
Hassan Khan

Member since: Friday, 19 July 2013
Last Visit: Friday, 21 February 2014
Hassan Khan
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Im in L.A today, I know it seems late and Im a day behind, maybe. But, its 9:00  here and like midnight there. Well I havent done much but get on the plane so wish me luck

  1359 Hits


Today was cool. It wasnt too cold outside and I was inside cozy all day. The only bad part is that we had to go to school on PRESIDENTS DAY. WE should never have school on presidents day, we must honor are presidents, not sitting around learning about volcanos.

  1233 Hits


I went to the mall. Got some cool new clothes and I got some new shoes. Nothing big, but they sold out already. Anyways now, Im watching the all-star game, basketball. Its pretty interesting, I wait all year for the all-star game and now its finally come. IT MUST BE FEBURARY.

  1204 Hits


Today i did nothing. All I did was stay at home playing video games. I mean seriously, the snow kept me inside all day. I couldn't think of anything to do but sit around.

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All A's Much?

Tomorrow I am getting report cards, yep. I got all A's, I looked on powerschool. 2nd time in a row, Im on a roll! Im pretty smart if you ask me, Im in honors and getting all A's. Well, wish me luck for the 3rd quater, Im gonna need it. I also got a 4/4 on my Midterms!!!!!!

  1145 Hits

Today was a bit crazy

Well I had to go to the doctor. The doctor was very nice, then I got bojangles and went to school. We had fun at school today, its probably because I missed science, its not my BEST subject. Anyways, I went home on the bus and not to tae kwon do today because the doctor said so. I really wanted to go to tae kwon do today but, oh well.

  926 Hits

Interesting Day.

Today I went to Tae Kwon Do for the Day Camp. Then I was picked up and we went to get my haircut. Then we went to Best Buy and I saw 3 people who went to my school. We bought a TV and a DVD Player. Then we went to Zaxbys to get some food. Tomorrow I am going to the doctor because I am not feeling well, wish me luck!

  962 Hits

On the plane

I am on the plane to go to L.A. So far it has been boring. All Ive done was play game on my iPad with my cousin and eat bojangles.

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I am getting ready

I am getting ready to go to LA so I wont be at TKD tomorrow. I leave at 4:30 so we have to get going. I just need my mentee to sign the stuff and I will be done with my mentee from.

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I just got finished

 I just finished hoot, shocker right! Then I wrote my essay and uploaded it to dropbox. I thought it was a very interesting book and that will be one of the books I will read again when I am older and I get bored one day and don't have another book to read

  1013 Hits


Yesterday I could not post anything, I actually don't remeber much what happened last night. All I remember is that I woke up in my bed then I went back to sleep. It really is.

  42 Hits


Today I had a quiz. it was pretty easy because I got to work with my partners. I also got an A+ on it. I also learned that I got an A in Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Math. I dont know what I got in my Electives though.

  36 Hits

i could not post on Friday and Saturday, I went to Washington DC

Yep, it was ok. Short flight.. We went to Bens Chili bowl too. Bens Chili Bowl is good!  

  1282 Hits


I did not go tricker treating. I just stayed in my house. I am also getting good grades in school. When I mean good grades I mean A's, in honors. It actually was not that hard. Just work hard. Just like I need to work hard for the black belt cycle

  277 Hits

I did not mean to write TODAY WAS LONG

In my previous one I just men't to write Today

  938 Hits

Today was LONG!

Today I am turning in my essays, recommendations and other things. I hope I pass because I actually kind of believe I can do this. Just need to practice and work harder. Black Belt Tea Ceremony is in 2 days so wish me good luck.

  28 Hits

We can write 2 today?

Im just saying I am wondering if we can write 2 journal enteries today... If we can I would just like to tell you I am going to the Lee Borthers Cup on November 9th and I get my report card and PS4 on November 15th!

  1388 Hits

Well, it was nice knowing you guys

Have you seen my journal enteries, it looks like I am not passing the cycle. Good luck to everyone else though. I will still try but I am probably not going to pass

  873 Hits


This website did not count my sunday and monday journal enteries... THose 2 ment alot to  me.. Now im never going to pass!

  1447 Hits

Uh oh

Today I had a couple of problems... For starters my bowel movements..... It was not so good (No further details). Then I had something even worse.......... POP QUIZ! (Just Kidding).. .But I do have 4 quizes tomorrow so I do consider that POP! ALSO I am learning how to play my violin so....... I need to write my essay on new skills. Thats my tuesday

  1013 Hits

Can I do it?

16 Journal Enteries (This will be my 17th one) and only a little bit of time to go... What if they don't let me test. I need 12 more sparring classes too! So I will do 4 sparring classes a week. 2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Lake Norman and 2 on Fridays and Saturdays at North Charlotte. I hope I can do this

  1030 Hits

My day

I dont have enough time to write that much so let me just tell you a little bit of my day. I had a test and I got a 104, got a 100 on my quiz, got a 100 on all my homework. I did not have to do that much of my requiremnts because Im done with most of stuff. I just need to stop worrying about the physcial and worry about my journals and classes. Im scared Im not going to pass. If I dont pass will I have to do everything over again or will  my data save?

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ALMOST DONE WITH MOST OF MY REQUIREMENTS! I finished alot of my stuff so tomorrow my goal is 500 pushups and situps, and 20 pull-ups if I have enough time to do 20 pull-ups. 

  1002 Hits

Bummer Summer

Summer just ended yesterday...... It was not the best, I had to go through sweat, getting yelled at, being frightened and tears. It felt like I was the antagonist the whole summer but I was just trying to be the good guy. Then the homework and requirements come around and you barely have any time to do other stuff. Thats my bummer summer

  1025 Hits

Homework vs Requirements

Today I went to the first Ridge Road Ravens football game. It was interesting but I had to miss Mock Trials. I was pretty mad about that because you can only miss one practice. Anyways while I was waiting for my parents after school (I did not know that I was going to Mock Trial Today), I started walking around and apparently I got in a mile, plus a half mile for walking around this morning. Then I went to Tae Kwon Do, (Don't ask me who won because I left early). At Tae Kwon Do we worked on self defense, so I need to practice it, ALOT! Then I went home, finished my requirements and did my homework. Who knew this could be so hard because I have a ton of homework and a TEST TOMMOROW! On top of that my legs are really sore from working hard in Black...

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  1038 Hits

Shots HURT

I got a shot today, its required when you go into middle school. It hurt but I was fine, until I took class, the shot wore me out and n top of that i didnt have any water so that made me extra thirsty. Remind me to always drinks water.

  1064 Hits

Shots HURT

I got a shot today, its required when you go into middle school. It hurt but I was fine, until I took class, the shot wore me out and n top of that i didnt have any water so that made me extra thirsty. Remind me to always drinks water.

  29 Hits

School, Piece of Oreos, Not Cake

 Today at school, the work was a piece of cake, I mean oreos. I had a quiz which I got a 100% and in Math I got a good impression in order of operations. Then I had to learn about Good Vs. Bad and I started to think about when life is over should I be a Protagonist or a Antagonist. Then we learned about how you should be neat scientist. Last but not least I started to learn how to play violin, without the bow. I got to Tae Kwon Do but did not get to take class because I had Curriculum Night. I learned some stuff I did not even know. I got a hoodie too. Then I went home to count how many desserts I sold for my school and it was 14! I only need 16 more until I get 30, I have not even got my...

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  996 Hits
  1 Comment

Big week, Next Week

 Next week is going to be awesome! The progress reports come out (I think). If they do the least I can get is 2 B's and the rest will be A's. Also next week is my last week to sell stuff for my school. Then I can start raising money for Levine's again. I also get to do extra requirements because I have a Homework Pass for Science, a Homework Pass for Honors Language Arts and 5 Homework Passes for Social Studies. I don't have any for Honors Math because our teacher doesn't give those away. I pretty sure Im almost done with this really cool book and after that I'm going to read Mocking Jay, Holes, Looser List, I Funny and (Book I forgot the name of). I'm pretty sure I'm going to do one of those books for my essay for the black belt cycle. IM ALMOST DONE WITH...

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  1635 Hits

Longer Day

 Today I had to do all my homework still sick. I had 2 test, a lot of homework and had to do requirements. My mom is really mad at me for staying up late because she thinks that it was causing me to be sick. I think it is just my classmates sneezing and coughing on me

  1052 Hits

Long Day

I had a long day today. I was sick and when you're sick you feel like everything is moving in slow motion. I had a quiz today, Im pretty sure I passed it. I need to sleep but I did get my requirements done but only 100 pushups, sit-ups and kicks today because of the sickness.

  250 Hits

It just got even harder

I have to raise money for my school and black belt cycle. I have to do both of them, I just have to. Then i have tons of homework and I still manage to do all my requirements. THeres like a little handle at school where I can do all my pull-ups, Ive been using it sense day 1. Its time to start the hardness

  898 Hits

Work On It and Work Out It

I did all my school stuff today. Such as projects, homework and studying. Also I got my white belt challenge essay done and I'm starting to more than Im supposed to on the blackbelt cycle. So now instead of 150 pushups, situps and kicks its going to be 250! My dad is out of town and I kind of get sad if my dad or mom is gone. It gets kind of lonely. I also ordered some new shoes off the internet, I hope my shoes get in early. I caught up on my favorite Tv show too, life is good, except that I have to go to school tomorrow! On the bright side I'm starting to learn how to play violin tomorrow so Im pretty excited about that.

  914 Hits

Did'nt go to black belt class

 I went to get my violin today, it's for school. Im pretty sure that's going to be my new skill too. After that we went home to put it back so no one would steal it. Then we went to the mall and got new books, socks and clothes. Then we went to Trader Joes because we we're out of a lot of food. I still got to do my requirements! 

  1068 Hits

Today was LONG!

 It was so long today. I had a quiz in Social Studies, a Math Quiz, a Science Quiz and had to study for our Language Arts quiz. Plus being in Honors classes is way more difficult, but as long I have my academic and my Black belt things done Im good. By the way I just got some CHICKEN WINGS FOR THE GOOD WORK I HAVE BEEN DOING IN SCHOOL, HURRAY!!..........

  1230 Hits

I need to go on!

I really need to go on this website way more, it's bad to fall behind in journal enteries. Im pretty sure Ive only been on this website a little bit of times and it's hard to copy every single thing from your handbook on to here. I hope I pass

  1040 Hits

Haven't been on website

I haven't been on the website because I didnt know how to use it, but now I do and I need to start filling out the days I did in my journal but not on the website. I also had my first mentee session today and Im on the white belt challenge this week. Im scared to fall behind on the cycle but I will try my hardest to do the best I can.

  1342 Hits

Doing Requirements

I did my requirements with Melvin at King Tiger summer camp. I got a lot done.

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