to sparring class. I got a leadership 1 and 2 also. I now have both my mentee and mentor now and plan on doing a session with each tomorrow. Goodnight everyone!

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Evan lifts my spirits

The highlight of my day is reading Evan Trogdon’s journals because it just lifts my spirits because he is happy all the time. Also love reading about a puppy named Fred. Just got back from NC and I am prepared to catch up on requirements, journals, and tracking. Goodnight everyone.

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Hey guys, sure everyone is exhausted from the pretest, bummed I missed it. I will be back in North Carolina in a few days. In the meantime I’ve been catching up on requirements. Today me and my brothers and grandparents went to the movies, we made pizza and had root beer floats. I soaked in the hot tub as well. Tomorrow I  continue working on requirements and organizing my book. Goodnight.

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Need to focus

I’m having trouble focusing especially with requirements so I need to get my mind on track with that. My days have been good, went mini golfing and had s'more's. Goodnight everyone.

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Fun times

Over the course of the last couple of days I’ve had a great time swimming at a pond, going out to lunch, playing at the arcade, and getting into the black belt mindset. I’m giving it my all and when I take my pretest I will destroy it. I am prepared to do this.

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Grit your teeth

If you haven’t been on the cycle before let me tell you the first week is the hardest. Especially if you’re running in 90 degree weather. Although I’ve been working hard I have found ways to enjoy myself while doing requirements and thinking about how great it will be to get my third. Focusing on color belt curriculum to be prepared for the pretest. Working on stamina and pushing through obstacles. See everyone tomorrow.

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Days 1 and 2 of the Cycle

Hey guys, Back on the cycle again, and this time will be different. I am 100% focused and confident in my success. Anyway, the first day I was having troubles with the website so that’s why I didn’t post yet. I’m currently in Maine visiting my family and today I played a lot of cornhole. I drove my grandfathers side by side as well. Yesterday, was a family party with games, water balloons and a lot of food. Because of this stuff my goal is too have all requirements caught up tomorrow although I’ve done a bunch of stuff already. Excited to crush the cycle with you guys!

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