
Satvik Manjigani

Member since: Monday, 12 June 2017
Last Visit: Thursday, 18 October 2018
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
Sophomore at Mallard Creek. Interested in science, math, music, and Taekwondo.

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Entry #24

Today I have a Speech and Debate tournament. I'm really nervous, because this is my second time ever competing, and even though my partner and I are prepared, I'm not sure how we'll do against other students. The topic is whether the US should follow the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and can get kind of confusing at times, but it's pretty one-sided in favor of the US accepting the treaty, so I hope my partner and I get the pro side a lot. Well, that's it for now... back to homework after this!

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Entry #23

Today was kind of busy. Civil Engineering and Architecture was pretty relaxed, but English was not. I had a project due for English, along with an assignment from several pages from our novel. In addition to that, I had to create a presentation for TSA to give to the Academy of Engineering, which took me about two hours from my online classes in 3rd and 4th period. I also had a significant amount of physics work to catch up on. Overall, however, the presentation went great and I am finishing up my work.

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Entry #22

Tonight is testing, and I am nervous but calm. I've been through it once before, and although many people may disagree, it's really not that hard. I have been working on my requirements for the past 14 weeks, and I know all of my stuff. I don't want to be overconfident, but I know I've got this, and I know everyone else has, too. Good Luck to Everyone! See you on the other side.

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Entry #21

Today was the Philippine Combatives Seminar. I went to both sessions, and it was awesome! Guro Melegrito has so much energy, it’s incredible. I knew most of the stick forms already, but the hand to hand was cool, especially when we experimented in the second session. Overall, it was a tiring but amazing experience.

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Entry # 20

Today I realized just how much work I'm drowning in. I don't know how I'll be able to pull it off. Thankfully, almost all of my Taekwondo requirements are done, so I can focus more on schoolwork, but I still have to go in for leadership credits. Even though I'm stressed out, I', still excited for the Philippine Combatives Seminar this Saturday. It'll help me relax a little, besides, I get to see Guro Melegrito again! Anyways, I have a ton of work due tonight and tomorrow, plus a test, so on to that...

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Entry #19

Today was a pretty standard day. I learned about an internship program through my school, and it seems fairly interesting. Once I came home, I relaxed for a bit then got started on homework and continued finishing my requirements.

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Entry #18

Yesterday I passed the black belt physical and written test. I’m very happy that it worked out, and that’s 1/3 of the test done! I’m definitely ready for the overnight and showcase! Now back to my homework...

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Entry # 17

So testing is coming up, and I think (emphasis on that last word right there) that I'm ready. I've been doing my requirements all cycle long, and even though I got behind, I'm still good and ready for tomorrow. Good luck everyone!

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Entry #16

Today was a teacher workday, so I had plenty of time to do my requirements and catch up on homework. Getting up and running in the morning was very interesting because it was chillier than I’m used to, but that felt really good as it cooled me down. In the evening, I volunteered at my Engineering Explorers Post, which was really fun.

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Entry #15

Well the 5-day weekend is over. I got plenty of requirements in, though I’m still kinda upset about the impromptu hurricane class, because I missed out on leadership credits. This is gonna be a really short week because there’s no school Wednesday so I have more time to catch up. Now time to finish up that written test!

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Entry #14

So school’s been keeping me REALLY busy, with 5 AP courses (not easy ones), and 2 of them online. I noticed that I’ve been falling behind on some of my requirements and especially the journal entries. 3 weeks left until testing, and I need to kick into super high gear. I don’t have school until Monday so I have plenty of time to get back on my feet, but I’ve gotta work HARD. To the rest of you out there, keep it up, we’re in the homestretch!

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Entry #13

Today I got up and ran 4.4 miles. Then I came back, ate breakfast, cleaned up my room, took a shower, and started working on homework. After eating lunch, my parents and I went to Wal-Mart to find some bed sheets and blankets for my new bed. Unfortunately, we didn’t decide on anything, but that’s ok. When we came back, I started on homework again. I took a break after a couple of hours to get my requirements in. I’m really glad that I still have one day in the weekend because I have so much homework!

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Entry 12

Today I helped my dad with housework, so I barely had time (except in the afternoon) to do my requirements. I forgot to run today, so I'll run extra tomorrow morning. 

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Entry #11

Fourth day of school and it's getting stressful already. I have to sort out a major change in my schedule, and I have two tests tomorrow. Well, one is a vocab quiz, but the other is a unit test for the material from the summer project for AP US History. Luckily, I have Labor Day Weekend to catch up on anything and everything I'm missing, so that's good. I'm trying my best, and school hasn't overwhelmed me yet, so I'm still afloat. Working on my requirements, knocking them out of the way, and this time, I'm not going to let them get in the way of school...

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Entry #10

Today was the first day of school! It wasn't over-the-top amazing, but it wasn't boring either. My classes seem pretty easygoing and fun, so far... Now that school has begun, I have to get into a new routine for my requirements.

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Entry #9

I woke up this morning with a dry mouth. After I gargled hot water and drank hot coffee, I felt better. Then I ate breakfast and helped my dad clean out some of the remnants of the paint job (paint cans, tools, etc.). I took a shower and go started on my project again. After I took a break for lunch, I continued, until it was time for my open house. Open house was pretty simple because I already know most of my teachers. After that, I went to a mini celebration for completing my summer volunteering at the University Library. I came home and got back on the project.

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Entry #8

Notes, notes, NOTES! Today I woke up to my dad telling me to take out the window meshes because my parents got some people to pressure wash the sides of our house. To get the windows, the mesh needed to be taken out. Half asleep, I fumbled with the notches on the corners of the meshes (some were missing, so I had to use plier to move the nail). When I finished that, I went and brushed my teeth, ate breakfast, then took a shower. After that was time to get working on my summer project. I thought I'd finished the notes yesterday, but it turns out that there was actually more! So I spent most of my day (from 11:30 to 6:00, with a 45 minute lunch break) sitting an taking notes. It got even slower when I had to go upstairs and use my lap and the arm of a...

Continue reading
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Entry #7

We got our house painted last week. It was a lot, but it went by pretty quickly. There are still a few touch-ups here and there, but those will be taken care of tomorrow. I also went to ComiCon yesterday. It was my first pop culture convention, and it was a blast! I bought 3 comics and a pencil portrait of Captain Rex from Star Wars. I'm back on track with the cycle, just gotta keep it up. Lastly, I'm working on my summer asignemnt for AP US History, and it's due in a week. I'm rushing, but it's coming along!

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Entry #6

I updated my tracking for the cycle, and I'm back on track!

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Entry #5

Today, I helped out in Junior Tigers testing. It was a lot of fun! Even though I had to rush there from the library, I still enjoyed working with the kids very much. It was inspiring to see all their energy, and the excitement over their belts. Even though they've got a long way to go, it's fun to see them starting off!

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Entry #4

Alright, so I'm really getting into it this week, kicking it up a notch, but I won't slow down until I start getting at least 20 pull ups, 200 push ups, 200 sit ups, and 20 burpees a day, consistently. I should probably also increase my running to 2.5-3 consistently. Everything else seems to be working out, just gotta keep pushing!

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Entry #3

A new Monday, a new week. I've got about 3 weeks left until school starts. Now is crunch time for the Black Belt Cycle and preparation for school (mainly for SAT/ACT). I'm also working hard on learning the programming language Python as my new skill and to help me in my future endeavors. I'm trying to keep up my requirements, and so far, it looks decent, but I've got to kick it up a notch or two. I finally found a mentee, and it looks like I'll be able to get all my sessions for that. 

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Entry #2

I know I've been getting a little behind on my requirements, especially journaling, but I'm trying to get back on track. It's still relatively early in the cycle, so I have time. My goal is to be 75% done by the time school starts (3 1/2 weeks away). It's really hard to remember to get my requirements done while trying to learn all the new stuff and the first dan stuff, but I'm going to power through it.

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Entry #1

Today is the start of the third week of the pre-cycle. I already started getting a head start on my requirements because I'll have to start doing summer projects for school in a few weeks. I hope I fare better (physically) this cycle than the last, so that I don't end up being forced to cram all of my requirements in at the end. Good luck to everyone!

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Test Day!

It's testing day, and I'm super anxious. I've been tapping my foot the whole day, just because of the anxiety. I still have some homework to do, but I'll finish that, eat dinner, then get ready. See you all tonight!

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Testing, Here I Come!

Tomorrow is testing, and I'm super nervous but also excited. I'm ready, after over 3 months of preparation! I have a lot of schoolwork, so I'd better get to that, and for everyone testing tomorrow, GOOD LUCK(hopefully you won't need it)!!!!!

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Preparing for Testing

I am almost done with my requirements. Now, I just have to make sure I have all of my poomsaes and self-defenses down.

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Losing Sleep

I haven't been sleeping extremely late recently, but I've noticed that I'm starting to get more tired than usual. Especially as I get more work from my teachers, I never seem to have enough time to do it. Thankfully today, I don't have clubs, so I can actually do work. Once this week is over, I'll have a lot more time on my hands.

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I finally got my plant (shrub) today! It was called a "Hot Shot Azalea," but I don't think my dad (who loves plants) has ever kept this specific type. It's pretty cool, not too big, but not too tiny.

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Getting ready for School

Today, I did some requirements and a little bit of homework. I'm pretty sure I have a couple of tests this week, so I studied for English and Physics. Also, I'm excited for the last week of the cycle!

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Physical and Written Test

Today, I got up at 7:00 and got ready for the physical test. I passed all of the segments except for the running (which I was pretty upset about because this time was 18 or 19 seconds longer than during Pre-Testing). I got a 95 on the written test, so that brought up my mood. After that, I changed into my uniform for Black Belt class. I actually got two Black Belt classes! After the first class, I stubbed my toe on the base of the pull-up bar and it started bleeding. I got a band-aid, but that didn't stay on for very long, but thankfully my toe had healed by then. After testing and class, I came home and pretty much just relaxed and did some more requirements.

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Easy on Homework

Nowadays, I don't have as much homework as I used to. This is a good thing, because it gives me more time to work on my requirements and study for the SAT.

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Regular Day

Today was fairly normal. I went over a test in Economics, did some derivative review in Calculus, but we actually had a fire drill in the middle. After school, I went to go sign up for a Math Honor Society, but it was over so fast that I still had time to run and catch the bus.

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Doughnuts and Curriculum Night

Today, when I walked into school in the morning, a group of people offered me a doughnut and a bag of candy (and, yes, they were students). I accepted, not knowing the purpose. Later, I saw an excerpt from the Bible on the bag, and realized that it was a Christian club. Well, the funny thing is, I'm not Christian, but a doughnut is a doughnut, regardless what religion you are! Later, after school, I had to miss Taekwondo because I had Curriculum Night to attend (I have duties to several clubs at my school). Overall, it was a pretty fun day.

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Bad Coffee

This morning, in physics, another student decided to make coffee, and I had some. I typically love coffee, but this did not sit well with me, and I was limping between classes. I'm better now. Luckily though, this didn't really affect me on my physics and economics tests today, which I think I did pretty well on. After school, I helped out at Taekwondo for a little bit, before going to an Engineering Explorers Post Meeting at EPRI. Overall, today was fun.

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Chill Day

Today was a pretty chill day after PMAA. I didn't do much besides homework and some requirements. I also helped out my mom with her Dance School anniversary.

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Day Off...

Today was a holiday for me and every other CMS student. I got to sleep in a little bit (thankfully), before waking up and starting on my requirements and homework. I luckily got through my requirements pretty quickly and started on homework. In the afternoon, I went to Taekwondo to help out and try the sparring class. Unfortunately, the sparring class, while giving me some great practice and tips, didn't actually count! That's okay though, because hopefully I'll be able to get credits from the PMAA Beach Training this weekend (I'm super hyped!).

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Quizzes and Tests

Today I had two quizzes and a test in school. My quiz in Physics was a little worse than I expected, but Economics was a bit better. Then, in Calculus, I was initially stressed out, but I did a lot better than I thought. However, I was actually really close to getting a perfect score! Then, I went home and did some requirements. Ready for the 4-day weekend ahead!

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Absentee Homework

Since I missed school on Friday with a field trip, I have homework to make up fore my classes. It's not a lot, but it's going to take some time. Luckily though, I don't have much else to do today other than requirements and my online class.

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Today, from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to Taekwondo, I was extremely tired. I almost fell asleep during school, and could barely manage to stay awake. Luckily, when I went to Taekwondo, I was moving around, so that woke me up. Other than that, I did some more requirements.

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Delayed School

Today was a delayed start to school because of the weather. It was nice because I wasn't as tired as usual when I woke up. However, after I came home from school, I had to start on my requirements immediately because I had stayed after school for clubs. Then, I went to Taekwondo, helped out, took class, and got a mentor session in.

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Online Class

Today, I went to Sparring and Black Belt class in the morning. Although my feet got a little torn up in sparring, it was still fun because we did a bunch of sinuales in black belt class. Then, because my parents were both out of the house, my uncle came and picked me up, dropping me off at home. At I ate a small lunch, then prepared for my first online class training for the  SAT (which is in November and unfortunately conflicts with the Kukkiwon Cup). Luckily, this isn't as strenuous os some other courses, and hopefully it doesn't get in the way of school work or requirements. The class for today was pretty fun. Afterwards, I did some requirements.

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End of Another Week

Today wrapped up the second week of school, which by the way, is moving REALLY slowly. I have a little bit of homework over the weekend, which is good news, so hopefully I'll have time for other stuff. Well, I'm kinda tired, and don't have to wake up until 7, so good night.

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Stacking Homework

Homework is beginning to stack up for me. Most of them don't assign daily homework, but collectively, I'm assigned a significant amount each night. On top of this, I have to go to Taekwondo class every day now (except for Friday and Sunday) to catch up on requirements I missed when my ankle was healing, so that means even less time for homework. Hopefully, reforming my desk into more of a desktop feel (today I hooked my laptop up to a monitor and it worked) will help me be efficient.

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Today, I walked home from school. It was painful because I forgot to wear my brace. Also, it was really hot, but I made it through after an hour. My shirt was soaked from sweat! After that, I cooled down, ate something, did some homework, then went to Black Belt class. Now time to get ready for another day of school.

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New Computer

I got up this morning and went for a run. Since we didn't have any milk at home, my mom came with me and we got coffees for us and my sister. Afterwards, I went to Office Depot with my dad to get some binders and pencil sharpeners (since school already started, everything's on sale!). Then I came home  and tried hooking my laptop up to a desktop monitor, but I'm missing a couple of adaptors for the cables. Later, I did some homework and some requirements.

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New Record

Today I ran 5 miles, my new running record! Also, I did some other requirements and some homework. For the most part, pretty chill day.

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New Desk

Today I got up in the morning and ran three miles. I decided to turn around when I realized my shoes and socks were soaked from the dew in the grass! Later, my parents and I assembled this U-shaped desk they bought a week ago which arrived a couple of days back. It took a few solid hours,  but eventually we got it done. It was HUGE, taking up more than half of the room! I did some requirements when I took a couple breaks from the constructing, but overall, it was fun.

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Rough School Schedule

It's getting to that time in the first week... where I get really tired because of the timings. I come home and sleep without wanting to because I'm just so tired. Hopefully this clears by next week, or else everything gets progressively worse.

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2nd Day of Schoolh

Although I am taking difficult courses this year, so far, it seems bearable. Sophomore year is decent so far, but I don't see many other underclassmen. Today, I was yawning all day in school, but thankfully I didn't sleep so I should keep that up and get some sleep now. Good night y'all.

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Ceremony + Open House

Today, I got up in the morning and had to help my parents prepare for a religious ceremony we were going to conduct. Afterwards, I drove with my dad to open house to meet all of my teachers. They were all really cool! It feels kinda weird saying this, but I'm excited for school!

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New Staff Forms

Today I woke up a bit late, but I worked on some school stuff in the morning and afternoon. Then at Black Belt class, I learned two new staff forms! I first only saw the differences between those and the one I already knew, but eventually, I could the similarities.

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The Solar Eclipse

I went to Columbia, SC to witness the total solar eclipse. It was absolutely amazing. The whole event last about 3 hours. Unfortunately, there was so much traffic that I got home just in time for a quick mentor session before King Tiger closed for the night!

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Preparing for the Eclipse

Today, my family was preparing for the eclipse because we're going to South Carolina to see the total eclipse tomorrow. I also got some more practice driving and cut the weeds in our front and backyards.

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Saturday Class

Today I woke up at 8and got ready for Sparring and Red-Bocho class, It was a lot of fun, although I struggled because of my ankle. Sparring was   nice although I need to stop pulling my kicks and instead extend more with power. Overall great day!

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A Guest

Today, my little cousin came over to bake with my sister. Having him over gave me a nice break to the usual routine. Speaking of which, I am adding more and more as my ankle heals up!

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Back On Track

Well, as of yesterday, I was back on track with my driving. As of today, I am officially back on track with my push-ups and sit-ups (but gotta increase the number soon!). Hopefully I can get back to running (or at least walking), now that my ankle is doing much better!

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End of a Roadblock

Today I finished my online course. This is really good because now I have a lot more time to get on requirements, which I did right after I finished. I probably overused my ankle, but it was worth the exercise of the rest of my body.

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A Healing Ankle

Although my ankle is not completely back to normal, I can start exercising it more, as well as walk on it more often (albeit with a limp). The swelling across the top of the foot has all but disappeared. Because of this, putting weight on my foot is not an issue, however, descending the stairs puts pressure on my ankle unless I turn it outwards. Hopefully, it all heals up by the end of the week!

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A New Kind of Workout

Last Wednesday, I twisted my ankle in class. I didn't realize how bad it was until I got crutches the next day. This is actually the first time in my life that I've needed crutches! However, yesterday I tried walking on both feet a little and it was quite painful so I stayed mostly on my crutches. Today, I began to walk on my own a little more, and to ease the pain (and instead of medication), I started exercising my foot by circling it in the air, moving my toes, and massaging it.

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Today was pre-testing, and I was a little hyped up. I didn't quite meet all of my goals exactly, but that's what the cycle is for. I thought that there was going to be color belt poomsae and self-defense also, but I suppose not. Now that I got a taste for how testing is going to be (at least the physical requirements), I know exactly what I need to work on!

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