
Matthew Tran

Member since: Saturday, 22 August 2015
Last Visit: Tuesday, 17 April 2018
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Burned toast

Today, I decided to make grilled cheese with Anthony. We cannot cook. The bread was black and hard, the cheese wasn't even melted. College is gonna suck

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PSAT day

Hope all the sophomores and juniors did well on their PSAT today! I didn't have to go to school today but I went to pick up some friends and we all hung out. Went to grab food, the mall, then we went thrifting. Its been a long day, now I have to work on my applications.

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Early Application Week!

I'll be pretty busy working on early applications this week because the deadline for NC State + Chapel Hill is this Sunday! Each requires 2 essays, which should be fairly easy. I've had a lot of practice this cycle and in English class so I'm confident in my writing skills. I plan to apply to only 2 schools this week, because "Free Application Week" is coming up near the end of the month. I intend to take full advantage of the waivers and apply to many other schools that I've kept in consideration.

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Math Miracle!

Today I walked into math class, utterly clueless that we had a test. I still have no idea what a vector is and what purpose it could possibly serve me in the future, but I walked out of the end with a 93. I'm still in awe, I promise I only used legitimate methods. Hopefully, more miracles like this will happen. Especially in my AP Psychology and Chemistry Classes.

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Today was a good day. I got home from school early, took a massive nap and then went to Bojangles with some mates. It was fun eating chicken, blasting music, and driving at relatively high (but mostly safe) speeds. I got home late and I'm really tired so it's gonna be a short one today. Good night

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Today was a decent Monday, besides the fact that my head started hurting and I was feeling a little dizzy in my last block. I'm better now but I might be getting sick. I hope I can recover before Friday if that is the case

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Easy day

Wednesdays are always great for me! The school day was a breeze and I don't have anywhere to be after school on Wednesday so, I spent the majority of the day sleeping but now I have to study for my AP Psy test tomorrow!

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Typical Tuesday

Today was a normal school day. I got a solid 80 on my civics test which I was unprepared for so thats good. I went home, took a nap and I worked on a bit of homework. I also got a new thrasher shirt today which I'm excited to wear soon! 

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Kicking Elbows

Today was the second time I kicked someone's elbow during sparring class. The person I was sparring blocked my kick with his elbow and of course, it hit the soft part of my ankle. It's not a serious injury, but the pain can be distracting at times especially while doing difficult kicks or walking up and down the stairs.

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Katy Perry

Katy Perry has some heat music I'm telling you. I listened to my throwback playlist from the 9th grade in the car today and some of her songs are stuck in my head again. But anyways today was productive. I got a lot of math done and still made it to Black Belt class this evening.

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Gloomy Day

Today should have been great. Two hour delay, the rain clouds lifted, I had plans to hang out with some friends and today was a special date as well. But somehow everything took a turn for the worst as soon as I left school. My entire mood changed even after a nap. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. 

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Mayhem at Concord Mills

Last night at around 9, I was at concord mills celebrating with a big group of friends. One of my buddies is moving to CA in two weeks so we wanted to all get together one last time. We had a great time, it was real fun. We were hanging outside the mall just talking and taking pictures when all of a sudden everyone started DASHING out of the main doors. People, shopping bags, and soft drinks were falling all over the place as people ran away from the mall and onto the parking lot. Throughout all the chaos, I lost my group of friends and was left only with one friend who also was confused. At the time we were not very concerned at all. In fact it was quite hysterical watching a stampede of people. We were recording the whole thing on snapchat and being stupid, but it turns...

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2nd Week Complete

Finally Friday! 2nd week of school went by painfully slow, but I'll get use to it eventually. I have to wake up early tomorrow because I'm heading to downtown Charlotte to attend the Eucharistic Congress with a few friends! 

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Daily Nap

Naps are becoming a daily thing for me now. I'm not sure if this is a positive thing though. Often I would wake up and instead of feeling refreshed, I would feel even more tired and just want to go back to sleep. But it does allows me to stay up and complete all my homework. 

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All Nighter

Looks likes I'll be staying up all night. The amount of work I have is insane. Although I suppose it's my own fault, I choose to hang out with the fellas all day instead of doing homework. But it was fun, having a licenses and a car is life changing! But the downside is that I have to drive my siblings everywhere.

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Labor Day Weekend!

This 3 day weekend is much needed! Well, I need the time to do all my homework, projects and requirements, but also I'll have a lot of downtime to chill and maybe hang out with a couple friends too. Also, I only have a few miles left to complete so I can sleep in on weekends!

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School Flow

I'm starting to get back into the flow for school. The pace for my classes are increasing everyday and I already have two major projects and an essay due soon. I'll be very busy with school, clubs, and tkd. But I need learn how to manage my time better if I want to be successful in college so I see this as a challenge. I also napped from 3-6:30 then went to help out my siblings class and take BB class right after. Now I have to go finish up some work so goodnight!

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School and College(?)

2nd day of school was a success! I changed my classes today to more advanced courses and even though my senior year will be extra challenging, it will surely boost my GPA and look good on my resume. I'd forgotten how tiring school was! As soon as I got home today I took a nap and now I'm working on my essay for English. Also I checked my email a few minutes ago, and I've received an offer from Western University! Although its not one of my top schools, I'll give it some thought.

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First Journal Entry!

First of many journal entries to come! I have been very busy this summer. I have a summer online course but I've been behind in my work lately, which is why I am starting this entry in the middle of the night. I been up late most nights catching up and learning about our country's civics and economics. So far I have been able to juggle my requirements and my summer course quite well, but I'm going on vacation soon so it's going to be a challenge to stay on top of what I need to do. Off to bed now! (right after i finish this quiz)

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Easy Day

Great day at school i got alot of homework done. Im almost done with a project as well so i dont have to do anything this weekend besides tkd. I did some requirements too.

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Today i went to church then i played video games till 5 and then went to sleep until now. So ill just double requriements on monday no biggie

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I dont think i can goto the PMAA beach thing anymore. I dont have a ride there so yeah. Well I can catch up on my school work this weekend then.

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Didnt really do anyting special today. just a normal day of school and requriments

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So excited for the break this week. We have Wednesday off. idk why its in the middle of the week but im not complaining. Anyways just finished my homework and im about to do some requirements.  

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Got out of class at 9:30 and been working on my project since. This class is so extra lol. Whatever thought i better get an A for my masterpiece. Well im tired so gn 

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Some kid hacked the school computers at my school lol. He changed the schools website and stuff it was so funny. But anyways had a great day today and did the usually requirements. 

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Just another average day of school. Nothing too special really. I played basketball in 4th block and i did pretty good against the older kids lol. I might try out next year if i practice more this year. 

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So Cold

It was so cold today it wasn't even funny. when i walked out my front door it  felt like walking in a refrigerator. School was ok. I got home and did pull ups and other stuff. Mainly pull ups tho 

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No teachers

Today was a nice chill day. I had 3 teachers absent from my 4 classes. The only teacher present was my gym teacher. All i did was play basketball in that class lol. It was great

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Labor Day

Had a great labor day! I did all my requirements  and some extra pull ups. After that i just chilled all day. it was great

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Easy Day

Got to sleep in on a saterday it felt great. After that i went to the gym and ran a ton. I prefer treadmills running outside idk why. Then i did alotttt of sit-ups. Then i went some and chilled all day :D

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Oh Hail naw lol

Its hailing pretty bad right now. I Was planning to go out for a run but i guess i cant do that anymore. I will just double the push ups and stuff so i wont have to do it this weekend. 

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Today i got a lot done. We did tons of bur-pees in black belt class. After that i went home and did tons of sit ups and some push ups. I cant wait for this 3 day weekend so i can just chill all day. And do requirements of course. 

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Chill Day

I had a pretty chill day today. I went to school and stuff and i have straight As. lol its only like the 2nd week tho so there only been like 3 assignments so. When i got home from school i went to the gym and did some stuff and played basketball cuz ball is life. And now im tired so ima eat cereal and sleep :D

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Always happy on Friday. I'm excited for the pretest Saturday. First week of school is over thank god. it felt like more then only 5 days. Anyways im gonna go to the Mallard vs Butler football game tonight so that will be fun. after that i will probs do some requirements 

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Um i accidentally did my entry on the wrong account lol. So yeah i had a good day at school today, tons of fun and hard work. I gotta hit the books for real this gear for my GPA. Yeah ima go do requirements now.

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