
Rykar Knapp

Member since: Thursday, 11 July 2024
Last Visit: Thursday, 17 October 2024
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

I am a 7th grader in school. I am a member at King Tiger Harrisburg. I am going for my 1st Dan.  

Tea ceremony, here I come

Finally done with all of the glory, work, crap, and tears of the cycle. I had such a good time at the open testing, finally rested up. I have a bruised hand (brick break), bruised leg (thanks Abraham), and a bruised side. See you all on the 11.

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Tonight is the big night

Yes we have made it!😃 All we have left is tonight, Saturday, and the tea ceremony. I wish you all good luck tonight.  

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Hurricane again and final exam

Good morning everyone, I wanted to let you guys know that the final exam is tomorrow and dont forget to study. Have a good day 

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Last journal entry

Hey everyone. This is my last journal entry and I want you all to know to it has been an honor getting to work with you all, talk with you all and pray with you all. Hope you all do well on the final exam and DON'T QUIT! I have learned so much about you all and have told you all so much, sometimes it feels like were all family, knowing each others stories. I have a good rest of the cycle and if you go to Harrisburg, see you tomorrow, and if you don't see at the final exam.

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Hey guys

Hey guys we're on the home stretch. Don't forget to be studying for the test next week. We got this

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The pain of being someones boyfriend

Good afternoon, I just got back from school and it was okay my girlfriend's friend was out today, so she keep yapping to me about random crap. Hope you have a good day.

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Final Four

Hey everyone hope youre doing well, I'm on my final four journals for the 2024 black belt cycle. Today I had school and hung out with my girlfriend. Have a good day

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Honor bad tryouts

Good afternoon today I had honors band tryouts today. I will be going to my sparring class and weekend black belt class. See you all at the kick a thon.  

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8/5 My butt hurts

Okay I know that was a weird title but it's true. I had to do my falls today and situps on hard wood floors. I helped out in a senior class and got a mentor with Master Foster and a mentee session. Have a good day

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Mid-Week and iReady

Hi everyone, I had to do the math iready test. I also had mid-week church thing. Hope everyone had a good day

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I'm D-o-n-e with this school stuff

Yes i am very annoy with school right now. They have assignment all this random crap that is just being a pain in the butt. Like i have fricking requirements that have to do. Uhhhhh. Stupid Delta math, stupid read theory, stupid iReady. I hope you had a better day than I did. Enjoy

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Last day at the beach

Good afternoon, everyone. It's my last day at the beach. I saw my girlfriend, visited friends, played in the water, and completed my tasks. Have a good night.

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3/31 Beach day again

Hey everyone, I'm having a great weekend at the beach. I'm able to get my work done, have fun in the ocean, meet friends, visit my girlfriend, and enjoy the weather. Hope everyone had a great day.

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Today was an amazing day. We stayed at a condo in Topsail, NC for the weekend. I completed most of my work requirements here and had a lot of fun. I hope you had a good day too.

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8/28 Quiz E Poo (don't ask)

Good night everyone. I just got back from midweek at my church, we learn about our reason for being alive, I saw a fellow belt belt candidate, Abraham. I had a "quiz e poo as my teacher Mr. Timmerson calls it in history. Hope everyone had a good day. Night 

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8/27 No more weekday BBC! LETS GO!!!!!!!!

Good afternoon, I just got all my weekday black belt done so no more BBC classes. I got a mentor session done with Master Knight. Had the iReady test today. Hope you have a good night.

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8/26 Homework heck

The dreaded homework, the dreaded iReady, the hated Delta Math, the terrible pacer test, and the horrible requirement biting my back that i have to do at 8 at night. UHHHHHHHHHH. I wish the cycle could be all over the summer so its easier. Oh well, I guess I will be fine in the end. Have a good rest of your day.

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Good afternoon, I first went to church today, then did my requirements, cleaned, had my Grandma come over to help my sister with sowing, listened the Post Malone's new album, F1-Trillion. Have a good day.

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8/24 taekwondo all day

Good afternoon, I'm currently doing my white belt essay. I had a mentee session, sparring, class, and leadership. Cant believe we're half way through the cycle, it feels like we should have been here a month ago. Body being a pain in the butt. Cant believe all the things I accomplished over the cycle so far: I learned and memorized all poomsaes, got a girlfriend,  help out many people, went to black belt classes, and able to do a pull up. Good luck everyone on the next half, don't give up. Have a good day.

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Morgan Wallen & Testing

Good afternoon, Yesterday I helped out during testing, It was my first time helping out during testing. I also listened to some Morgan Wallen. Have a good day

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8/21 Glorious homework

Good afternoon, I just got done with the dreaded homework. This is getting very annoying because it delays my requirements big time. I get out of school at 4, get home about 425, and by the time I finish getting ready, it's 445 and homework takes 30 minutes, so. Yay. Have a good day. 

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Good afternoon Hope you had a good day. I'm practicing for a honors band. Getting all my requirements and everything is going smoothly. Hope everyone has a good day.

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Good afternoon, just got done with taking a shower, I went to Church today, it was good. Spent the rest of the day doing requirements and listening to Morgan Wallen. Hope everyone has a good rest of the day.

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I'm a white belt

Good afternoon, I just got done with all my requirements for the day, I got my first mentee session in (I know I'm behind), started the white belt challenge, finished my class assistance part of the cycle, and did a sparring class. Overall a good day. Even though its getting hard dont give up. Have a good day.

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Oh my, good lord

Good night everyone, I know this is later than I usually do it, and to be honest, I just forgot and didnt want to get behind. School week is FINALLY over, over all a pretty good week( I may have gotten a gf already😏). When I got home I cleaned up, listen to some Shaboozey to before my class(its my get focused and prepare to be sore for four hours). Even with the workouts at there max, I still did fine. Hope everyone has a good day.

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Good afternoon, I just got done with my requirements. School went well, a girl asked for my number and I liked her a little so, yay that was good. Have a good day.

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Good afternoon, I just got done with requirements for the day, it's getting hard to do them with me not getting out of school until 4. Have a good day.

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Good morning, Team USA tied for first with China so, yay and today is the last day of summer, I'm 'bout to have to listen to Last Night by Wallen to be prepared. Please let there be something to delay Tuesday, August 12, 2024. Have a good day

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Good afternoon everyone, today I had to watch my churches live sermon today because my mom had covid and did not want to get people sick, still the sermon was good, got to see my friend get baptized. I found out that Deadpool & Wolverine made one billion dollars today. Hope everyone has a good rest of the day. 

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8/10 Im back

Good afternoon, I had my no tech for 24 hours yesterday so I had no journals, and it was painful, I wish I did it today because i have taekwondo for the first haft of the day. It was still good because i was able to get stuff done then. Taekwondo at the Olympics starts today so I hope the US win because right now its south Korea. Have a good rest of your day.

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8/8 When it rains, it pours

Good morning, open house went well. I saw some king tiger people there. I got maybe good teachers(haven't heard anything bad about them or good things about them either). I got the homies in all my classes. I'v been listening to Luke Combs: when it rains, it pours and hurricane. Hope the power doesn't go out or flood. Btw, who names the hurricanes? Have a good, rainy day.  

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Open house(maybe)

Good afternoon, open house for Hickory Ridge middle school starts in 2 hours, if we dont get a full hurricane. Doing my requirements now. Have a good day, and if you go to HRiMS(they make us call it that), see you there.

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8/6 My hatred for school

Good morning, I got to sleep in today. I'm a bit annoyed because open house is tomorrow and school starts in one week. Starting 7th grade in Hickory ridge middle (the best middle school). Hope I have a math teacher for more than a few months. My friends should hopefully be in my class. Got to say, my brain will need to get used to school real quick because the most math I can do is 2+2=4, and don't get me started on ELA. But who knows, maybe this will be a good year (I maybe will get a girlfriend). Question, whats it like on the first day if your home schooled? Well hope you have a good day. 

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Good afternoon, pretty chill day. My mom woke up sick and my dad was at work so it was a do nothing day. Had plenty of time to do my requirements. I have a junior tigers class then a black belt class. Have a good day.

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8/4 Church

Good afternoon, I had to wake up early today because I had church today. The sermon was good. Then I got groceries, did my requirements, and did some cleaning. Have a good day 

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8/3 Taekwondo day

Good afternoon, I went to sparing class (got a head shot in), a junior tigers class, a normal class, and then leadership. Master Foster for leadership made us lead a group some of our own warmups. Cant believe we're getting another storm. Got church tomorrow. Have a good day.😃😃😃

  30 Hits


Good afternoon everyone, Hope everyone is have a good day. First I went and did my requirements in the morning, then ate lunch, finished my first essay, and watched Guardians of the Galaxy for its 10th anniversary. Now all i have left is to go to Taekwondo, and then relax. Hope everyone is have a good day  

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Good afternoon, I just got done with my requirements for today. First my Grandma comes over to visit, then I watched the new Batman series, and last did my requirements. Have a good day.

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7/31 Braces

Good afternoon, today I just got braces, now I'm sore and have a class today. Have a good day

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7/30 busy

Good afternoon, hope everyone is doing well, first my friend came over and we played video games, then I did my requirements for the day, and last I went to my other friends house and fished. My sister started to play with the hook and hooked my finger. Overall a great day. Bye

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7/29 Robert Downey Jr is Dr Doom. What!

Good afternoon, I pull up my phone and the first thing I read is "Robert Downey Jr is announced as Dr Doom at SDCC". Who's idea was it to make him Dr Doom (the Russo brothers), like he's Iron Man. I don't know hope it's good. On the other hand I have a junior tigers class and a black belt class today. Just found out that school starts soon (hope I have a math teacher for more than a few months). See you there. Have a good rainy day. 

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Good afternoon, I just got back from church, The sermon was about the last supper (this was by coincidence and had nothing to do with what happened in the Olympics). Hope everyone I having a good Sunday. Starting requirements soon.

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Good afternoon, First I got up and went to my sparring, then I helped out in a Junior tigers class and last leadership (Master Foster did a great job leading that class). I also had to do my requirements when I got home, I found out that today the requirements increased, so that through me off a little bit (and my body was sore from sparring). Then I watched some TV. Have a good day 😀

  50 Hits


Good morning, hope everyone is doing well. Anyone going to see the new Deadpool movie. Taekwondo in the Olympics is August 7. Cant wait for the ceremony at 1:30. Starting my requirements soon. 

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Good afternoon, hope your are all doing well. Lost track of the days, so now I'll just put the date as my title. Hope the rain will stop. Doing my requirements right now.

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Day 7

Good afternoon, I just started my requirements for the day. I have a Back Belt class. I also got started on my essay on Atomic Habits by James Clear. Hope everyone is doing good.

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Day six

Good afternoon, Just got finished doing my requirements for the day.  Got to see my Grandma today also. Good luck.

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Day five

Good morning, body has stopped being sore. Still catching up with everything from last week.

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Day Four-ish

Hi, I know its been a few days since I did my last blog. I was at a church camp. It was a great time. Met a lot of good people, got a girlfriend, (check Hickory Grove Baptist Church Facebook page for photos) and had good sermons. I also went to church today (we did a sermon on Mark 14). Got some of my requirements done. Time for a catch up week

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Third day

Good morning, Just finished doing my requirements. Sore but still going. I have a junior tigers class and my first black belt class today.

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Second day

Good afternoon, I'm already two days in and sore. I thought that the first two week would be easy but I was mistaken. I'v already been working hard and sore and it's only day two. I just finished my work for day two and I am practically dying. I also just finished Atomic Habits ( I'v been reading it since June).

  47 Hits

First day

Hey I started my cycle today and also did my pre-test. I am excited to be on this cycle. I helped out in a junior tiger class and did sparring 

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