
Rohunn Gopalakrishnan

Member since: Thursday, 20 July 2017
Last Visit: Thursday, 25 October 2018
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Journal 28: October 6th

Today I had the public black belt testing. I woke up, did my morning stuff, then I did my physical requirements, then I went to black belt testing. After I came back, I took a shower and went to my friends birthday party. After that, I came home and went to sleep.

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Journal 27: October 5

I didn’t go to school today. I needed some rest for the black belt testing tonight. I first did all my morning stuff, then I did my physical requirements and then played a little Fortnite and did my studies and ate lunch and then I went to sleep. When I woke up I just practiced my poomsaes and self defenses and then just chilled out until testing. I need to go to testing now. Bye.

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Journal 26: October 1st

Today was a normal weekday. So I really don’t need to explain anything.

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Journal 25: September 30

Today was a normal weekend, so you should know what I did today.

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Journal 24: September 29

Today was a normal weekend other than the 2 PMAA session. So it’s pretty the normal routine after 3 pm.

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Journal 23: September 28

Today was a normal weekday, so you should already know what I did. If u don’t, that’s just sad.

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Journal 23: September 27

Today was a normal weekday. You should already know what I am going to say.

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Journal 19: September 23

Today was a normal weekend. So I don’t have to explain. You should already know what I mean.

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Journal 18: September 22

Today I had black belt testing and I think I did good. I also went to a birthday party. It was a lot of fun. That’s it.

  558 Hits

Journal 22: September 26

Today was a normal weekday. You know what I am going to say.

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Journal 21: September 25

Today was a normal weekday. You should know what I am going to say.

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Journal 20: September 24

Today was a normal weekday. So you should already know what I am going to say.

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Journal 17: September 17

I had no school today due to Hurricane Florence. Apparently, Hurricane Florence created a lot of wet and slippery roads which was the reason why school was cancelled. Anyway, let’s get to the point. I woke up and did all my morning stuff, then I did my physical requirements, then I ate breakfast, then I did my studies, then I ate lunch, then I played Fortnite, then I played with my friends, then I went to Taekwondo and when I came back, I ate dinner and then slept. Bye.

  607 Hits

Journal 18: September 18

Today was a normal day. I woke and did my morning stuff, then I went to school. When I came back, I did my daily ritual and did my physical requirements and then went to Taekwondo. When I came back, I ate dinner, which leads us to where I am now. Bye.

  653 Hits

Journal 16: September 16

Today was a normal day. I did all my morning stuff, then I did my physical requirements, then Kumon, then lunch, then I watched the Panthers game where unfortunately the Panthers lost against the Falcons 24-31. Then I did my Kumon again, then I did my daily ritual, then I ate dinner, then I worked on my essay which takes us to where I am now. Bye.

  596 Hits

Journal 15: September 15

Today was a normal day. I woke up and did all my morning stuff, then my Taekwondo physical, then Kumon, then lunch, then I played Fortnite, then I did my Kumon again, then I did my essay, then I ate dinner which leads us to where I am now. That’s it. Bye.

  621 Hits

Journal 13: September 13

Today was a normal day. I did my morning stuff, then went to school and had PE, then I had science, then social studies, then lunch, then recess, then ELA, then math and then I came home and did my daily ritual, then I came to Taekwondo and then ate dinner which takes us to where I am now. Bye.

  659 Hits

Journal 12: September 12

Today was a normal day. I first did my morning stuff, then I went to school and had band, then I had science, then I had social studies, then lunch, then recess, then ELA, then math and then I came home and did my daily ritual, then I did my school homework and then my physical requirements, then I did my essay and ate dinner which takes us to where I am now. Bye.

  624 Hits

Journal 13: September 11

Today I had a normal day. I did all my morning stuff and went to school, then I had science, then social studies, then lunch, then recess, then ELA, then math, and then I had math club. Later, when I got home, I did my daily ritual, then I ate a snack, then I went to Tae Kwon Do and came back and ate dinner and then finally did my homework which takes me to where I am now. It is 11:35 so good night.

  660 Hits

Journal 12: September 10

Today I had a immunization injection. I did my normal morning stuff, then I went to school and had band, then science, then social studies, and then ELA. Now here comes the different part. 5 minutes into math, I was called out for early dismissal for the shot. I am not sure why but it is a state law that I have to have the shot taken. I was OK with getting the shot but I was totally not ready when the doctor told me that I had to take THREE shots. I still done it anyway though. After that I came home and did my daily ritual, then I ate a snack and then I went to Tae Kwon Do. After that I ate dinner and continued on my essay called the History of the Kwans which takes me to where I am right now. I think I am going...

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  706 Hits

Journal 11: September 9th

Today was the kickoff of the NFL season. I did my morning stuff, then I did my Tae Kwon Do physical stuff and then I did my studies. After that I went and played with my friends, then I came back home and watched the Panthers game where the Panthers won 16-8!! Then I finished one of my essays which takes me to where I am now. I am getting sleepy. See you later....????.

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Journal 10: September 8

Today was a normal Saturday. I did my morning stuff, then I went to Tae Kwon Do, then I came back home and played Fortnite, then I did my studies, then I did my Tae Kwon Do physical stuff, then I did my daily ritual, then I went to play with my friends, then I came back home, ate dinner and went to sleep. That’s it.

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Journal 9: September 7th

Today was a normal school day. I had Band, then science, then social studies, then lunch, then recess, then ELA, then math, then programming club. When I came home I did my daily ritual and played Fortnite. Then I did my take kwon do, then Kumon, then I ate dinner and now here I am. That’s it.

  595 Hits

Journal 8: September 6th

Today was another MAPs testing day. After PE, I had ELA MAPs. It wasn’t that hard. After that I had lunch then recess, then all my course and finally Builder’s Club. When I came home I did my daily ritual and went to Kumon. After that I went to Tae Kwon Do and then came home and ate dinner. Here am I now. Bye.

  586 Hits

Journal 8: September 5th

Today was a MAPs testing day. It is pretty much the EOGs except there really isn’t any reason to stress out. I did my morning stuff, then went to school, then had band, then MAPs(today was math), then lunch, then recess, then my courses for 30 minutes each because of MAPs testing, then I came home, did my daily ritual, then I went to Tae Kwon Do and then came back home, finished my studies, ate dinner, and now here I am journaling. I have to sleep now because of ELA MAPs testing tomorrow. Good night.

  676 Hits

Journal 7: September 4th

Finally, after the long weekend, we have SCHOOL! BAM BAM BAAAAAAAMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! WHY!? WHY CAN’T THE WEEKEND BE ANY LONGER!? Whatever. Let’s get to do point. I woke up at 6, did all the normal morning stuff that everyone does like brushing, taking a shower, eating breakfast, etc. Then I went to school. I first had P.E., then science, then social studies, then lunch, then recess, then ELA, then Pre-Math 1 and finally had Math Club after school. It was the first meeting this year. After that I came home and did my daily ritual and then did my school homework. After that I went to the Black Belt Class and then did a session with Master Cavazos. After that I came home, ate dinner and here I am now. I better go to sleep now. I have MAPS testing tomorrow. Good night.

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Journal 4: September 1st

Today was a simple day. I did all my studies in the morning, then played Fortnite(my favorite game), then ate lunch, then went to the temple, then I came back and played with my friends, then did my daily ritual, then ate dinner and went to sleep. Done. I know it’s short but this really all that happened.

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Journal 5: September 2nd

Today was pretty much yesterday, I finished all my studies in the morning, then played Fortnite, then ate lunch, then went to play with my friends, then I came back and did my daily ritual, then I went to the temple for an event, then finally came back, ate dinner and slept. That’s it. It’s simple like yesterday. I guess weekends are short.

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Journal 6: September 3rd(Labor Day)

Though today was Labor Day, it was a pretty normal day except that there was no school. I finished all my studies in the morning, then played Fortnite, then ate lunch, then went to play with my friends, then I came back and did my daily ritual, then did my school homework and finally ate dinner and slept. Pretty simple isn’t it. Yeah, I thought so too.

  647 Hits

Journal 3: August 21, 2018

I had a normal day today: I went to school, had electives, then science, social studies, ELA, and finally math. When I came home I took a bath and did my daily ritual and then did all my physical requirements including poomsaes and self defenses. After that I went to Tae Kwon Do which leads me to where I am now. Also, though I've tried everything, I am not able to figure out how to log my daily requirements, so if someone would aid me I would really appreciate it.

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Journal 2: August 17, 2018

Today was the 2nd day of school. My school starts at 8 am and ends at 3 in the afternoon. We first had electives, then science, then social studies, then ELA, and finally we had Pre-math 1. After school I did my daily ritual, played Fortnite, did my daily taekwondo requirements and studies, and finally watched the Panthers game in which the Panthers won 27-20 over the Dolphins!

  599 Hits

Journal 1: August 15th 2018

I had a decent but not really a normal day. The morning was normal, I woke up at 8 and went jogging and did all the daily physical requirements including practicing all my poomsaes and self defenses and then finished my studies. Then the abnormal part came, me and my sister had to go to the eye doctor instead of my normal playing Fortnite and friends. I was fine but my sister needed new glasses since her power rose a lot. After that it was normal again, I went to taekwondo and then did a daily Hindu ritual call sandhyavandanam. That’s all for today since my school starts tomorrow.

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