
Steve Waid

Member since: Monday, 06 August 2018
Last Visit: Saturday, 22 September 2018
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Brains and Brawn?

Tomorrow is our physical and written test.  I wonder how many other sports have a written test?  I played soccer for 15 years and baseball for 15 years when I was younger and I know that we never had a written test!  So, this will be a first for me in this but then it may not be a fair comparison either.   What I mean by that is that Taekwondo focuses both on body and mind. Whereas, the other sports that I played were primarily focused on body alone.  Anyway, tomorrow will be an interesting and challenging day I'm sure!

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Light at the end of the tunnel?

It feels like I can actually see the light now even though it's still several weeks away.  At times it has seemed like I wouldn't make it but now I am feeling better about it.  I have not kept to the pace that I've needed to be but am trying to get there while juggling my other activities.   This cycle stuff is more difficult than I expected.  It's easy to see how important it is to practice at least for a few minutes every day.  Just doing that can ensure that you are maintaining your skills. 

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Tick Tock: Time Doesn't Stop

The countdown continues until testing and the only question is how you spend your time until then.  I continue to try to balance my responsibilities as a parent, as a husband, and as an employee with the requirements of the cycle and it's not even easy at all.  Throughout the journey, at least one has suffered and I honestly put my TKD last among those because it is important but not as important as caring for my family and making sure that I am doing right by them.  I wish that I had more time in the day to spend but that's not how life works.  We all have a finite amount of time and the only question is how you spend it.  Make sure you are spending it so that you don't have any regrets and you are focused on the most important things in your life.   Only you can...

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Inside this weekend

Hurricane Florence did provide me with time to do my requirements this past weekend.  It caused my children's sporting events to be canceled and also prevented me from doing any yard work around my house.  The time was well spent on poomsae and essays.  It also means that I will be twice as busy next weekend! 

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The journey continues

Hurricane Florence did provide me with time at home this weekend to work on my TKD requirements since it cancelled both my children's sporting events and also prevented me from doing any outdoor work around my house.  That just means that I will have more to do next weekend but the t

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A blog or a diary?

For those who remember, before there were blogs there were handwritten diaries.  I suppose they are essentially the same in many ways.  However, there is a distinct difference in that diaries were intended to be private or at least for a very limited audience whereas a blog is quite the opposite.  I still find it funny how some people want to share everything about their lives.  I have never been that type which is why I think I prefer the idea of a diary.  It's more of a documented set of notes to yourself for your own use or reflection.  There's nothing wrong with either but I suspect that you may find that people prefer one over the other.  That could make for an interesting survey or psychological investigation depending upon how far you may take it. 

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Slowly but surely!

As the days continue to roll by without pause, the requirements continue to be a challenge.  My oldest daughter earned her BB several years ago and I am still amazed that she was able to do it with everything else she was doing.  I still hope to earn mine but I certainly have had my doubts simply because I don't feel that I can take the time away from my other responsibilities. 

  569 Hits

Slowly but surely!

As the days continue to roll by without pause, the requirements continue to be a challenge.  My oldest daughter earned her BB several years ago and I am still amazed that she was able to do it with everything else she was doing.  I still hope to earn mine but I certainly have had my doubts simply because I don't feel that I can take the time away from my other responsibilities. 

  625 Hits

Slowly but surely!

As the days continue to roll by without pause, the requirements continue to be a challenge.  My oldest daughter earned her BB several years ago and I am still amazed that she was able to do it with everything else she was doing.  I still hope to earn mine but I certainly have had my doubts simply because I don't feel that I can take the time away from my other responsibilities. 

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So much to do!

Being a father of three and having a full time job already keep me busy.  I took up TKD after my daughter earned her BB but then decided that she wanted to pursue other interests.  I have always wanted to study martial arts but was busy with baseball and soccer throughout my youth.   I am finding it very difficult to find the time to do it all on the BB cycle since I my other responsibilities cannot be ignored.  I do think that I am doing the best that I can and will continue to work hard.  Whether that will be good enough is yet to be determined! 

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