
Patrick Hjarding

Member since: Tuesday, 17 January 2017
Last Visit: Wednesday, 25 April 2018
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Done with the black belt test

It feels good being done with the black belt test. Today I could just relax when I got home from school. My father told me that next week we will have to get back to running and doing both push-ups and some sit-ups. I am looking forward to Friday when I get my new belt.

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Thursday before testing

Today was the last day before testing tomorrow. I went to school as always. I spent my afternoon and evening going over everything in between doing some school work. I believe I am ready for tomorrow..

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Today I went to school and it was a good day. After school my father brought me up to King Tiger to do my last mentee session and to do one last session with my mentor. When I came home I went for a run.

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Normal Tuesday

Today I went to school after spring break. It felt really weird having to go back to school but I was happy to see my friends. When I got home from school I went to go run. I ran 3 miles just before dinner which I was really surprised could make it back in time. We are having omelets and bacon for dinner.

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Back to school tomorrow

Today I had a friend come over and spend the day. We went to pick her up at 9:15 and she stayed until 17:00. While she was here we played some video games and we also played some role playing. We had lots of fun.

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Sunday Game Day

Today I played a lot of video games. We had some friends come over in the afternoon to play while my parents played Dungeons and Dragons with their parents. I had a lot of fun, they also ate dinner with us. Eventually they went home and I played more video games before bed.

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Cold Run and Road Trip

This morning I decided to go run 2.5 miles. It was really cold outside so I decided to put on a coat, scarf, gloves, and a hat. When I got home I had to get ready to leave to go Cary with my mom. She had to pick up some plants and have a meeting at a farm. I got home in just enough time to get ready to go to Tae Kwon Do.

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Spring Break-Monday

We have had a friend's dog over at our house for a few days. She gets along really well with our dogs. My grandmother was here for Easter and she went home today. We got lots of candy from the Easter bunny and a stuffed Peep. Today I went for a 2.5 mile run and spent some time at a friend's house.

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Saturday started out with breakfast and then we went to sparring. Instructor Foster led sparring because Grandmaster Evins was out of town. After sparring we did black belt class with Master Chelley Hartle. When we came home we had lunch with my grandfather. I played video games with my brother and my friends.

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Tuesday catch up

I meant to post about Saturday and the written and physical test but kept forgetting to write a journal. I am really happy that I passed and did really well on my written test. Now on to finishing my requirements and preparing for the over night test. I ran 2.5 miles today and am getting really close to being done with everything. It feels really good.

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Wednesday with Snow

Today I went today I went to school and it was snowing a lot while we drove there. The snow didn't last very long and that made sad. I miss the snow. I went to after school club because my father had training at work. Me and my brother went to kids class at King Tiger and we lined up backwards with the white belts in front and black belts last. Now it is time for sleep.

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Monday - after time change

Today I was extra tired. I almost fell asleep in school. I will got to bed early tonight so I can get some extra sleep. I hope I will feel refreshed tomorrow.

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My dad is gone to instructors camp and we are home with just my mom. I played video games with my friend when I woke up. Later on I went to his house and we ran 2 miles on the greenway. When we got back we ate something for lunch called a "Dutch Baby". I thought it tasted pretty good. My mom picked us up and we went to get 5 guys Burgers for dinner.

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Friday - weekend is here

Today my father left for instructors camp. He went in the car with us when my mother took us to school. For dinner we had pizza and my mom invited a friend over for to hang out. My brother and I got to play lots of video games.

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Today was like most other Thursdays except my mother dropped me an my brother off at home before taking her car to the dealer. She was gone for quite some time and came back in a loaner car. Then we had dinner with some leftover pizza before going to TKD.

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An ordinary Wednesday

Today I went to school as I always have to do on Wednesdays and I had a good day. When I got home I watched some of The Great British Baking Show with my brother. I didn't not go to class tonight because I have completed my leadership 1 and 2 requirements. I will be going to class tomorrow.

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Tuesday Run to King Tiger

Today we ran up to King Tiger to do class. My father's car was at the mechanic to get the breaks fixed and my mother had to go to a meeting. That meant we didn't have a car to drive us up there. The run was right at 3.1 miles so it wasn't too bad. My mother picked us up after class and drove us home. Maybe we will do it again if the weather is nice.

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Sunday with friends

Today we had one of my best friends come over for brunch. We played video games while my mother made Eggs Benedict. After brunch we went for a 2 mile run. When we got back I played with my friend and my brother until we had to go to yoga. When I got home we had dinner and watched Supergirl.

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Friday - finally weekend

Today my mother came home from her trip. It was really good to see her again. I missed her a lot. I also went for a 2.5 mile run when I came home from school. It was really hot running outside. Tomorrow I will get up early and got to sparring and black belt class.

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Thursday with Far

So today my father once again had to take us to school and pick us up. Luckily he was in time to pick us up so we didn't have to go to afterschool. I also finding my book "George" so that can write about that for school. It was a good day.

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Today my mother had to go out of town until Friday. That meant that my dad had to take us to school and pick us up. When I came home from school my brother rode his bike with me while I went for a run. We got freaked out by a guy yelling at someone in a car so we hurried home. After a little while we went back out and finished my run.

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I went to school today. it was supposed to be a holiday but we had to go because of a snow day. I think it is kind of unfair. After school I went and ran 2.5 miles. After my run I got a snack and watched the Olympic men's speed skating. I learned that OR means Olympic Record and 2 people broke it today. It was exciting!

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Jr. Instructor Camp

Last night we had Jr Instructor Camp. This is my third year and my brother got to come with me for the first time. It was fun and I think he enjoyed it too. When I got home, we watched the Hobbit and then I played on the PS4 some with my friends. 

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Today I ran 2 miles when I got home from school. When I got back we put away our laundry and watched some of the Olympics. We had hotdogs for dinner and then went to class.

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The Seminars

Today I had to wake up early and go to the poomsae and sparring seminar. We did the poomsae seminar first and I learned a lot from this experience. We did the sparring seminar after. Grand Master was very funny and it was cool to meet an Olympic athlete. She spoke a little bit of English but needed help with translation. Tonight we watched some of the Olympics. We watched snowboarding and saw the American Red Gerard win the gold medal. He was in 11th place and went to 1st. It was awesome.

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Testing Friday

Today I went my brother's testing. He was testing for his red belt. My brother did really well. I am proud of him. After testing we went to Salsarita's. I ate a really big burrito. When we came home we watched the opening ceremony for the winter olympics.

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Rainy Day

Today it rained a lot, from when I woke up to when I had to go home. I also had to run when I came home and there were lots of puddles so I got wet. Other than that I had a good day.

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Lazy Friday

Today was a a teacher workday so I didn't have school. I was lazy and played video games in between doing my requirements. I did go for a run in the afternoon. Then we had dinner and watched a couple of episodes of Supergirl before it was time for bed. Tomorrow is my brother's birthday.

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Half Day school

Today my mom picked me up early from school because we had a half day. We have Friday and Monday off for teacher work days. My grandmother is coming to visit and take care of me and my brother so my parents can work. When I got home I went to run 2 miles by myself. 

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Too cold

Today I was looking forward to getting some running done at school during PE. But it was too cold out so they made us stay inside. So I came home and ran 2 miles without my mom telling me to. I even did the long run from my house to Publix without my dad for the first time today.

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Lazy Sunday

Today we were lazy. I got started on my requirements at 7 am and got them done early. Then we went to yoga and our friend Alex joined us. He really liked yoga and wants to come back next week. For dinner we had a pizza while we watched Supergirl.

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Harry Potter party

Today my grandfather came up to spend the day with us. He went with us to a Harry Potter birthday party. There was lots of fun activities. We got to make slime. We also drank butterbeer and ate cake. They even had a magician who did a magic show for us. Before we went home I got to say hi to the guinea pigs. It was a fun day.

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Day off

Today we stayed home from school for a teacher workday. I got started on my requirements early. Then we went to play bowling. It was fun. For dinner we went to The Melting Pot for my brothers early birthday dinner and my parents spent a lot of money. It was really good.

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Happy Thursday

Today was really good because we only had 4 days of school this week. Tomorrow is a teacher workday so we don't have to go to school. We had an early dinner tonight so I could go to meet my mentor early and do the make up for my pre-test. Then we had black belt class and came home. 

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Monday Homework club

Today after school I had to go to a homework club at my school. During homework club we have to try and get our weekly homework finished earlier. I am going to homework club so I can get it done and not have to worry about it. This means I have more time to do requirements for black belt!

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Evening with my grandmother

Today I went to school. When I came home I ran 1.5 miles. Then my grandmother came to spend the evening with me and my brother so my parents could go out. She bought us chicken from Publix. We had a really good time.

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Snow Day 2

Today the snow is still here. I didn't go to school again. I mostly played video games while also getting my requirements done. We also watched TV and ate snow cream again. 

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Snow Day

Today it is snowing outside! We got the day off and played outside a bit. I also played video games and played with my friends. I got in a fight with my brothers friend and we had to go home for lunch. Then we went back to my friends house and played outside. Then my bothers friend got in trouble for turning on the hose. Then we got sent home. We also made snow cream and ate it. Then we watched a movie. 

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Back to school

Today I had to go back to school but I wasn't really excited about it. What was exciting is that everyone kept talking about snow! Hopefully tomorrow we will get snow. When I got home, I went for a run. Again. 

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off School

Today I don't have school. I don't have school today because it is Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. I mostly sat around the house while doing my requirements. I also had to go run 3 miles. 

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With a friend

Today it is Sunday. Today we ran 2.5 miles. After running we went to yoga. Then we had a friend over. His parents and my parents went somewhere while our grandmother took care of us. We played lots of video games. Eventually our parents came back and my friend had to leave. 

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Wet run

Today we ran in the rain. After school my mother told me to go run. It was raining outside and I didn't want to go run. When I went outside I went to the spot where I go to run and I started running. After a few rounds around the block I was joined by my father. After one round he did his trail. When I went home after running, my mother took a picture to show me how went I was. 

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Longer distances

Today I ran a longer distance than usual. I ran 2 miles. Yay!!! The reason I am happy is because my father wanted me to run 1.5 miles but instead I ran 2. I ran one mile at school and one mile around the block. 

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A long Tuesday

Today it has been a long day. First I had to go to school. Then I had to go home and do my requirements. After that I ate dinner and went to class. While I was at class my brother was playing video games. When I came home and saw my brother doing a boss fight and I decided to finish it. After that there was these really long cut scenes and my father started getting a little upset about it. After that we went to sleep. 

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Leaving the sleepover

When I woke up it was 7am. I only had 5 hours of sleep!! I woke up at the same time as Elijah (my friend). I got dressed and ready for the day. After that we went to play video games. Then we ate Dunkin Donuts and egg for breakfast. Then we played more video games until I had to get ready to go. Once I had to go we went home because our grandfather was there. We are lunch and then got ready to go to the movies to see the new Star Wars movie again. Then we went out to get chicken wings. After that we went home, had dessert, and went to bed.

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Up late

Today I am going to my friend's house for a sleepover. Yay! After I went to sparring and BB, I went home and got ready to get picked up. Once I got ready they were already here. So I let them in and we left. On the way to their house we ate at a restaurant. I had a burger. After we ate lunch we went to their house and played video games for a long time. Then we ate dinner and watched some Youtube. Then at 2am we went to bed.

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Crazy Friday

Today it is Friday. Yay!!! I went to school after a crazy morning. After school I went home and did my daily requirements for BB. After doing that I ran. When I got back I drank some water and went to my friends house. I played with my friends for a few hours. Then I came home for dinner. After dinner I got on my pajamas and watched Supergirl with my family. Then I went to sleep.

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Rushing Thursday

Today I woke up. I didn't wake up on my own, my father woke me up. I was supposed to do some requirements but I was so tired I went to my mother and father's bedroom and went back to sleep. Then I woke up and got ready to go to school. After what seemed like forever I finally went back home. I did my daily requirements and then went to TKD class. After class I went home and ate dinner. After dinner I went to sleep.

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Today I had a friend over. We played video for a while and then we ate lunch. We also played a trick on our neighbors. Then we played outside some more before she had to leave. After she left, my brother's friend came over to play. 

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Happy New Year

Today it is a new year. We had a party last night. Today we sat around a lot and were lazy. I still did all of my planned requirements for the cycle though!

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Late Christmas (3)

Today I went to my grandfather's house in Spartanburg. It was a hour drive there. Once we got there we hung out with them and opened our presents. We were going to see the new Star Wars movie for the second time but didn't because my nana wasn't feeling well.

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First Run (2)

Today I ran my first mile for my black belt. My grandmother left today after staying here for a few days. I also hung out with my brother for a while and made a few videos so one of our neighbors can see what we have done while they have been gone. We finished a few Legos we got for Christmas. My favorite one is Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle. 

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Christmas (1)

Today it was Christmas. I had my grandmother over. I got a lot of cool things. I had fun hanging out with my family.

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Testing Day

Today is testing day! My mom came and picked me up from school so I could come home and take a nap. I am a little nervous but very excited to get this over with!

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Earth Day at Corvian

Today we had our Earth Day event at school. I learned that instead of throwing away so much stuff we can compost many things such as fruit peels, leaves, and grass. But you can't compost glass bottles and tin foil. Those can be recycled. The reason you can't is because glass bottles and tin foil can not break down. Glass takes 500 to never years and tin foil never breaks down.

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Dinner with Far

My mom has had so many meetings this week that she hasn't been home for dinner with us. But she has been nice enough to make dinner for us every night before she leaves. The favorite thing my mom has made for us to eat is chili! 

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Today we went to see the dentist. I had my teeth cleaned but didn't get an xray this time. I am really excited because I have no cavities! 

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Waking up and going to school on Monday is really hard. I got to go in late which was nice but I wanted to stay with my mom instead of going to school. It was a good day and I am excited that I will be testing for my black belt on Friday.

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Essays done!

Today we had friends over for waffles and sausage. Afterwards, I wrote my final essay for black belt about my community service project. We also wrote one of my recommendation letter requests. We watched Moana, talked to my grandparents in Denmark, and had chips and salsa for lunch. I ran two miles and had a burger for dinner. And I completed ALL of my situps.

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Community Service Day

This morning my brother and far had belt testing. My far got a red belt and Erik got a camo/yellow belt. After testing we went to do our community service for black belt. Far had to take me because my mom was sick. I had fun pulling out the weeds.

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Friends Friday

Tonight we had friends over to hang out. We ordered pizza and stayed up really late watching TV and playing games. It was a great fun night!

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Today we went to Carowinds with a few of our friends from school. We talked a lot and had fun. We went on the Goldrush and then i went on the afterburner with Isiah and Maya. I am so happy my mom bought us season tickets so we can go back many times this year.

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I helped my mom make waffles for breakfast but she did most of the work. We didn't go out because my mom had to do a bunch of work stuff. My dad spent a lot of time working in the yard. I finished of my essays for the black belt cycle. My parents helped me a lot with them. 

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My friends Alex and Alyssa came and spent the day with us because their mom had to work and their dad was sick. It was really fun and we played video games all day. I did go out and run 2 miles but none of them wanted to come with me. Alex can't run because he has asthma. They stayed for dinner and my mom made spaghetti. It was a good day. 

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Nonny visit

My Nonny came to visit and spend the night with us. She came because my mom had to do some stuff to defend her dissertation. I really like when Nonny comes to visit because I love her a lot. I get to sleep with her when she comes. She bought us Hawthorne's Pizza for dinner. 

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My shrub

As part of the black belt requirements we have to buy a shrub and take care of it. We went to Lowe's and looked at roses and other plants. I really wanted something with pink flowers but my mom said it wasn't a shrub. I ended up with a blueberry shrub because she said that would be ok. I hope I can take care of it and not let it die.

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Running and written test

Today I met my goal and ran a mile in 12 minutes and 24 seconds. We had to take our written and physical tests today and while I was nervous I did really well. I think I got a lot correct on the written test. I didn't get to see my friends because they were sick. 

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Sunday not so fun day

I woke up with a really bad stomach ache. I had to sit on the sofa for a while. Then I went upstairs and napped. Then my mom made me go run when I felt a little better. 

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Muted fun

Today I was mute for 12 hours. And I had to go to sparring and black belt but I got through it. We to see Beauty and the Beast. I really liked the movie. For dinner we went to Melting Pot. They used Fondue. It is one of my favorite places to go. 

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My name day

Today is St. Patrick's day which is my name day. It is also my parents wedding anniversary. They have been married for 10 years. We went to food trucks at a brewery called Cabbarrus Brewing. I had chicken wings!

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Google Home

Today my father got something called Google home. You can ask it questions it can answer most of them for you and most of them for you.It is very good entertainment for me and Erik.It is so AWESOME!!!

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Corvian 5K

Today I did a 5k at Corvian with my mom, far, and brother. I ran with my mom and Erik and far beat us. This was my 3rd year running it. It was fun hanging out with my mom.  

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Happy Friday

When we got home from King Tiger I got to go play with my friends until it was time for dinner. We hung outside on the trampoline. We had pizza for dinner and I am happy it is the weekend!

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Bearnaise and asparagus

Tonight for dinner my parents made my favorite meal. Bearnaise sauce, grilled steak, homemade fries, and asparagus. My favorite part was the Bearnaise sauce and the steak together. I really like trying new foods because sometimes they become my favorite foods! Oh and we got dessert too!

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Up goes the airhog

Today I went outside with the airhog and I made it fly but it had a mind of its own and landed on the roof. It got stuck in the gutter and we couldn't get it down. It was Erik's and he got really really upset. Far isn't here to help but I know he will come after instructors camp to help.

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Nonny came to visit

Today I didn't have to go to King Tiger because Nonny came. She is my grandmother. We really have fun with her every time she comes.

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JA BizTown

Today we went to BizTown in uptown Charlotte. When we got there, we went down underground to a room with shops. We went to our shops and were told to read our checklist of stuff that we needed to. My job was a physician at urgent care. My main job was the send out bills to the CFOs of each business. I also had a few patients who came to me and said they needed a check up. This was a really fun field trip and I learned a lot. 

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Acts of kindness

I have been working hard on doing my acts of kindness. I give my parents extra hugs whenever I can. I even let my brother get what he wants even if I wanted it. It makes me feel very good when I do acts of kindness.

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Jogging with friends

My friends helped me get 2 miles of running done today. When they came over for a visit, they brought their scooters and we went out with my dad around the neighborhood. It was exciting because I was faster than them.

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I can do it!

Today I finished my requirements for training and did some extra pushups and sit ups for a total of 210 of each. I am really proud of myself for getting all of my things done in one day. Training is hard but I can do it.

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Day off from school

Today I had a day off from school because of Presidents' day. I went to Defy Gravity with my friends and we had lots of fun on the trampolines although I hurt my heels on a trampoline. After playing at Defy Gravity we went to a store nearby that sells used stuff. I bought a wooden bird for $6 and Erik bought some Pokemon cards. 

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Run on the Greenway

After breakfast I ran 4 miles on the Greenway with my Far and my little brother Erik. I was tired at end but it felt really good. I am proud of having run 4 miles.

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I feel better

Yesterday I had to leave school early because I wasn't feeling well. This afternoon I feel much better but I had to miss sparring and black belt class. I am looking forward for when my mom comes home from her overnight meeting for work.

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